Chapter Six: I have nothing to lose

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"Jonah Marais, taken down? Hell yeah. I'm in."

Paige and I quickly move around, and see a boy standing. The boy, from the party, with the beautiful brown eyes. "Tell me everything."

"Who the hell are you? And why are you eavesdropping on us?" Paige crossed her arms and looked suspicious at him. I wanna say something as well, but I'm too mesmerised by his eyes. Again. Why does this boy and his eyes intrigue me so much?

"My name's Zach Herron, and I wasn't eavesdropping." The brown-haired boy smiled confident, mirroring Paige and crossing his arms as well.

Zach Herron. Why have I never seen him around at school before?

"Then what do you call this? Accidentally hearing what we were saying?" Paige sounded triumphantly.

"Exactly." He grinned widely.

"Who even are you?" I finally manage to say something.

"Like I said, I'm Zach Herron. I'm new here at school, I just transferred," he explained.

"And why should we trust you with our doings? We don't even know you," Paige pointed out.

"We have the same goal, and that's taking Jonah Marais down. Don't you think that's enough to trust me?" He runs his hand through his hair, quickly glancing at me.

He smiles, making his eyes light up. I feel my cheeks turning crimson by the way he's looking at me, and that's something that has never happened to me before. Usually I make boys nervous, not the other way around. usually I'm in control.

"How do you even know Jonah Marais? Like you said, you just transferred here. How can you already have problems with people?"

Paige has a point. This, him wanting to pair up for revenge when he doesn't know us, or someone at this school at all, is weird and suspicious.

"That doesn't matter. We want the same things, have the same target, so why not just do this together? More chances of success, and more ways to handle this." The boy shrugged.

Then he turns to me. "And besides that, I think you owe me this. You know, for snapping at me at that party," he grinned.

Paige whirls around to face me, with countless of questions in her eyes.

"Long story." I sigh, and then look at zach again. "I don't owe you anything. I didn't snap at you, I was frustrated because you made me spill my drink all over myself," I growl.

"And those frustrations really hurt my feelings." He put his hand on his heart and made a pathetic face. "You gave me emotional damage."

"Just shut up already," I snarl.

"Look, I want the same thing as you guys." He looked at me again. "And from what I've heard, Harley Wilson, you have nothing to lose."

My cheeks start burning again. He saw the account.

Paige quickly jumps in. "We don't talk about that." She pauses for a moment. "If we do this, Zach Herron, we're gonna play it by our rules."

"I won't promise anything. You always have to bend the rules when playing a game, and Jonah definitely started one." Zach grinned with confidence.

Paige and I quickly look at each other, and then shrug. He's right. I have nothing to lose.

"Alright." I cross my arms. "Let's do this. Let's get revenge on Jonah, together. But I swear, Herron, if you ruin this for us, you will pay."

"I won't. I want to see Jonah suffer as much as you want."

I don't know where this is gonna go or where it's gonna lead us, but I do know it's gonna be interesting.

Time skip

Paige and I decided, since Zach is now part of our revenge team, we might as well take him with us to come up with a plan. So that's what we're doing now, skipping school to drink hot chocolate and figure out how to take Jonah down.

"So," Paige started. "Does anyone have any ideas?"

I just shrug. Hurting Jonah like he hurt me sounds very appealing, but I have no clue how to do so.

"I would suggest we start with simple things. Slash the tires of his car, steal his clothes when he's at football practice, that kind of stuff. Just letting him know someone's messing with him," Zach proposed.

"How do you know he's in the football team?" I ask him suspicious.

"That doesn't matter." Zach grinned. I have a feeling this guy knows a lot more about Jonah than we do, and the fact he doesn't wanna tell us from where he knows it, concerns me.

"That sounds alright." Paige nodded in agreement. "What else do you have in mind, Herron?"

"After we do those things, it's time for the more serious part. We have to make him terrified, give him the feeling someone's constantly watching him and keeping an eye on him," Zach continued.

"Isn't that like, stalking?" I ask.

"Of course it is. What did you have in mind? Putting glitter and confetti in his locker?" Zach laughed. "No, we have to make sure he knows he made a mistake messing with you, with us."

"I guess," I shrug. "What's the final thing to do?"

"The last thing we do is making him feel how you felt. We have to dig for something that's really gonna ruin his reputation, that's gonna make him feel embarrassed and ashamed, and then share it with the whole internet. Just like he did with you."

"Isn't that a little extreme? I don't wanna make him anymore mad than he already is," I say worried.

"Cut that crap, Harley. Remember what he did? He shared every single private moment you've ever had with the whole internet, just because you didn't have feelings for him. This has to be extreme, Harley. Because what he did, that was extreme," Paige yelled.

"Paige is right, Harley. If you really wanna do this, if you really wanna get revenge on him, then we have to go extreme. You have to fight back. And besides that, he's gonna be too embarrassed to even be mad," Zach claimed.

"I guess..," I mumble.

"I don't wanna upset or anything like that, but the entire school has seen those pictures and videos. Jonah invaded your privacy. Don't you want him to pay for that?" Zach asked.

"Of course I want that," I respond.

"Then this is the way to go," Zach concluded.

"But what if involves the police? It's not like anything you just said sounded legal," I say worried.

"Leaking someone's personal business isn't either. He can't go to the police, then he and his friends will get busted as well," Zach claimed. "But he can get away with everything he did, if we don't fight back. Is that what you want? Just leave it like this?"

"You're right. He can't get away with this." I'm starting to gain confidence. So what if Jonah gets mad? It's not like he can humiliate me even more, or get the police involved.

"Then that's settled. We have to start this plan as soon as possible, so what about tomorrow? We can go to his house when it's dark to slash the tires of his car and maybe leave a little message," Zach proposed.

"I can't tomorrow, I have to watch my brother," Paige sighed.

"Then it's just you and I." Zach turned to me. "So what do you say, Wilson? Ready to do this?"

I quickly look at Paige, who shrugs and smiles. Then I turn back to Zach. "Let's do this."

I have a feeling this isn't gonna end well. But do I care about that feeling? Of course not.

𝐁𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 ~ 𝒛𝒅𝒉Where stories live. Discover now