Strange Journey

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Loneliness defined as sadness because one has no friends or company,but even with Max sometimes Chloe felt alone in this world. She looked over at Max for a quick second as she was still driving and let out a sigh. Max looked over at Chloe "Hey what's wrong?" she asked her worried. "Nothing it's just this damn traffic!" she yelled hitting the dashboard. Max jumped when she hit the dashboard "I know it's bad,but can you calm it?" she asked. Chloe looked over at her seeing the concern on her face. "I'm sorry it's just you know this whole situation isn't easy," she said offering a hand for Max to hold. Max took her hand nodding "I know I promise it'll all be ok," she said giving her hand a bit of a squeeze. "Thank god traffic is finally moving," Chloe said looking back at the road smiling as they begin to move. Max looked out the window as Chloe let go of her hand. "Chloe I never asked how did you got expelled from Blackwell?" Max asked. Chloe shook her head a bit "I skipped school a bunch then one day skipped with Rachael I took the full hit and then I was out," Chloe said clearly agitated about just everything. Max nodded and turned on the radio to some generic station. "I got to figure out what's really wrong with Chloe" Max thought to herself as she looked out the window watching cars drive by. Suddenly Max was sent forward luckily she had her seat belt on. "Fuck!" Chloe yelled as she stomped on the brakes. "Are you fucking serious right now!" Chloe yelled out as a car had suddenly pulled out in front of them for no reason. Max looked over at Chloe "Hey we can pull over for a bit if you want,"she said concerned with how mad she was getting. "Fine I'll pull over," Chloe said with a clearly agitated tone. They pulled into a gas station parking lot Chloe immediately sighing. Max put her hand on Chloe's shoulder "Hey it's ok let's just take a moment and chill," she said scooting over next to her. "Max can you go in the gas station and get us something to drink?" Chloe asked looking over to her. Max nodded grabbing the money envelope "Yeah I'll be right back," she said before kissing Chloe on the cheek. Chloe blushed a bit as Max got out of the vehicle and made her way into the gas station. Chloe got out of the vehicle and begin to smoke a cigarette.(Don't smoke it's unhealthy!) Max grabbed a couple drinks and walked up to the counter. Chloe looked at her phone and saw a text from Max's mom. "Chloe thank you for keeping our daughter safe Max means the world to us," the text said. "Didn't I tell you to stop smoking?" Max asked the surprise caused Chloe to jump. "Fucking Christ you scared the shit out of me" Chloe said looking at Max. "You know you seem to scare easier than I would've guessed," Max said with a smirk. "Oh bull, it takes a lot to scare me," Chloe said as they both got in the vehicle. "Oh by the way you're mom sent me a text basically kissing my ass for "saving" you," she said. "How about we just drive?" Max asked with a laugh. Chloe shook her head smiling as she begin to drive. They drove for about 1 hour before seeing it the Seattle city limit sign. "Hey look at that we finally made it," Max said smiling looking over at Chloe who seemed more disappointed than happy they arrived. "Hey you can tell me what's wrong," Max said worried maybe Chloe would vanish after they arrived at her parent's house. "It's just this is what me and Rachael always talk about. I always wanted to leave Arcadia Bay and explore the world,but shit I didn't expect it to actually ever happen," Chloe said with a hint of fear in her voice. Max didn't know what to say she didn't expect this reason from Chloe badass Price. "You don't have to say anything," Chloe said as she just kept looking forward driving. "Shit Max think of something to say," she thought to herself. "Max I'm not going to leave you I know that's what you were worrying about," Chloe said with a rather stern tone. They didn't say anything until they finally arrived pulling into Max's parents driveway. "Max I think you should go in first and just talk to them for a bit. I just need a moment to think." Chloe said looking at Max who nodded. "Alright well just don't take long," Max unbuckled leaning over to kiss Chloe. Chloe kissed her back causing Max to slightly blush. Max got out of the truck and headed toward the door. What were her parents going to say or think? "Shit I never even told my parents me and Chloe were dating or that I even liked like girls," Max thought to herself. She went to knock on the door but before she could they opened it. "Oh Max thank god your safe," Vanessa(Max's mom) said before hugging her. Max hugged her mom back as her father(Ryan) joined in on the hug. "Hey where is Chloe?" Vanessa asked looking around. "Chloe well she's in the truck it's been a long week for her," Max said looking at the truck. "I bet I can't imagine losing everything and both parents," Ryan said. "Come on Max let's get you inside," her mom said leading them in. A couple minutes passed as they all sat down at the kitchen table. "Hey umm can I tell you all something important?" Max asked. "Of course sweetheart you can tell us anything," her mom responded. "I'm not sure how to say it but here we go... Chloe and I are dating," Max said with a hint of worry I'm her voice. Both her parents looked at each other then back at Max. "Oh Max that's perfectly fine you date whoever you want as long as they make you happy," Vanessa said smiling at Max. The door could be heard opening and soon enough Chloe walked in the kitchen. "Hey...." Chloe said awkwardly. "Oh Chloe don't be a stranger come on sit down and I'll get lunch going," Vanessa said standing up. Chloe nodded towards her taking a seat. "Chloe I'm sorry about your loss, and just know you are always welcome here," Ryan said. Chloe nodded as Max reached under the table holding Chloe's hand. "Dad can you get our bags please?" Max asked. He nodded getting up and walking out the door. "Mrs.Price thank you for letting me stay here with you all," Chloe said looking at Vanessa. "Chloe it's no problem my daughter's best friend and well girlfriend is always welcome here," she said. Chloe looked at Max with a smile "I'm glad you told them I suck at announcements," she said. Ryan came back in with their bags and dropped them next to Max. "You better give Chloe the room tour Max," he said sitting down. Max nodded letting go of Chloe's hand and taking the bag. "Oh please lead the way Max," Chloe said as they both stood up. "My pleasure," Max responded as she led Chloe to their new room. "Jeez Max it's like I entered a psycho's room," she said seeing the a wall covered in pictures Max had taken. "Hey when you are proud of your artwork you hang it up to display," Max said. Chloe shrugged placing the bag down and laying down on the bed "Damn this bed is amazing" she said. Max smiled sitting on the bed next to her "Glad you like it," she said. Chloe sat up and looked at Max with a smirk "Hey Max you ready?" she asked. Max tilted her head and laughed a bit "Ready for what?" she asked. Chloe smirked and kissed Max deeply laying her down on the bed slowly.

—- End of this chapter—-

Next time we will see how Chloe and Max adjust to their new lives. Will it go well or will they crumble?

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