Chapter 7: Bridges

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I was running, sprinting as fast as my legs could carry me. I flung spell after spell over my shoulder. Ron and Harry were running too. Harry just beside me, Ron just behind to my left there were about five of them, they were fast, but not as fast as us. They found us. The snatchers. We had seen them before. We kept running. They were catching up. "Harry" I screamed and flung my wand towards him. His face became deformed. The snatchers didn't touch them though. They grabbed me instead.

"this is all your fault Hermione" Ron said walking towards me.

"it was your perfume" Harry said "how could you do this Hermione"

"I'm sorry" I cried.

"Hello gorgeous"

"Hermione" Ron said once more "This is all your fault"

I shook awake. Thirty minutes, thirty bloody minutes I'd been asleep. Madame Pomfrey cam round the curtain. "are you okay dear?"

"yes, of course" I sat up "I do have a question"

"anything dear"

"do you know of any muggle born healers in St. Mungo's?" I asked.

"unusual question but I do" she smiled "shall I get you the name?"

"that would be wonderful, it's just some research for the future". The old woman smiled, delighted to be of assistance.


My sleepless nights became standard as the term dragged on. Halloween cam and went and a regular glamour became routine for me. I was fine, I just didn't need Ginny worrying. I was meant to be strong for everyone else. I didn't see Draco much after the night he tried to help and failed miserably. Ron had apologised. He sent bunches of flowers and at least five letters a week. I hated flowers, I had given them to Neville. At least that way they would be enjoyed. I filled my replies with talk of study and school, but I never once mentioned the fight. I just forgot it. When my path crossed with Malfoy again, we were deep in Christmas exams. I was tucked into a chair in the restricted section of the library after my potion's exams. My nose was stuck in my Transfiguration essay when he entered. "do you ever sleep?" he said, he meant it as a joke, if only he knew how funny it actually was.

"can I help you?" I muttered not taking my head out of the book. He put a plate on the desk beside me. "what is your obsession with feeding me?"

"you don't eat" he said "I'd hate for you to die off and not be here to gaze at my wonderful features"

"has anyone ever told you that you are an insufferable swine?" I glared at him. He just chuckled walking to the window to watch the beginning of the snow fall. The Womping Willows had shed it's leaves and the grounds were beginning to be cover in a soft dusting of white powder.

"you've been avoiding me" he said. It was true I had been, dodging into empty rooms, avoiding his eyes as much as possible.

"do you blame me?"

"I'm sorry Granger I was trying to build a bridge"

"walk off of it" I muttered.

"was that supposed to be a joke?" he laughed "you mean you've actually discovered the joys of a sense of humour?"

"I'm full of surprises" I said closing the books.

"don't I know it" his lip had a scar on it.

"sorry about Ron" I whispered, quiet as a mouse, gathering all of my books and scrolls together.

"why are you apologising for the weasel?" he asked "sorry I meant Weasley"

"because I know he didn't" I sighed, walking towards the door.

"how is that going?"

"mind your own Malfoy" I snapped.

"so I'll take that as my answer" he muttered.

"Ron and I are amazing, fantastic, wonderful

"I'm sorry if I scared you that day"

"it's fine Malfoy, forget about it". I was around the corner when he spoke again.

"Granger, where are you going for Christmas?" I leaned against the bookshelf, his blonde hair was all over the place. He wore black jeans and a Christmas green v-neck sweater with the sleeves pulled up.

"I need to go to London for a few days" I swallowed "but then I'm going to the Weasley's"

"Right" he nodded "of course you are"

"what about you?"

"I haven't decided". Then it hit me. He didn't really have a family to go home to. His Dad was in Askaban, who knows if his mother was still around. I just nodded. I began to walk away before changing my mind and ducking back around the shelves.

"Malfoy" I said, he looked up and smiled crookedly.

"you just keep coming back Granger"

"Thank you, for looking out for me". His smile just got bigger. Stupid idiot I thought. But I smiled anyway. Wait, why was I smiling. Get it together Granger, I thought. He's Malfoy, it doesn't matter how nice he is, he's Malfoy, he'll always be Malfoy...... won't he?

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