Chapter 11: Smash

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Hagrid had a body in his arms. Voldemort kept talking. But this wasn't right, something wasn't right. Hagrid turned and the body, it had blonde hair. It was Draco. Draco was dead. The Dark Lord laughed. I screamed. Mr. Weasley held me back. I kept screaming. He was dead.

I shook awake. Where was I? where was I? Where was I? Ron's room, The Burrow. He was beside me. His arm resting on my waist. I slid out of the bed. I was sweaty, my face wet. I was going to be sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up, once, twice. I washed my face. Water. I needed water. I tip toed down the creaky stairs into the kitchen. The embers of the fire were still smouldering. The Christmas tree in the corner stacked with misshapen presents of all colours and wrapping styles. I took a glass from the cupboard. Gargling water to get the taste of vomit from my mouth. I was so tired, so done with fighting whatever this was. I couldn't shake that image from the dream. There were footsteps on the stairs. Ron stepped into the kitchen, sleep in his eyes, his hair on end. "are you okay?"

"yeah, just a bad dream" I muttered.

"when did they start again?"

"they never stopped" I said, as he grossed to the cupboard to get a glass.

"they'll stop eventually" he said so uninterested "I mean they did for me". I just nodded. He tried to kiss me. I shrugged him off. He tried again. I slipped out of his grasp.

"I'm not in the mood"

"course you aren't" he said under his breath filling the glass from the tap.

"what did you just say?" I turned.

"I said of course you aren't, because you never are" he was clearly frustrated with me "you don't let me touch, you're jumping around like a child in a haunted house all of the time, you're terrified of me being anywhere near me"

"maybe if you stopped being so aggressive"

"don't put this on me"

"Ron!" he wasn't even going to ask was he.

"No, Hermione. Everything is okay, everything is going back to normal except you."

"Ron, there is no normal" I exclaimed "there will never be a normal again"

"why can't you at least try" he begged "why can't you at least try, like we were when we came home first"

"what like you are? You don't even ask if I'm okay, you pretend life can just go on like normal. Then you beat up someone who was just walking past you"

"don't bring him into this" he yelled.

"no, I will. You can't do that and then blame me for being a bit cautious"

"who are you and what have you do to Hermione" he laughed.

"I'm not the same person I was, and neither are you, look at what you did to Malfoy"

"we aren't talking about Malfoy" he turned away from me.

"fine then, walk away from it like you always do"

"excuse me?"

"yes Ron, that's what you do when life gets hard. it was too hard for you to do the NEWT's so you took the easy way. It's too hard for you to talk to me about you feel about everything so you don't. You walk away, just like you did this time last year. It was too hard and you, you walked away from us" next thing I knew the glass in his hand went flying across the room and smashed into the wall to my right. Glass shattered everywhere, piercing pain flew across my arm and cheek. That was it. With that one smash everything over the last six months came to a head. I was in so much pain, I was so lost, and that, that was his reaction. Suddenly, Bill, Arthur and Harry were on the stairs. 

"Ginny stay there" Harry muttered. Ginny stood not far behind them. Wands pointed out. Tears bubbled and slipped over.

"Ron?" Harry said "Hermione?"

"Hermione, I'm sorry" Ron said quickly, his eyes were wide in shock at what he had done. I took a shuddering breath, tears kept running down my face.

"I know exactly who I am" I turned out my left arm to show the scar that still sat there. Mudblood. He hated it, he always scowled when he saw it. "and I'm not walking from it". I turned on my heel and pushed through the crowd on the stairs. I threw everything into my bag. Gathered anything in his room that was mine. There was yelling going on down in the kitchen. I quickly scribbled a note, Before gathering my bags and walking back down to the kitchen.

"What were you thinking Ron?" Harry exclaimed. He was fuming. i cleared my throat. Everyone was standing there watching me in shock. Molly looked as if she too was about to be sick. I could feel the blood trickling down my cheek. Ron sat at the top of the table. He looked grey. I walked to Errol who was perched on the kitchen counter. "Hogwarts, please". The bird took the note and flew out the window.

"Hermione" Ginny began. I walked to the fireplace and took a lump of flu powder. 

"Mione, wait" Harry stepped forward. I looked to Molly and Arthur before I stepped into the flames.

"Thank you for having me" I stepped in, tears threatening to return "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry". With a green flash I was in the great hall. It was cold and empty. The joyous Christmas tree such a contrast to how I felt. Within seconds the doors opened. He was in his pyjamas, pulling a black t-shirt down over his broad chest. His eyes went wide when he saw me. He ran straight to me. I dropped the bags and let the sob out of me that I had been holding in. I sank to the ground just as he got to me. I couldn't breathe. Everything was foggy. My chest hurt so much. My heart ached as I cried.

"It's okay Hermione" Draco said, his knees were against mine "breathe, just breathe". It hurt so much, I didn't want to feel it anymore. I just wanted it to go away "Hermione, just stay with me"

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