Strange Road Ahead

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It had been about 1 hour since Chloe and Rachel had set off for Arcadia Bay,but was it worth it. "Maybe we should turn around I don't think I'm ready to leave earth yet,"Rachel thought to herself quit nervous. Chloe took a peek over and could see the nerves on her face "Hey chill out," she said. Rachel shook her head "Easy for you to say you aren't going to disappear when this is all done," she said with sadness in her voice. "Come on find a way to make it better," she thought to herself. "Chloe don't worry about me I'll be fine," Rachel said looking at Chloe. "What? Me worried? I'd never," Chloe said a bit sarcastic. Rachel sighed shaking her head "You know you don't always have to have a attitude," she said. "Hey my attitude is what makes me special," Chloe said with a smirk remembering when she told David the exact same thing. "You know maybe it's the whole begin dead thing talking,but fuck you," Rachel said with a angry tone in her voice. Chloe eyes widened a bit as she pulled into a gas station. "Hey let's get one thing clear I'm doing all this for you,so how about you don't fucking swear at me," Chloe said looking at Rachel. "Oh I'm so sorry Chloe please rush me off,so I can fade away to whatever afterlife there is," Rachel said sarcastically. Chloe got out of the truck "I'm gonna go pay for gas,and when I get back you better change that fucking attitude," Chloe said thinking that she sounded like a total mom when she said that. Rachel sighed watching Chloe walk into the gas station. "Damn I'm such a idiot for being such a dick," Rachel thought to herself laying her head back. A couple of minutes passed and Chloe finally made her way out of the gas station. Chloe got in the truck looking over at Rachel "You good now?" she asked. "Chloe I'm sorry alright," Rachel said with a rather rude tone. "Hey it's all going to be ok," Chloe said putting her hand on Rachel's shoulder. Rachel looked over at Chloe the sadness could be seen on her face. Chloe started the truck driving off from the gas station. They had only 3 hours left till they reached Arcadia Bay,but neither were excited to go back. Every time Chloe even thought about it she remembered losing her parents,and it made Rachel think about her death. "Chloe do we have to do this?" Rachel asked looking over at Chloe. "Rachel you need to move on to whatever is next," Chloe said as didn't even take a glance over at Rachel. "Chloe... did you love me?" Rachel asked clearly nervous. "Rachel you know I did," Chloe said still not even peeking over. "I want you to say it then," Rachel said which stunned Chloe a bit. "Rachel I'm in love with Max now. I mean Max is my soul mate,and I just can't say I love someone when that time has passed on," she said finally taking a glance over at Rachel. "Remember when you asked me to be your first mate?" Rachel asked looking down at the floor. "Rachel stop I don't want to talk about this now," Chloe said clearly this conversation was upsetting her. "Why not? If not now then when? I don't have much time left Chloe," Rachel said looking over at her. "God damn it Rachel I don't know," Chloe said pulling over into a rest area. "You want to have this conversation then fine let's have it," she said looking over at Rachel. "Was I just someone you used to help you recover from Max moving away?" she asked. "What? No,Rachel I generally had feelings for you. You weren't just some tool to help me along the way," Chloe said a little shocked at the question she was asked. "You said Max is your soulmate,so what was I to you then?" Rachel asked raising a eyebrow. "Ugh god damn Rachel you were my best friend actually even more than that," Chloe said agitated. "Hey don't you yell at me," Rachel argued back. "I'm taking 6 hours out of my life to help you move on from this crap we are in right now!" Chloe yelled at her. "Chloe god damn it I'm talking about the past not now," Rachel said shaking her head. "Don't shake your head if anything I should be the one shaking my head," Chloe said as the two moved closer as the arguing continued. "You know you've always been this way Chloe it's all about you isn't it," Rachel said. "God damn Rachel it was always about us not just," Chloe said sighing. "Was there ever a real us? I'm not sure cause Max is your soulmate and I'm some side action in your love story," Rachel said pissed off. "Rachel you stubborn bitch can't you see I still fucking love you!" Chloe yelled out and then gasped realizing what she just said. Did she really just say that? What if Max ever found out? "Wait wait what? I thought you said you love Max and I'm a thing of the past," Rachel said tilting her head. Chloe sighed "Rachel I love both of you just as equal as the next, but I don't know who I love more," she said. "Chloe listen I'm gone,and I'm sorry for making this so complicated," Rachel said putting her hand on Chloe's shoulder. Chloe smirked a small bit as she suddenly leaned in kissing Rachel deeply. Rachel's eyes widened and had a major blush going on,but she returned the kiss. Chloe eventually broke the kiss smirking "You know in a perfect world I wouldn't have to choose I could have both," she said. Rachel chuckled a bit "Hey I'm just saying all of us make a kick ass trio," she said. Chloe nodded turning the truck back on,and once again they hit the road


That's the end of this chapter tbh I don't know if I'm going to stop this series anytime soon. I'm loving writing this I don't care how many read it as long as it makes someone happy.

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