Strange Times

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"Shit Max didn't know you had it in you," Chloe said as she laid next to Max. Max was laying there wide eyed and blushing "Me either," she said. Chloe chuckled before sitting up "Clean yourself up Max," she said getting up. "Chloe I love you," Max said watching Chloe as she got dressed. "You know I love you twice as much Max," she said as she headed toward the door. "Tell my parents I'm putting away our clothes," Max said waving at Chloe. Chloe chuckled a bit "Oh so that's what they are calling it now," she said walking out the door. "Holy shit did I just really do that?" Max thought to herself sitting up. Chloe walked into the living room where Ryan and Vanessa were. "Hey Chloe you and Max get set up?" Vanessa asked. Chloe smirked "Yeah we got set up," she said sitting down. Ryan looked at Vanessa then at Chloe "Chloe I was wondering what's the plan for you now?" he asked. Chloe looked at him and shrugged "I'm not sure I'm probably going to get a job and wing it from that point on," she said. Ryan nodded "You know you are sounding like a real adult now. I'll tell you what adults we have no clue what we are doing," he said laughing a bit. Vanessa looked at Chloe "You know there is a diner right down the road that is hiring you should try there," she said. Chloe nodded "Thanks I'll make sure to check it out," she said getting up. Max walked in the room blushing when she saw Chloe. "Hey mad Max I'm gonna go to the store to buy some new clothes wanna tag along?" Chloe asked walking by her. Max looked at her parents then at Chloe "Maybe next time I want to catch up with my parents for a bit," Max said looking a bit sad. Chloe shrugged "Alright I'll see you later then," she said walking out the door. Max sat down in the living room watching Chloe leave from the window. Max looked at her parents who looked a bit excited "What?" she asked. "Max we got managed to get you a job a photo studio," her mom said. Max eyes widened "Oh my god that's incredible thank you so much" she said excited. Chloe on the other hand didn't seem to be having that fun of a time. "It's ok Max I drove you for 6 hours or so to see them,so yeah it's ok to ditch me," she thought to herself as she lit a cigarette. (DON'T SMOKE!) She shook her head knowing she was being stupid. "Fuck," she said as she saw she was super low on gas Luckily there was a gas station right there,so she pulled in. A bunch of bikers were gathered outside of the gas station,and sadly that usually means trouble. Chloe got out of her truck and headed into the gas station. She paid for the gas and when she walked out sure enough some biker asshole came over. "You know me and my boys were just thinking we need more females in the group,so why don't you join us?" the man asked. Chloe looked over at the group it was about 6 men and 2 females. "Listen I don't want any part of your goofy ass club so why don't you just leave me alone," Chloe said walking past him. She begin pumping her gas when she heard what sounded like 2 people walk over. "You know I think I figured it out you just simply don't know how to ride," the biker man said. "Hey I told you assholes to leave me alone," Chloe said turning to face the man and woman. The woman had brown hair down to her shoulder and tattoo sleeves on both arms. "Listen sweetheart we don't like the way you are disrespecting us," the woman said walking closer to Chloe. "Yeah well I don't give a shit," Chloe said removing the gas pump from her truck. The woman shoved Chloe back a bit "Now listen here you bitch you are going to respect us," Chloe shook her head after she was shoved "I'm not going to fight you," she said. "Aww well that's too bad I was really hoping to make you my bitch," the biker woman said as they begin to walk off. Chloe shook her head getting in her truck and quickly driving off. "Damn that was way to close," she thought to herself. Max was in their room putting up the finishing touches. Vanessa walked in the room smiling "It's so crazy to think your back so soon. I wish it was for a better reason though," she said looking around the room. "I wish it was for better reason as well,but I'm just glad me and Chloe made it out," Max said looking at her mom. Chloe finally made it to a decent enough looking store. It was some really fancy looking stores which she hated,but she wanted to buy Max something fancy and nice. Chloe got out of the truck taking half of the money from her secret stash which was only about $150. She headed into the store and immediately a bunch of fancy rich chicks looked at her then looked away quickly. Chloe shook her head and begin to look around to try and find something dumb Max would like. Max was sitting in the living room with her parents thinking about the hallucinations she had while kidnapped by Jefferson. The thoughts of everyone tormenting her and even the one of Victoria and Chloe making fun of her before kissing. "Hey you ok kid?" Ryan asked Max snapping her back to reality. Max looked over at her father nodding "Yeah just lost in thought," she said with a fake smile. They were watching some generic romance movie. A hour passed when finally Chloe pulled in the driveway. Max got up and walked over to the front door opening it for Chloe "Hey welcome back," she said. Chloe smiled seeing her "Glad to be back," she said walking in the house. "Hey mad Max come with me I got you something," she said walking back to their room Max following. "I'm kind of shocked you went and bought me a gift," Max said as she sat down on the bed. "Now at first I was going to buy you some generic fancy clothes,but I happened to finally use my brain," she said handing Max the bag. Max smiled opening the bag her eyes widened when she saw what was in the box. "Do you like it?" Chloe asked concerned she might not. "Holy crap," she took the small box out of the bag and opened it sure enough there was a pretty impressive ring in it. "Chloe I... I love it!" she said hoping up to hug Chloe tightly. Chloe smiled and hugged Max back "I'm glad you like it," she said kissing Max's cheek. Max took the ring out of her box and went to put it on,but Chloe stopped her. "Here," she took the ring and slowly put it on Max's finger it was a perfect fit. Max eyes watered a bit with tears of joy. Chloe saw the tears and smiled a bit "I knew you loved it,but damn enough to make you cry," she said as Max hugged her closely.

——End of this chapter—-

Don't worry soon we are going to get into some deep crazy shit. It'll make your head explode.

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