Chapter 21: I Don't Have a Choice, Do I?

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Waking up wrapped in his arms was something I could certainly get used to. Last night had been like a dream. Only, it was nothing like the ones either of had on a regular basis. He was perfect in every way, gentle, loving, kind. A prick, but it was certainly something I was willing to overlook. We spent morning just lounging around, kissing, talking and laughing. As if it could erase the events of our lives to this point, as if for just a little, what was going on beyond the walls of that room, weren't happening at all. We went through the books that had been destroyed. Nothing missing. Until I realised something was. "Where's my diary?" I asked. There were scrolls and pages everywhere. On the bed, the floor. We were drowning in parchment.

"it's missing?"

"it was on the bedside table; I swear I left it there" I stood. The pages around me fluttered. We looked around under the bed, through every drawer.

"found it" Draco called from the window in the kitchen.

"what's it doing out here?" I wondered taking it from his hands. As I walked away something fluttered out of the back of it. His name was written across it in elegant script. "Draco". He looked at the note and then back to me, and then back to the note again.


Interesting to see how far standards drop when you are left to your own devices. I, as always, will have to rectify your mistakes. Don't grow too attached to the pretty little mudblood. She won't be around for long. Of course, you know what you could do to keep her alive. You know what I need.


"how did this even get here?" i wondered, "there was only people from the Ministry in this room. Unless he was here". My voice petered out. Draco bolted for the bathroom, shutting the door. He threw up, again and again and again. I leaned against the door. "Draco" I begged "let me in". he opened the door, pale like I had never seen him.

"I'm sorry" he choked "i need to fix this". He took the note from my hand and walked out the door before a second word could be spoken. He didn't come back. Term started in a few days; people were starting to arrive back after the holidays. I needed to make some decisions, but now this. This was never going to end well. A message came from McGonagall, I was requested in her office. Immediately. When I entered, it wasn't just Draco. Harry, Ron, Ginny, the Minister for Magic.

"what's going on?". i surveyed the room, why were they all here, more importantly why had they all been called before me?

"Sit, Ms. Granger" Kinsleigh said.

"I'd prefer to stand" Draco stood across the room; his hands braced on the bookshelves. He didn't turn around. He wouldn't look at me. Or he couldn't.

"we've made a decision" McGonagall said. Ginny's face was set in frustration. Harry couldn't look me in the eye and Ron, Ron was smiling like the Cheshire cat.

"and what would that be?"

"Mr. Malfoy must leave Hogwarts, for his sake and your own" Kingsleigh announced. My heart fell to my feet. I thought I was going to be. "furthermore-"

"was this your idea?" I spit at Ron, Kingsleigh shocked I had interrupted him.

"it was mine" Draco said quietly, he turned. His eyes were red, he'd been crying. "can you give us a minute please?". Kingsleigh nodded to the rest of the group who filled out. Professor McGonagall the last to go.

"so, now you're just deciding what's best for me?"


"you're leaving then?"

"Hermione" his voice was barely there, he was in so much pain.

"i don't want you to go"

"Hermione". He walked over to me, brushing a strand of hair from my face. "that's not all"

"what do you mean?"

"it's not enough for me to go"

"that's fine" I exclaimed, "I'll go with you"

"you're safe here"

"i'm safe when I'm with you" I had his t-shirt balled in my fists, as if it would make a difference. As if it would make him stay. As if I could hold onto him forever.

"you need to forget about me" tears slipped down his ashen skin.

"good luck with that" I chuckled through the tears.

"Hermione, you don't have a choice" the doors opened once more. Harry came through.

"what is it he wants Draco?"

"we need to move soon" Harry couldn't look at me. "it's now or never, Malfoy". Draco took his wand out of his pocket. Then it dawned on me.

"I don't have a choice, do I?" tears slipped down my face once more.

"no, love, I'm sorry". I pushed him and hit his chest again and again. I cried out, I called him every name I could think of. He just took it. He took all of it until I broke.

"you hateful, selfish bastard, you, you" I wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed into his shoulder. "please don't do this, please don't leave me"

"I have to, he'll kill you" he cupped my face in his hands "I am well aware that on any day you would have him charmed before he even had a chance to underestimate you", he wiped a tear from my cheek "but he's mad and angry and you, my love, are too important". He stood back, taking himself from my grip. I was cold, like every joyous thing in the world had suddenly disappeared. He pointed his wand at me. "I love you". It was then that my heart broke. It ached and ached like something had just put a knife straight through my chest.

"please, please don't do this" I sobbed. Tears slipped down his face like they had on mine the day I said goodbye to my parents. He took one last look at me and smiled.


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