A Strange Talk

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Max eyes slowly opened she sat up holding the back of her head. "Oh dang what happened?" she asked lookin at Chloe who was helping her sit up. "Max don't pass out again,but umm Rachel Ambers happened," Chloe said. Rachel waved at Max who almost passed o again,but Chloe kept her awake. "Oh no come on Max you got to stay awake," Chloe said supporting her head. Max shook her head "Chloe did you drug me or something this can't be real," she said looking at Rachel. Rachel sighed "Max it's simple I need for Chloe to fix whatever problem is left, so my soul can go bye," she said laughing a bit. Chloe sighed "First of all don't get attitude with Max and second why me?" she asked. Rachel shook her head "Chloe you were like you know dating me when I disappeared,and I see it didn't take you much time to move on," she said rolling her eyes. Max sighed standing up "Can we not do this drama scene right now and just talk about what is happening," she said with attitude. Rachel laughed a bit at Max "Ok mad Max chill down," she said. Chloe stood up now mad "Hey! You don't call Max that that's my nickname for her," she said angrily. Rachel's eyes widened a bit "Ok damn Chloe you need to chill," she said. Chloe growled a bit before Max cut them off "Come on we aren't gonna spend all day arguing," she said with a sigh. Rachel and Chloe looked at her going silent. Max sighed "Now Rachel tell us what are you able to even do in your soul form?" she asked. Rachel shrugged "All I can do is well really anything in fact you can even physically touch me," she said with a smirk. Chloe rolled her eyes "What do we have to do to get you to leave?" she asked. Rachel shrugged "All I know is that it's in Arcadia Bay," she said. Chloe sighed "Oh so you know nothing that's just great," she said sarcastically. Rachel laughed "Max I'm sure you know,but she never changes am I right?" she asked. Max laughed a bit "You know Chloe she's super stubborn,but she's adorable," she said as they both laughed. Chloe shook her head "Oh my god this is un-fucking believable," she said. Rachel smiled offering a high-five to Max which she accepted. Chloe sighed laying down on the bed "You both are gonna be a pain in the ass," she said. "Oh Max did Chloe ever tell you we were in a play together?" Rachel said smirking. Max shook her head "No way Chloe Price was in a play," she laughed a bit. Chloe sat up "Let's play a game of shut up so I can think," she said sighing. Rachel smirked leaning over to Max and began whispering causing Max to laugh a bit. Chloe shook her head getting up and walking past the two out the door. Vanessa and Ryan were in bed cause it was about 9:30 pm. "How dare Rachel? She's comes to me for help and starts flirting and telling stories to my girlfriend," she thought to herself entering the kitchen. Max and Rachel were laughing their asses off at the story. "Hey Max I gotta ask you something where did you get a awesome ring like that?" Rachel asked about he ring Chloe bought her. Max smiled looking at the ring "Chloe bought it for me actually it's so amazing," she said. Rachel's eyes widened a bit "Damn that's awesome," she said. Chloe walked back in the room with a bottle of water "Hey dork squad shut this show down it's bed time," she said clearly agitated. Mad looked at Rachel "Oh yeah umm Chloe what are we gonna do about her?" she asked. Chloe shrugged "Don't know don't care," she said laying down on the bed. Rachel shrugged "How about I just go sleep on the couch," she suggested. Max looked around "I mean that'll be good for tonight,but don't worry Chloe and I will fix you something up," she said with a smile. Chloe rolled her eyes "Pfft whatever now come on shut it I'm tired," she said. Max waved bye as Rachel exited the room shutting the door behind her. Chloe sat up looking over at Max "Max you two aren't doing this crap again," she said. "Chloe what are you talking about?" Max asked. "You know the whole flirty and funny story thing," Chloe said. Max rolled her eyes "Really? Chloe you're being dramatic," she said laying down. Chloe just sighed "Even if I was remember Rachel doesn't love you Max I do," she said facing away from Max closing her eyes. Max eyes widened a bit that made her feel really bad actually. "Chloe I'm sorry," she said putting a hand on Chloe's shoulder. Chloe moved her shoulder away from Max's hand "Go to bed Max." she said. Max just looked away laying her head down to sleep. Chloe had fallen asleep and sure enough she was back in dream land. "Chloe come on let's get out of here," Rachel said leading her out Blackwell. Chloe looked around as she ran with Rachel wondering what was even going on this time. "Come on Chloe Max needs our help," Rachel said as they ran. "What does Max need our help with?" she asked. Rachel stopped running to face her "Max needs our help fixing you," she said her face starting to turn to bone. Suddenly Chloe jumped up waking up panting a bit not that bad but still noticeable. Max looked up seeing Chloe "Hey another nightmare?" she asked sitting up. Chloe just shook her head "Max I'm sorry for hurting you," she said looking at her. Max wrapped a arm around Chloe "Hey you never hurt me in fact you make me better," she said kissing her cheek. They both laid back down cuddling each other and finally falling asleep. Meanwhile Rachel was sitting on the porch outside looking up at the stars. "I wish if I had a second chance it would be now. They seem so happy and I just want to be part of it. I want to make Chloe happy after all the pain my death caused her," she thought wishing to herself.

——End of this chapter——

Also yes I know I spelt Rachel wrong all the other chapters.....

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