Strange Events

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It had been a long time since Max was this happy,and she hoped it would never end. Max and her mom were in the kitchen preparing for dinner. It had to very special a meal that would make Chloe feel loved and feel like she is safe. Chloe was in their room laying on the bed staring at the ceiling. "Who would've thought I'd be dating Max? I figure after she moved I'd never see her again," she thought to herself with a smile. Chloe closed her eyes slowly falling asleep. Max looked at her mom "Hey mom when did you know dad was the one?" she asked. Vanessa looked at Max smiling "Max you can't really describe it you know? It's just one of those things you feel," she said. Max nodded with a slight smile as they cooked. Meanwhile Chloe was asleep and she was snapped into a dream or nightmare. "Chloe? Chloe? Come on wake up," Chloe's eyes opened to see a very familiar room. "Come on its time to get up," Rachael said with a smile. "Rachael? what the hell is going on?" Chloe asked this dream felt more real than any other before. "Chloe come on stop playing it's time to get up," Rachael said standing up. Chloe shook her head "No this can't be real you're... you're gone.." she said. "Chloe come on stop you're worrying me," Rachael said looking concerned. "Rachael I'm sorry... I failed," Chloe said looking at Rachael who sat down next to her. "Chloe I'm not sure what you are talking about,but you could never fail me," she said wrapping a arm around Chloe who was sitting up now. Chloe hugged Rachael tightly with tears in her eyes, it was so strange how real it felt. Rachael's eyes widened as she hugged Chloe back "Chloe it's ok," she said. Chloe broke the hug "Rachael I know this isn't real," she said. Rachael tilted her head "Chloe you are confusing me. What are you talking about?" she asked. Chloe shook her head "You went missing and me and Max found your body in the junkyard," she said. Rachael gasped a bit "Chloe I promise that won't happen I won't leave you," she said leaning in for a kiss. Chloe went to kiss her back,but suddenly woke up as Max was tapping her shoulder. Chloe panted as sweat rushed down her head tears rushing to her eyes. Max sat down hugging Chloe who leaned in crying in her shoulder. "Chloe are you ok? What was the nightmare about?" Max asked concerned. Chloe shook her head crying into Max's shoulder. Max just nodded and held her close not wanting to say anything to upset Chloe. Chloe looked at Max wiping her tears "Max the dream was about Rachael," she said. Immediately Max begin to worry Chloe actually loved Rachael more than her,but she shook her head. "What happened?" Max asked putting her arm around Chloe. Chloe sighed "I woke up in her bed and she was just so full of life and it just felt so real," she said. "Damn it look at me thinking and dreaming of Rachael whenever I have the best girl in the world here next to me," she said kissing Max's cheek. Max blushed a bit "Dinner is ready,but if you don't feel like I'll just tell them you were sleeping," she said. Chloe nodded laying back down on the bed "Thanks Max you are a true life saver," she said. Max nodded getting up and headed to the door "Chloe remember I love you," she said walking out the door. Chloe smiled as Max walked out the door "Sorry Rachael,but Max is the only one for me," she said to herself. Max walked into the kitchen smiling "Chloe was asleep I just didn't want to wake her up," she said sitting down. Vanessa nodded "Hey Max you met Chloe's step dad I think it was David what was he like?" she asked. "David well at first I thought he was a real jerk,but turns out he was a good guy in the end," Max said smiling. Chloe opened the window in Max's room and jumped out it wasn't high so she wa fine. "Sorry Max I just got to get some air," she thought to herself. Chloe begin to walk down the road putting some earbuds in so she could listen to music ignoring the world around her. It was about 30 minutes since Chloe had snuck out the window and Max finally walked into the room. "Hey Chloe I...." she said suddenly stopping seeing Chloe wasn't there then seeing the window open. "Son of a...." she said as she walked over to the window looking out. "Here we go Max," she thought to herself hoping out the window. Chloe had mad it to that gas station she saw the bikers at and sure enough they were once again there. She shook her head and decided to just walk on by,but unluckily she was seen. "Hmm you see that boys she'll come around to join our gang soon enough," a biker said. It was starting to get super cold out so Chloe decided it was time to head home,but she couldn't go the same way. Chloe new just going to the other side of the block would be good enough,but Max didn't know this. Max had finally arrived at the gas station. "Crap Chloe how far did you go?" she asked herself as she turned to see the gang. Max just shook her head luckily they hadn't seen her,so she decided it was just time to go home. Chloe had arrived back hoping in the window. "Max isn't in here so that's a good sign," she said to herself as she walked out into the living room. Vanessa looked at Chloe smiling "Hey Chloe you missed dinner. Max said you were asleep,but we saved you some," she said. Chloe nodded "Hey speaking of Max where is she?" she asked. Vanessa tilted her head "She went back to your room about 15 to 20 minutes ago," she said looking lost. Chloe nodded "Right right," she said waving before walking back to their room. "Oh shit Max knows and she went after me," she thought to herself. "Hey Chloe what are you freaking out about?" a familiar voice asked. Chloe turned to face the person and froze seeing it was Rachael behind her. "Oh shit..holy shit... this isn't real," Chloe said to herself. "Technically you aren't wrong but you aren't right either," Rachael said sitting down on the bed. Chloe stumbled back leaning against the wall "What the fuck is going on?" she asked. "It's actually simple if you'll let me explain," Rachael said with a smirk. Chloe just nodded and sat down in the corner of the room. "Chloe you see when I died it was really terrible,and so far my soul hasn't crossed over. Meaning until I finish whatever task that is I am stuck here with you," Rachael said with a smile. Chloe just was in shock that this was actually real and happening well for what she knew. Suddenly Max crawled in the window and turned to see Chloe in the corner. "Chloe what the hell? Why did you just run off I was worried...." she said pausing noticing the shocked look on Chloe's face. "Hey what's wrong?" Max asked walking over to her. "Max look on your bed," Chloe said pointing at Rachael. Max turned around "Chloe I'm not seeing anything are you ok?" she asked. Rachael shook her head "Chloe she can't see me only you can,but I could let her see me if I choose," she said. Chloe stood up "Rachael come on show her she needs to know about this," she said. Max was beginning to worry Chloe had officially lost it. "Chloe did you go out and smoke or take something cause you are talking to thin air?" Max asked sarcastically but also seriously. Chloe sighed turning to face Max "Max I am talking to Rachael Amber's ghost or soul that for some reason only I can see and help," she said Max's eyes widening. "Chloe listen to yourself you sound insane," Max said walking over to Chloe. Rachael sighed shaking her head "Here you go Chloe," she snapped making herself appear to Max. Max eyes widened "HOLY SHI...." she said but mid-sentence she fell to the floor the shock making her faint.


Boom! Wild ride huh? Let's see what happens next time.

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