Chapter 5: The Right Moment

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"Hi" I said. I was awkwardly hovering a foot or two away from him.

"I told you she's fine" Ron called back to Harry. I ducked past Ron just as he went to grab my hand. Harry looked at Ginny, he was clearly not convinced. "Luna made it sound like you'd been possessed by some short of banshee"

"I am fine, so you" I said pointing at Harry "take that look of complete terror off your face", Harry gave me a very forced smile. Ron came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. He kissed my cheek. I smiled at him through my discomfort. Harry whispered something in Ginny's ear before kissing her on the cheek.

"I want to go see McGonagall, Hermione? You want to come?" I glared at Harry, I knew exactly what he was up to.

"Ron, will you look at my training exercises I have put together for Qudditch trials?" Ginny piped up. Merlin's beard. I was going to kill both of them

"sure, as long as you promise to dress yourself before you try and hold a trial" he laughed. I wiggled out of his grasp as Harry walked past us. Ron grabbed my left arm. "I'm glad you're okay"

"talk before you go" I said, walking towards Harry. We walked out of the great hall and Harry turned left rather than right. "Harry? Wrong way"

"no no, Granger" he looked at me over his glasses "you, me, bridge now"


The bridge was where Harry and I had always come to talk. That way he could see right across the lake and focus on the water instead of whatever I was babbling on about. It was good to be here with him. Felt right, like normal. If there even was a normal anymore. "it's amazing how this is all still here" he said leaning on the banisters.

"in all technicalities" I began "it's regenerated itself since the war"

"I read that you know, in "Hogwarts: A History"" Harry said mimicking my accent.

"shut up, or I'll shove you over"

"you wouldn't dare"

"I'd consider it" I laughed, but it died off quickly.

"so, a Boggart, eh?" he said after a little.

"Harry, I had a moment, I'm not dead"

"can I do anything?", I shook my head.

"I'm just adjusting, I'll get there"

"We're a mess without you, you know?" he chuckled "I mean Ron spends all his time worrying" clearly not, I thought. "I never know if the spells I'm doing are right and I miss Ginny"

"I know, she's like a lost puppy herself" I smiled.

"I'm going to ask her to marry me" Harry said, looking out across the water. I smiled brightly.

"Harry James Potter" I exclaimed.

"I know, just don't tell her yet" he was so happy, so in love. Thank Merlin for that. He deserved it more than anyone. "I'm just waiting for the right moment"

"Harry, I think you and I both know that in our lives, there is never a right moment" and there wasn't. there was never a right moment for a wedding or for love or for you to drop to the floor during DATDA. Life would move forward either way "I'm so happy for you" I rested a hand on his shoulder.

"come here" he said wrapping his hand over my shoulder and we looked out across the water together. "I'm really proud of you Hermione, you need to know that. I know it can't be easy coming back here after everything". It gave me a little comfort, knowing he had even a small incline of what I was feeling. "but listen to me, sleep, lot's of it and you need to start eating something. You're wasting away to nothing"

"that's what happens when you stop living with Molly Weasley" I chuckled.

"I mean it, Hermione, look after yourself"

"I will".

"Hermione!" I turned and Neville was thundering down the bridge. "oh! Hi Harry!"

"Neville what is it"

"you better come quick" he panted "it's Ron and Malfoy"

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