Chapter 10: Messier but Quicker

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I stumbled almost running up the street towards The Leaky Cauldron where I would take the Flu Network to the Weasleys. Why was I so all over the place? Was it because of what had happened with the Professor or was it because of him? I went straight through the pub, stopping at the fireplace. I got a handful of the grey powder. "The Burrow", with a flash of green light. I was gone.

I stumbled into the Weasley kitchen covered in soot. "Hermione dear!" Molly exclaimed from the stove where she was hoovering over some pots which were stirring themselves. "My you look lovely"

"well I did" I chuckled brushing off the dust. Molly kissed me on the cheek.

"now, supper is almost ready, go and get yourself cleaned up". I smiled, she watched me go happy to have a full house once more. Harry sat in the window halfway up the house. He jumped up when he heard me coming up the stairs.

"I thought you were coming by broom" he exclaimed. He had been waiting for me to arrive.

"flu network was messier, but quicker" like a lot of things in my life at the moment i thought, he hovered. As if he had noticed that I was uneasy with touch lately.

"Let me take those up" he took my carpet bag and case "we'll talk after supper". He whizzed up the stairs and I looked out of the window into the fields beyond. Two Christmases ago this place had burnt to the ground. The memory of the letter from Ginny still gave me shivers. They had come looking for Harry and had burned down the place instead. It had been badly damaged during the attack at the wedding but nothing Arthur and Molly couldn't fixed. Two hands at my waist, I had my wand out and pointed at a very surprised Ron before I could take another breath.

"Woah, Hermione" he stepped back.

"sorry, sorry, just London jitters" I muttered putting the wand away. I let him kiss me on the lips.

"merlin's beard, those things are dangerous Mione" he chuckled as we walked upstairs to his room. It was covered ceiling to floor in Qudditch posters and had been for as long as I could remember. He stood as if he was waiting for something, he was, he was waiting fro me to jump into his arms the way I had at the beginning but I was just, I wasn't in that state of mind right now. We had slept together, a few times, but since the nightmares got worse I had been avoiding it.

"I'm going to change" I grabbed the carpet bag and slipped into the bathroom across the hall before he had a chance to say anything else. I removed the glamour I had had on myself and I saw what I truly looked like. Purple circles under my eyes, hollow cheeks, dull eyes that once sparkled. I slipped out of the suit and into grey pyjama bottoms and a stripped shirt that had once belonged to Ron.

"Hermione, supper" Ron knocked from the outside.

"I'll be down in a minute" I called back. I splashed some water over my face, and I looked at the shirt, then opting to change it for a plain black tee instead. I replaced the glamour and practiced my smile. Family time was something I wouldn't dare ruin. The kitchen was full of life. Bill and a heavily pregnant Fleur sat at one end of the table. Bill doting over her like he always had. Harry sitting with his arm resting on Ginny's chair, Ginny was animatedly telling the story of the last Ravenclaw versus Gryffindor Qudditch match in the most fantastic fashion. Molly was attempting to plate up scones and soup, Arthur was just getting the way and Ron had his head stuck in a plate of food. It felt so normal and I, well I felt out of place.

"Hermione" Arthur said as I descended the last of the stairs.

"Hello there" I went around the table giving kisses and very quick hugs. I realised I really did need to start getting a grip of myself especially around people like this, people I trusted. "Fleur, you look wonderful"

"if only I felt it" she muttered, her beautiful accent floating through the kitchen. Molly made me eat and when Molly says to do something, you certainly do it. Throughout the night there was cards and drinks and laughs. Ron sat close to me, so close we were basically breathing the same air. By eleven I was wrecked.

"I'm calling it a night" I smiled to everyone. "see you in the morning"

"I'll be up soon" Ron said. When he said that he meant it. No less than five minutes later Ron was in the room getting ready to go to bed. He didn't say anything he just kept looking at me, as if he was expecting me to carry the conversation to initiate everything. We had some small talk about school and work but nothing extraordinary, he was soon snoring. I was snoozing in and out. I didn't want to sleep, I couldn't wake up a mess. Not here. Here I was meant to be strong. Darkness fell.

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