Chapter 25: We're All Mad Here

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I stood in the middle of the apartment, looking around. Harry had told me they made it look like I had been here alone all term, but I hadn't. It was all my things. But Draco Malfoy of all people had been here. Draco, why? Why had I been with Draco. Harry hadn't gone into the details, maybe because he didn't know. I didn't know either, but I knew something would jog my memory. I looked around and then began rifling through drawers and boxes to find anything that gave me a feeling that it wasn't right. By the time I had ransacked the entire apartment; I had a few items. My bottle of ditiny, a box of muggle painkillers, a black sweater, a bowl of green apples and a book. Alice in Wonderland. My mind switched back to that night on the tower, it had come to my mind a quote from Alice in Wonderland, why?

I paced up and down, picking each item up. I couldn't remember why, but I had a feeling. I had a feeling that something was different about them. Then it dawned on me. I had remembered, I had remembered something when I had jumped. I had remembered him, remembered how I felt, remembered what he now meant to me. I left the apartment. I would find an Auror soon enough. Unfortunately, it was Ron I came across first. "great" I muttered to myself.

"Hermione" he rushed to me "thank Merlin you're okay"

"I have a question" I said flatly, I didn't want to have this conversation with him.


"what charm did Draco use to take my memories". Ron seemed shocked that I had asked him of all people.

"Obliviate" he said "isn't that what you need for taking memories away". I groaned. Stupid, stupid boys. "what?"

"you use that charm to completely wipe memories, he used to just take a few days" I explained "that's my my head hurts, it's why I'm so unfocused, it's why everything is fuzzy"

"oh, right"

"did nobody think that trying to do that would have any side effects" I exclaimed. Ron just went red. "can you please tell someone to get Harry to find me when he gets here". The Auror's had spent months on constant rotation in the castle, I knew he'd be here by evening.

"Hermione, I'm sorry" he was being genuine.

"me too" I said walking away.

"what can I do?" Harry asked as he walked onto the viewing platform on the Astronomy Tower. I could see his discomfort as I tried to ignore my own.

"I know why I'm as agitated and off as I am", I explained the charm, the problems it caused by removing certain parts of Draco but not all of him. "but I think I know how to get them back"

"Hermione, he took them for a reason. He was trying to protect me"

"and what a great job that did!" I was so frustrated "harry, I can't do this anymore, I can't live like this". He nodded, he knew I was in pain. "but, I know how to get them back. I remembered something, when I, when I" I looked to the banister.

"no" Harry walked away "are you mad? You can't be serious about this"

"Harry, I need to know". He shook his head.

"I'm not going to let you push yourself over the edge again, Hermione, I can't let you, even if I can safe you. No"

"fine, I'll figure it out on my own"

"Harry, I'm in so much pain, and I can't live like this anymore. I can't live in a world of darkness" I said "I don't care if it puts me in danger, I don't care anymore because if my mind doesn't work then I'm worth nothing, I'm worth nothing". Harry shook his head. "Please, Harry. Trust me". He swallowed his tears and stood back; he took his wand from his pocket. "what are you doing?"

"I'm helping"

"you don't have to" I whimpered.

"I want to" he forced a smile. He pointed his wand at me.

"Stop!" a voice yelled from the darkness. He ran out of the shadows. His blonde hair stark against his dark clothing. "don't touch her" Draco Malfoy panted. "don't use that on her" he panted. My hands were shaking, so were his. Why couldn't I remember him the way I should? Why couldn't I remember him? It was in that moment that my head started to hurt, it was pulsing. I started screaming.

"aghhh, Harry, please do something" I screamed, tears ran down my face as I dropped to my knees. It was like someone had set off a siren in my mind. Images flashed across my mind. First year, the sorting ceremony. When I was petrified, when Draco and Harry played their first match of Qudditch against each other. When I punched Draco, the Yule Ball, Umbridge's Office in fifth year, sixth year when he took the Dark Mark, Malfoy Manor. Bellatrix. Then all I saw was him. His smile and laugh. His lips on mine, his arms around me. I heard a dull voice, begging me to stay with them. Light.

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