Chapter 30: Live For Love

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I don't remember how I got to my old bedroom at home. My parents home. Why was I here? They wouldn't remember me. It was decorated just like it had been the day I left. I was lying in my bed. Everything was bright. I was still dressed as I had been in the manor. But I didn't hurt, I didn't feel any pain. I stepped through my bedroom door. I was in the basement of Gringotts bank, just as it had been the day I entered disguised as Bellatrix Lestrange. "Funny isn't it" a familiar voice crooned "what our mind chooses to show us in these moments". Sirius Black stood looking at me, my breath hitched.

"I'm, am I?" I stuttered.

"no, not yet" he chuckled "getting rid of you is not that easy Hermione"

"where are we?"

"wherever your mind has chosen to bring you"

"why here?" I looked around; the cavern was empty.

"what happened here?" he asked, smiling slightly at my confusion.

"we almost died" I said breathlessly.

"you'll have to narrow that down further for me" he laughed.

"we came looking for a horcrux, we escaped on a dragon"

"certainly sounds like you lot" he chuckled "but how, how did you choose to escape on a dragon"

"I decided, in that moment, I just jumped" why didn't I understand what was going on? The room began to shake, one of the trollies used to get around the bank shuttled in. Sirius got into it.

"that's my que" the trolly shuttled on.

"wait!". The room flashed bright white.

I was standing at the edge of the forbidden forest. It was dark, like it was about to rain. I heard voices beyond. Harry, Umbridge and me. Why? What was going on? "that's a question only you can answer unfortunately" Remus Lupin leaned against Hagrid's hut.

"Lupin" my eyes welled up "what's going on?"

"you tell me Hermione; this is your dream" he chuckled.

"I tricked Umbridge to save Harry's life" I choked out "why Lupin, what's going on?"

"you saved Harry's life" he repeated before walking into the forest. Another bright white flash.

I was on a street in London. Not just any street, the street down from the coffee shop where Draco had taken me that day after we met in St. Mungo's. I spotted the café, Draco just walked out it's doors. A smile on his face, one of relieve and love at the same time. "it's an interesting thing, love" I turned to find a grey bearded man standing with a copy of the Times in his hands. Dumbledore.

"why do you say that Sir?" I had given up asking what was going on, I knew better than to ask a ridiculous question over and over.

"it makes us do the most peculiar things" he chuckled "have you figured it out yet, Ms. Granger?"

"I'm not sure Professor" I took a breath "the moments I've seen don't seem to have any connection"

"ah, but they do" he closed the paper and tucked it under his arm "you see, my dear girl, without you, the events after these moments would've led to grave grave consequences"

"I have to say Sir, they led to grave consequences anyway" I sighed.

"had you not forced Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter to jump that day in Gringotts, you would've all been killed and Voldemort would've have destroyed this world" he motioned for me to walk with him down the bustling street, Malfoy still stood outside the café, a grin on his face, the likes of which I had never seen. "had you not distracted Professor Umbridge that day, Harry would've been tortured, and you never would've made it to the Ministry to protect the prophecy"

"and what about this moment? Nothing life changing happened to anyone after this"

"but something did happen to you, Ms. Granger. It was in this moment you realised that life might just worth living if the person you loved was there"

"love?" I sputtered.

"can I ask you a question, Ms. Granger?" Dumbledore didn't look to me, but took my silence as his answer "what are you so afraid of?"

"I, I don't, I can't lose him" I admitted.

"live, Hermione, live for that love. That is what we all fought for after all" he gave me a smile and a nod before walking out into the crowded pavement.

"Professor!" the old man turned.

"Do I have a choice? Whether or not to go back?"

"there's always a choice Ms. Granger, but both you and I know that you really only have one option". He smiled before disappearing amongst the London crowd.

 A bright white flash.

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