Strange Fear

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It had been a long journey,but finally Chloe and Rachel arrived at the hospital. Chloe threw the keys at Rachel "Park it!" she yelled getting out and running into the hospital. "What room is Max Caulfield in?" she asked the lady at the front desk. After receiving the number she took off for the stairs,because with the elevator she would have to wait longer. Finally she arrived and entered the room seeing Vanessa and Ryan,but immediately she rushed to Max's bedside. "Max I'm here now it'll be ok," she said holding Max's hand tightly. Vanessa could be seen crying as Ryan held her closely. "What did the doctors say?" Chloe asked looking over at them. Vanessa couldn't bring herself to say it,so it was up to Ryan. "The doctors declared she was brain dead about a hour ago she has 5 hours to wake up before she is declared.... dead," he barely managed to get the last word out. A single tear ran down Chloe's cheek as he finished speaking. "No... NO... NO! This can't be fucking happening!" she yelled as she stood up. Rachel entered the room as Chloe begin to lose it. "Come on Max! You can't die on me now," she said more tears running down her face. Rachel walked over and put her hand on Chloe's shoulder. "Chloe come on,you getting angry won't help anything," she said. Unfortunately for Rachel this made Chloe twice as mad,and immediately she turned and pushed Rachel to the ground. "Get the fuck off me!" Chloe yelled before storming out of the room. Seeing Chloe in so much pain made Rachel's eyes tear up "I'm sorry..." she said watching Chloe walk out. All this pain was happening and Max had no clue. "Max it's time to present your artwork," a voice said as Max opened her eyes. However she was in Jefferson's classroom back at Blackwell once again. "Come on Max show your project to the class," Jefferson said as Max's eyes widened seeing him. "Look at that I bet Max is too embarrassed," Victoria said flipping Max off. Max shook her head looking down,and there it was a board with pictures of her and Chloe stapled to it. "Ladies and gentlemen when you don't do as I say in my classroom you get punished," Jefferson said before walking over with a pen in his hand. Max tried to yell out or say anything,but she couldn't even form a single noise. "Now,Max since you wanna give me the silent treatment maybe this will bring forth some noise," he said before taking the pen and stabbing it threw her hand. Max was finally able to let out a scream as it went all the way threw. Blood poured out of her hand,and off the table causing a puddle to form on the floor. "Max what will it be you can tell us about your project or I have more pens," he said. "I vote for more pens personally," Victoria said with a arrogant smirk. Why was this happening and why did it feel so real? "Fine....," Max said wincing in pain as she stood up holding up the board. "Love is what makes us human," she said stoping to yell out in pain. "Please someone help me!" Max yelled out to her classmates who didn't say a word. "Dang sorry Max no luck,but if you don't hurry and present I have more punishments left," Jefferson said smirking. "My project is about why love is the reason for life,and my example is Chloe Price and Max Caulfield," she said and shorty after winced from the pain. Tears poured down her face now as the pain consumed her body. "Love gives someone a reason to live by making them happy and showing them why life is worth living," she quickly said before falling to one knee from the pain. "Very good Max,and now it's onto the next stage for you," Jefferson said before everything went dark. Meanwhile Chloe was sitting in the hospital room with Rachel. Vanessa and Ryan went off to fetch everyone some food,and would be back soon. "Rachel what if she doesn't come back to me?" Chloe said squeezing Max's hand tightly. Rachel shook her head "Chloe I promise she'll be ok," she said patting Chloe's back. "It's been almost 2 hours since this happened,and time doesn't stop for anyone," Chloe said leaning in and kissing Max's forehead. Now,the blood had stop pouring from Max's hand as her vision came back,and now she was in Chloe's room. "Chloe?" Max asked to see if anyone was in the room with her,but she got no response. Immediately Max rushed over to the window,but all she could see was a dark sky and rain. "Hey Max," a voice said entering the room. "Chloe!" Max yelled out turning only to see Warren. "Warren what are you doing here? Where is Chloe?" she asked confused. "Right Chloe well she's in the real world,and she's not dead like me Max," he said smirking. "You killed all of Arcadia Bay just for the scum of the earth Chloe fucking Price," he said laughing."Warren shut up and don't talk about Chloe like that," Max said backing against the wall. "Are you serious? It's just like the real world Max avoiding me for that bitch Chloe," he laughed and walked over to her. "Warren I didn't avoid you for Chloe. You were one of my best friends,and I'd sacrifice my own life for Chloe that's how much I love her," Max said pushing him back. Suddenly her vision went blurry and then black once again. Back in the hospital Chloe was still by Max's side her tears had stopped. "Max I'm sorry it's all my fault," she said letting go of Max's hand. Rachel sighed "Chloe she has two hours left I'm still positive it'll be ok," she said. "What if it's not? It's all my fault she's gonna die! I broke her hearty when I kissed you, and I can't forgive myself for that. She's gonna die and it's... I mean I..," she kept mumbling to herself her breathing beginning to move faster. Rachel's eyes widened a bit "Chloe listen you gotta calm down," she reacher over to Chloe. "No,don't that's the reason she's in this state. I can't live without you Max,and it's all my fault. Why can't I do anything right?" she asked herself. Chloe would've been crying,but her body wasn't letting her. "Max you've come to the final challenge," a voice said to Max as she gained her sight back. The lighthouse was the setting for this final challenge. "Max it's all come down to this," Chloe said as she was sitting on the bench looking over at Arcadia Bay. Max made her way over to the bench and sat down "I know what you're going to make me do," she said with a sigh. "Good, because you can bring back everyone you sacrificed or you can keep me," Chloe said standing up. "Max I've caused you,so much pain," she said pulling a gun from her pocket. "I want you to take this gun and shoot me Max," Chloe said handing Max the gun. Max had no choice but to accept the gun "Chloe.. I can't do this," she said softly. "You have to Max it's me or all them," Chloe said pointing to Arcadia. Max sighed looking at the gun "What if I choose myself?" she said with a sad tone. "If you chose yourself life goes back to before you came back to Arcadia except you won't exist anymore," Chloe said. "Fine," Max said aiming the gun at her head before stopping "Will you remember me?" she asked Chloe with tears in her eyes. "Always,but if you do this I will be the only one who will remember and cry over you," she said. "Max it's time to decide let Chloe die, Arcadia remain dead,or kill myself?" she asked herself. Finally she stood up and walked over to Chloe with the gun still pointed at her own head. "I've made my decision," Max said before taking the gun and throwing it down. "I choose for you and me to live together forever," she said before kissing Chloe and pulling her in tightly. However only 30 minutes remained on Max's time before she was declared dead. Chloe sighed "I'm sorry Max..." she said before leaning in and kissing her. Immediately Max's arms slid up and wrapped around Chloe as they shared the kiss. Tears ran down Chloe's cheeks as they kissed,and finally Max's eyes opened. Rachel saw her eyes open and ran out to go get a doctor to tell them the great news. Max and Chloe continued the kiss as Max pulled Chloe onto the bed. Eventually after several minutes they broke the kiss Max smiled seeing Chloe's blush. "Chloe I'll always choose us before anything else,because I love you," Max said smiling. Tears of joy now rolled down Chloe's cheeks "Damn it Max I love you too," she said before kissing her again.

——The End—-

Thank you to sashasmassaro for her help on this chapter,and please go give her a follow.

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