Soulmates are Strange.

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Fear,anger,loneliness,and hopelessness feelings all too familiar with Chloe Price. Chloe opened her eyes as the sun beamed threw the curtains. "Damn it," she said with a sigh sitting up. She looked over only now realizing Max was gone. Immediately she stood up "Max? Are you in the bathroom?" she asked walking to the bathroom door. Not a single noise was what she was met with, so she decided to open the bathroom door. Max was not in the bathroom, so that raises the question of where she was. "Shit!" Chloe yelled out running over to the window making sure Max didn't steal the truck and take off without her. Luckily the truck was still there along with the bag. Chloe grabbed her phone immediately calling Max, and luckily Max answered. "Max where the hell are you?" Chloe asked clearly upset Max left without saying anything. "Calm down Chloe I'm just at the gas station next door getting some snacks and junk for the road," Max said. Chloe sighed "God damn it Max you can't just run off like that," she said agitated. Max nodded to herself "You're right I'm sorry I'll be back in like five minutes," Max said reassuring Chloe. "Yeah fine just hurry back," Chloe said hanging up. She sat down on the bed letting out a sigh of relief and slight frustration,and immediately turned on the tv. Chloe grabbed a pack of cigarettes from the bag,but it was empty. "Son of a... fuck it," she said throwing the carton down. All that was on tv was news and other morning crap shows, so she laid down and closed her eyes. She suddenly remembered Max asked if she was in love with Rachael yesterday,and at that exact time Max walked in. "You scared the shit out of me Max," Chloe said with a sigh sitting up. "Didn't think you were so easy to scare," Max responded with a small laugh. Chloe sighed walking over to Max wrapping her arms around her waist hugging her from behind. Max smiled she always felt safe when Chloe was with her even though they usually weren't safe together. "You should get changed professor Price," she said leaning back into Chloe's arms. "Yeah I know but I don't want to let go," Chloe responded she was never this nice or sweet to anyone besides Max or even Rachael. Max blushed a bit at those adorable words truth is she didn't want it to end either. Eventually Chloe broke the hug with a sigh as she went and got dressed. Max put their dirty clothes in a bag she got from the gas station. "Hey Max...I didn't forget about your Rachael question, and the answer is yes." Chloe said with a sigh. "I did love love Rachael at one point,but Max I've always known you are the one for me," she said walking over to Max. "It's just after you left for Seattle,my dad's death,and my mom beginning to date David I just needed someone to make me feel safe and be there" she said. Max hugged Chloe tears rushing to her eyes "Chloe I promise I'll always be here for you," she said with tears running down her face. Chloe wrapped her arms around Max wanting to make her feel loved and protected. The hug went on for a solid 5 minutes,but eventually they broke the hug knowing they had to hit the road. Chloe grabbed the keys and the bag as they headed out the door. They got in the old truck and begin to drive away. "Say goodbye to the nice bed god I'm gonna miss that thing," Chloe said as Max laughed at her comment. "Hey don't judge nerd that's the best bed we've had since.. since the storm," she said looking over at Max for a slight second. They turned on the radio and just drove in silence for a while. Two hours passed and finally Chloe broke the silence. "Max I just realized this entire time you've never called your parents," Chloe said looking over for a second. "Oh crap you're right!" Max said realizing they weren't that far from Seattle. "Don't call them just yet," Chloe said pulling into the parking lot of some small diner just giving a small nod. Max took out her phone and begin to call her parents. Chloe got out of the truck giving Max the privacy to talk to her parents alone. "Mom I'm ok the I wasn't in the range of the storm when it struck Arcadia Bay. Chloe and I are umm well we are on the way to see you all." Max said waiting for her mom's response. It was one of good news truth is Max's parents had been worried sick ever since they saw the news. Now sure Max had sent them text but it was good to hear her voice. Chloe was looking at her photos on her phone thinking of all those people they lost,but it was in the past all they could do was move on. Max knocked on the truck window flagging her to get in. Chloe got in the vehicle looking at Max "What did your mom say?" she asked. Max smiled "Chloe come on it's my mom you know she's excited to see us," Max responded. Chloe chuckled with a smirk "Well shit let's get this show on the road mad Max," she said. Chloe and Max smiled at each other and they begin to drive off.

End of this chapter. Keep tuned for more chapters soon to come.

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