Strange Chat

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Chloe and Rachel arrived at Max's house after stopping to buy Max a little welcome home gift. They entered the door Rachel of course being invisible to Max and her parents. "Hey is Max in her room?" Chloe asked seeing Max wasn't in the living room. Ryan nodded as he waved at Chloe "She has been waiting for ya," he said. Chloe smiled and begin to head back to the room "That guy weirds me out,"Rachel said causing Chloe to laugh a bit. Chloe opened the bedroom door slowly "Heyy king Max," she said entering the room. "Finally captain Chloe is here," Max said walking over and hugging her tightly. Chloe hugged back smiling "Damn it's good to see you out of that hospital bed," she said. "Ohh wait before anything I got you a awesome gift," Chloe said handing her a bag. Max smiled taking the bag "You didn't have to get me something," she said as she opened the bag. Chloe smiled knowing she would like it "Did I do good or what?" she asked. Max smiled pulling out a shirt with a blue butterfly on it "I love it Chloe," she said. Chloe kissed Max's cheek smiling "I knew you'd like it," she said holding her hand. "Sorry for not telling you my parents picked me up." Max said shrugging. Chloe shrugged back "Ehh who cares it's in the past," she said,but quickly her expression changed to sadness. "I just cheated on Max last night,and here I am pretending nothing ever happened," she thought to herself. "What's wrong?" Max asked looking at Chloe with concern. Chloe quickly shook her head "Nothing I'm cool," she said shrugging. Rachel chuckled a bit "Yeah sure," she said sarcastically sitting on the bed. "Hey Chloe I was thinking maybe we could go out for dinner tonight just me and you," Max said smiling. Chloe smiled a bit "Yeah we can do that," she said. Rachel got up of the bed "I'm gonna go out for a while you two love birds have fun," she said walking out the room. Almost immediately as the door shut Max kissed Chloe deeply. Chloe kissed back wrappings her arms around Max's waist. "I love you Chloe Price," Max said causing her to blush a bit. "Max Caulfield I love you too," Chloe said kissing her again. Inside Chloe felt like such a terrible person as memories of her and Rachel appeared in her head. "Hey Chloe.. umm I was thinking about the whole you and Rachel thing," Max said but before she could continue Chloe cut her off. "I'm sorry Max it's just with you it's complete love,but with Rachel it's like some lustful demon pops out of me," she said with a sigh. Max almost laughed at the lustful demon part "Chloe it's fine like really I get it completely," she said shaking her head smiling. Chloe shook her head shocked "What? Max I cheated on you with Chloe and you are just gonna say it's fine?" she asked confused. Max shrugged "Chloe she isn't a real person for all I know she could have some way of messing with your mind," she said sitting down on the bed. "Max I still feel like a complete sack of shit for cheating on you," Chloe said looking down at the ground. Max sighed a bit "Chloe don't I swear it's fine,and I still love you more than anything," she said patting the bed next to her. Chloe took a seat and wrapped a arm around Max "Love you too," she said smiling. They sit there cuddling for about 10 minutes before Max spoke. "Hey I'm going to hope in the shower real quick," she said getting up.Chloe nodded as Max walked off she would've joined,but she was feeling too bad. Meanwhile Rachel was at a small restaurant. "I miss being alive and doing shit like this all the time," she thought to herself as her food arrived. Several hours passed it was 5:30 pm now. Chloe sighed as she waited at the doorway "Come on Max you've spent forever getting ready," she said with a sigh. Max laughed a bit as she walked over to Chloe "Alrighty then let's get going," she said smiling. Chloe shook her head smiling as they walked out the door "You're such a dork," she said laughing a bit. Max smiled holding her hand "Yeah but I'm your dork," she said as they walked out of the house. Rachel had made her way back to the house and was currently taking a nap. "Mad Max where would you like to go for our date night?" Chloe asked looking over at her as she started the truck. Max shrugged "Hmm well buttercup I think we just drive and go where the wind takes us," she said smiling. Chloe smirked "I like the sound of that," she said backing out the the driveway.

--The End-

Next chapter we will see how this date goes.

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