Chapter 19: I Loved You Too Much

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"I don't know how I feel about this" Draco said as I walked back and forth putting things into my carpet bag.

"I won't be gone for long" I said, not taking my eyes off the bag.

"I just, I don't" I stopped to look at him balling his hands anxiously "I don't want you to reverse what you've done"

"it's been three days" I said, had it really only been three days?

"and you are so much better already". He had been shaking out his left arm since I had gotten back and he was still doing it.

"what is the matter?" I eventually asked.


"don't bullshit me Malfoy" I said walking over to grab his jumper sleeve.

"did you just swear?" he laughed.

"yeah and I'll do it again unless you sit the fuck down and let me look at this". He coughed a laughed as I backed him on to the couch. I pulled up the sleeve.

"the scaring is gone" I gasped.

"I know"

"how?" I looked up.

"I don't know. It was there last night" he had been off, ever since the dream, shaky almost.

"does it hurt?". He nodded.

"it stings beneath the skin" he swallowed "it's almost pulsing"

"is it anywhere else?". He shook his head. "right, well. I'll get something for it in London while. In the meantime, take two of these" I took a box of paracetamol from my bag. "I don't know if they will help, but it's worth a shot"

"are you trying to poison me?" he asked peering at the box.

"they're painkiller, Malfoy, not wizard killers" I laughed, grabbing my jacket from my case. He stood up and opened the door. "where do you think you're going?"

"to see you off" he stood proudly.

"and wait till I get back. Draco, you have a Potions essay due when we get back". He waved his wand, pages, and a book came flying from the bedroom.

"can we go now?" he asked.

"prick" I laughed.

"brat" he shot back.

The walk to the fireplace in the Great Hall went a lot quicker than I thought it. I was getting to used to being around the Slytherin corridors. "well, goodbye then" he stood awkwardly, I knew what he wanted to do, he wanted to beg me not to go. But instead, he was letting me and faces my demons.

"just come home safe" he said. Home. Home to Hogwarts and home to him.

"when I get back, we're going to talk" I swallowed. He just gave me that sideways smile that made time slow down a little. I took some Floo Powder from the wall. He gave me a wink as I threw the ash to the fireplace. "Grimmauled Place".

I staggered out of the fireplace of the grand sitting room. It was quiet. That was never a good sign. It was clean for one and beautifully reorganised. Harry and Ginny had done a beautiful job. I turned to look at the grand opal fireplace. A large frame sat in the middle holding three pictures. The original Order of the Phoenix, the DA and the second Order. All of them smiling back at me. Harry's parents, Remus both young and older, Tonks, Fred. The picture of DA warmed my heart. Harry and Ron snickering at something while I was trying to get them to focus. Little Nigel, Ginny, the twins, Neville. We were so young then, thinking that we were changing the world. We did in a way. But we lost Sirius. Harry nearly died again. A crash came through the sitting room door. Harry and Ron tumbled through. "Hermione!" Harry exclaimed.

"Hello" I swallowed "nice to see you two haven't burnt this place to the ground yet". I saw something in Harry's eyes change. He knew why I was here.

"I'll go find somewhere else to be" Harry announced, closing the sitting room door. Closing me in with Ron.

"no training today?"

"back tomorrow" he said anxiously. We said nothing we just started at each other.

"look, Ron-."

"Malfoy?". Right, so, that was how this was going to go.

"we aren't"

"sleeping together, I find that hard to believe"

"Ron, can you not?" I asked, as he started to pace back and forth. I could the anger bubbling in him.

"I mean, look what you did with MacGlaggen when I started going out with Lavender"

"seriously? You're seriously going to drag up that right now?" I exclaimed "Ron, I came here to have a grown-up conversation with you, not bring up teenage drama" I took a breath "if you aren't ready for that then I may as well go" I said calmly. He sat down with the most condescending expression I had ever seen. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I can't go back to normal and I'm for how you feel about that. But I can't go back Ron. I've experienced too much to do that"

"you could try"

"Ugh" I groaned "Ron, I'm going to try and explain this to you, and I need you to listen to me". So, I did. I explained the dreams, the shakiness, the triggers, everything. He sat with a blank expression.

"and what does Malfoy have to do with this?". I was done. I was done.

"Ron, I love you" was I about to do this "but I can't do this anymore"

"so, you don't love me enough, is basically what you're saying"

"no! no!" I threw my arms out in frustration "I love you too much Ron. I love you too much to stay with you and let you continue to destroy yourself in my eyes. I'm different now and you don't want this" I choked "I don't think you've wanted this for a while now"

"that's not it, Hermione"

"you just can't bear to see me with anyone else" I admitted. Tears were pooling in my eyes.

"that's not it"

"isn't it? I explain to you what I'm going through and the first thing you ask is what it has to do with someone else. We argue and you throw a glass at me because I mention him"

"that's not fair, it was an accident"

"Ron, that's not good enough" I took another breath "I'm sorry, but it's over". And at the worst moment possible Harry crashes into the room with a piece of news that made me shake.

"he's escaped, he's escaped" he gasped.


"Lucius Malfoy". I was going to be sick.

"I need to go"

"Hermione, just come home with us to the Burrow, we can protect you and we can work this out" Ron tried to catch my hand,

"I don't need to be protected, the Burrow is not my home and we are never going to work this out". Is stood into the fireplace "goodbye".

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