Chapter 14: Real?

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"a talking caterpillar" he exclaimed, the books had been finished long ago "that's absurd"

"and elves and centaurs and merpeople aren't" I laughed sitting up, when I came here first I was so entirely lost at the idea of it

"it's not entirely mad"

"it is if you spent your life reading off magic not knowing it was actually real" I giggled.

"Magic isn't the mystifying part of life"

"it's not is it?" I asked standing up, crossing to the kitchenet.

"no, it's love" I stopped suddenly. Love. Interesting. "did you open any of those letters?". The sun was beginning to fall in the sky, dark was coming.

"no" I swallowed "they're from Ron, or Harry, or Ginny. I don't want to know what they have to say". I yawned leaning against the kitchenet.

"you need sleep" my throat started to close up. I shook my head. "Hermione, what are you so scared of?"

"I'm fine" I swallowed.

"No" he stood "no, you aren't" I walked to me, not to close "I'll be here, no matter what happens"

"what did you do?"

"excuse me?"

"what did you do to heal like you have?" my head hurt so much.

"I'm not done healing yet, but sleep, sleep helps". He lead me to the bedroom, pulling back the covers and tucking me under. "I'll be right outside". He walked to the door.

"Draco wait" I exclaimed before I could even register what I had said. He turned "will you stay, for a bit at least?". He nodded, sitting on the side of the bed, placing a hand on my shoulder rubbing small circles soothing me into the darkness, down the rabbit hole.


I woke up, Draco was gone. I walked into the kitchen. "Draco?". Suddenly, she was there and I was on the floor like I had been that day in Malfoy Manor.

"He can't save you now, Mudblood" she whispered in my ear. I screamed and screamed as my body and head exploded. Then, it all stopped. Draco was there beside me.


"please, help me" I whimpered.

"why would I help you?". Then my head and body began to explode again. It hurt, it hurt so much. I just wanted it all to stop.

I woke up. Draco was gone. I was screaming and then he was there. "Hermione?"

"stay away from me"

"Hermione?" he stepped towards the bed, I jumped out, brandishing my wand towards him. "Hermione, it's me"

"no, no it's not you" I walked back until I hit the stone wall.

"Hermione, it's okay, it's me"

"tell me" I yelled "tell me something only the real Draco would know". I clutched my arm, I clutched the scar as if it had just happened.

"Hermione!" he tried to step forward again.

"Tell me!"

"you screamed for your parents" he said, "you screamed for your parents that day when she tortured you".

I sank down against the wall and sobbed and sobbed. "You're real, you're real" He rushed to me getting on my level. He gathered me into his lap, rocking me back and forth.

"I'm here, I'm real, it's okay, love, I'm here". He picked me up and put me back in the bed. Covering me up. Before lying down beside me. "I'm here it's okay".

I woke up, the room was bathed in sunlight. I turned to see Draco beside me asleep, his arm laid across my waist. His eyes flickered open. "Hi there", he was adorable.

"hi" I turned and snuggled into him, placing my head on his chest.

"Merry Christmas, Granger"

"Merry Christmas, Malfoy"

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