Chapter 4: Terrified of a Memory

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My eyes fluttered open, but my vision was foggy. My throat hurt it was scratchy like I had been screaming. When my vision final cleared, I recognised the arched ceiling of the infirmary above me. The green-grey curtains were pulled around me. The memories began to flash back through my head. Boggart, Bellatrix, Black. "damnit" I muttered trying to sit up.

"Woah there Granger" Emmeline was sitting in the chair beside the metal framed bed "you gave us quite a scare"

"I passed out?"

"you did a bit more than that love" she said helping me sit up "it was strange, the Boggart turned on you but it kept changing forms, we couldn't see what it was" her face was lined with worry "You started to scream and sob and then you just passed out"

"sorry, I didn't mean to" my head was pounding "I should've held it together better"

"Hermione, what was it? What did you see?"

"it was Harry, and Ron" I added quickly. She nodded in understanding she didn't seem to sense anything was wrong. I couldn't tell her, i couldn't tell everyone that I was terrified of a memory. Hermione Granger, war hero. Terrified of a woman who is dead. "well, I'll leave you be". She stood from the wicker chair beside the bed. "There's someone been waiting to see you". Malfoy came round the curtains. I fixed a weak scowl on my face. "Play nice Granger" Emmeline winked at me before leaving.

"come to gloat?" I asked swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I was still in my uniform, I noticed quickly that my wand was not in my pocket. "where's my wand?". Draco tilted his head towards the bedside table where my wand was sitting.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay?" he had a genuine look of concern plastered across his usually smug face.

"why? So, you can stab me in the back later?" I growled.

"give it a rest Granger" he said stepped towards the bed, he pulled a slim purple potion from his robe pocket. "from Slughorn, he says it should help you sleep"

"I don't need sleep"

"you look like hell, so I think you do"

"thanks" I muttered. I tried to stand but my legs buckled slightly.

"woah, take it easy" he reached his arms out but I instinctively jumped back.

"Don't touch me" it came out more forced than it should have. I pulled my arms around me, trying to seep some warmth into my constantly freezing body.

"what did you see?"

"why do you care?", this newly reformed Draco Malfoy act was getting on my nerves. He just waited for an answer. "Ron and Harry" I said "there? Are you happy?"

"McGonagall sent an owl to London". I let out a groan "Harry and Ron are coming"

"great" I sighed.

"what did you really see?"

"Malfoy, get out!" I exclaimed. He walked towards the gap in the curtains, his bleach blonde hair stark against its gloomy colour.

"you screamed "I didn't take anything"" he said quietly "you screamed "I didn't take anything" and then you were gone" then he shifted through the curtains. Draco Malfoy wanted something from me, but what I hadn't quiet figured out.

It took me less than five minutes to convince Madam Pomfrey that dehydration and a lack of breakfast had a caused my "faint spell" as I had put it and that I would be fine in a coupe of hours. I was out of the infirmary about five seconds before Ginny appeared in front of me. "Mione!" she said grabbing me into a tight hug. My throat contracted and I pushed her off without too much force. "are you okay? Is everything alright? What happened?"

"woah Gin, one question at a time" I said stepping back to take in her current outfit, which consisted of her Qudditch jersey, her grey school skirt, her Qudditch shoes, her goggles around her neck and her robe haphazardly thrown around her. "you aren't going to practice like that are you?"

"no, stupid" she laughed "we have vistors! And I may have been in the middle of changing when I found out". Before I could even reply she raced down the corridor towards the Great Hall. The corridors were quiet and the clock outside the hall told me it was just after two. Lunch had just finished. It was heart warming sight to see the dark-haired boy sitting across form his ginger companion in their old seats at the Gryffindor table. Harry stood the minute he saw Ginny sprinting down the hall. She ran into his arms and he spun her around. He kissed her lightly on the lips before returning her to the ground. I stopped inside the door. It had only been about four weeks since we had seen them, Auror training had begun before the school term but it had felt like centuries. But when I saw Ron I didn't feel the elation I just seen from Ginny and Harry, I felt this unusual uneasiness. I felt stuck where I was, as if the ground had swallowed my feet. Ron walked towards me. His ginger hair all over the place, his crooked smile full of joy. He pulled me into a hug before I could even say anything. Harry smiled at me, but his eyes went wide. I didn't look that bad, did I? I was beginning to feel claustrophobic when Ron finally pulled away. I took a couple of steps back. Giving him a small smile.


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