Chapter 31: I Am Not Scared To Die

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I shot upwards gasping for air. My skin was zinging, as if I had just been poked with an electrified wire. I could see everything so clearly, feel everything. Lucius was gone, so was Draco. I sat up groaning as I did. Blood dripped from my arm. My wand was gone. Everything hurt, every cell, every bone, every hair on my head. I stood after several attempts to find my balance I took in my surroundings. No wand, nothing to protect myself with. It was then that I saw him. His blond hair on the floor. Blood soaking through his white shirt. His eyes closed. His chest moving, barely. "No, no, no, no, no, no" I cried. I ran through the broken glass. I crunched and cracked as I moved, piercing into my knees as I dropped to his side. "no, no, no" tears slipped from my eyes. Making dark patches on his tshirt. "no, no, you do not die on me, Malfoy, you do not die, you hear me". I pulled him into my lap, the blood warm as it soaked into my jeans. His head lolled in my hands. His breath barely there. "Please Draco" I sobbed "I came back for you, I came back for you". There were slashes all across his body. They were deep, unfixable. "I cam back for you". I leaned my forehead against his, whispering quietly to him.

"he's gone" Lucius appeared in front of me. I didn't look up, I couldn't. "he broke free of the charm I had, very powerful on at that" he crooned, walking circles around us. I rocked back and forth. Tears slipping down my face over and over as if they could wash away the blood. "now, now Ms. Granger, he saved you, he stopped me before I could take what I wanted, so give it to me and I will save him".

"I'm here, Draco, just stay with me please, stay with me" I begged.

"he's gone" Lucius repeated. Draco's chest stopped moving. I screamed, I screamed a blood curdling scream. He was gone. His heart had stopped. He'd lost too much blood. "come on now, hand it over". My hands started to shake. I brushed his blonde hair form his paling skin and placed a feather light kiss to his forehead.

"I love you". I placed his head back to the floor. I stood. With all the strength I had left in my weak, painful body. I stood.

"scared to die?"

"no", my answer took him by surprise.


"when I was eleven years old my parents feared that something could be wrong with me" no tears, no fear, just me "then I got a letter. When I was twelve I was petrified, I thought I was going to die, I didn't. when I was thirteen, I was attacked by a werewolf, I thought I was going to die. I didn't. I have been attacked by death eaters and dementors. I have been tortured in this very room. I have said goodbye to the people in my life I loved most. I have watched people die and I have fought death itself. I am not scared of you and I am certainly not scared to die" I took a shaky breath. Lucius raised his wand.

"Goodbye" a green light flashed from his wand, but it didn't hit me. It ricocheted off an orb of bright golden light that encased me. I don't know how I had done it, or if it were actually me doing it. I pushed my hands out on instinct. A rope of gold light encased him, holding him in the air. Pain rattled through and I let out a scream. An explosion of gold light went with me. I greeted the darkness like a friend.

A hand on my shoulder shook me awake. "Hermione?". I was in the hospital wing. It was Ron.I didn't try to sit up, I couldn't. "thank merlin you're alright" I turned over and curled up in a ball as the memories crashed back over me. "we got him, you're safe". I closed my eyes once more. For the first time in months begging the darkness to take me, so I didn't have to face this world... alone. Ron didn't say anything else. He just stood and left. I don't know how long after that a soft knock on the door came. I didn't react just stared forward. Unable to feel.

"one of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others" a voice said from the door. Lewis Carrolls words voiced by a person I knew to be dead. I had felt him die.

"no, you're not" I couldn't even look at him, I wouldn't indulge this dream for another second. The stranger with his voice sat on the bed.

"Hermione" he whispered, "It's okay, I'm real". I forced my head into the pillow. "you came back for me, you told me you came back for me". Tell me something only the real Draco would know. The memory skimmed through my brain. I looked at him. His face brusied, his eyes dark with circles, scars and marks everywhere. But alive, he was alive.

"you're real" the tears slipped down my face.

"hey there trouble". I jumped from the bed, ignoring the pain in my head and well, everywhere else. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"never again" I sobbed into his neck.

"never again".

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