Chapter 12: Why Does It Hurt?

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I don't remember how I got to wherever I was. It was a small suite of rooms. A kitchen and living area with two rooms off the one side. I was sat at a chair at a table. Draco had disappeared moments ago. I was still shaking. He returned with a bottle and a small black box. He placed them on the table. He went to the kitchen cabinet and took out a glass. He hadn't said anything since we left the Great Hall. He opened the box before pouring a small glass of the amber liquid. "Drink this" he said quietly "it will help with the nerves". I did as I was told, it burned my throat. He sat opposite me, so close I could feel his breath on my neck. He patted down my arm with something that stung. "they aren't to deep, but this, this might hurt". I nodded as he placed the swab on my face. Tears sprung to my eyes. "I'm sorry, only a little longer". He had it cleaned.

"My bag" I whispered. I looked the carpet bad beside the door. He brought it me. I put my hand into the charmed back, rummaging around for the small black bottle. I felt it and pulled it out. Ditiny. The thoughts of the last time I had had to use this only made me cry more. Draco took it from my hands, his fingers were warm. "it's going to hurt, just keep putting on" I choked. It hurt. Merlin's beard did it hurt.

"nearly there" he soothed. Then it was done. I curled up on the chair and put my head in my knees and cried some more. "what happened Hermione?"

"I can't, I don't" I mumbled.

"no, you need to get it out"

"I can't, I, no"

"Hermione, I'm not scared of you, I'm not scared of your mind" his voice was so tender. I took my wand from the table, my hand shaking like a leaf.

"I know" I breathed "I know, you can practice Occlumency"

"Hermione, you don't have to let me into your head"

"why shouldn't I?" I cleared my throat. He nodded, taking his wand from his pocket.

"Legilimens" he cast. We were back in the kitchen watching the fight. Every word, every shout. Glass flew, smash, shock. Harry, Ginny. Darkness. I was looking at Draco. He titled my head up slightly, looking at me directly in the eye. His voice was strange, like he was trying to hold back something. Then he growled, "Did he do this to you?".


We sat in silence till the sun came up. I had hit that point when you can't cry anymore, there's nothing else to come out. I just stared forward into space. "Hermione?" Draco said standing in front of me, offering me his hands "go take a shower". I didn't move, I don't think I could. He took my hands and made me stand. He brought me towards one of the doors. "Shower and change". He closed the door. I moved so slowly, like time had slowed down. The water ran, but I could barely hear it. I stepped into the warm flow. The cuts on my arms stinging slightly. i hadn't realised how long I had been in there until there was a knock on the door. He had left my case and bag inside the door. I didn't even realise I had still been in my pajamas and black top that I slipped on yesterday. I put on a bra and a pair of black tracksuit bottoms, I spotted a sweater and a shirt that belonged to Ron in my case. "Hermione, you okay in there?" Draco cracked the door open. "Oh, sorry" he shut the door again. I pulled a grey jumper from the case leaving Ron's stuff behind.

"It's fine" I slipped out of the bathroom. My hair was still wet. I had taken the glamour off. I looked a mess. He took a second to adjust to how I looked and then swallowed. "eat"

"I'm not-"

"don't bullshit me Granger" he stood indignantly beside the table where there was a plate of scrambled eggs "eat". I sat and began to eat slowly. He sat across from me and unlike Ron, ate at my pace. But he watched me, every moment. He didn't force me to talk. Just to eat and drink a glass of water.

"Where are we?" I asked while he placed the dishes in the sink.

"the Slytherin head boy's room, it's obviously not in use. But I think McGonagall was worried I was going to be beaten to a pulp if I was in general housing". He leaned against the counter. I could see the beginning of the scaring on his arm peeking out from under the jumper. I nodded, propping on leg up in the chair hugging my knee close to my chest. "do you want to sleep?"

"no" I said quickly, too quickly "thank you, no thank you". Sleep meant dreams and I didn't want to dream. i didn't want to experience whatever my mind would concoct for me tonight.

"I think fresh air might be a good idea"

"what time is it?"

"about half six, you arrived here just after midnight" he added.


"come on Granger, fresh will do you some good" he said pulling me up like he had done earlier. Tears pricked at my eyes. I brushed a stay one away.

"why does it hurt so much?" I choked out.

"heart's break an awful lot quicker than it takes to put them back together"

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