10 ♚ This is your Legacy

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March 15th

11:00 AM Sulifa, Qa'ihr

Not a single mistake took place when coronation day finally came around. Royalty, Nobility and government officials from around the globe entered the palace gates of Tel Kimia. The city of Sulifa was bursting with more life than ever, with its citizens and tourists waiting to catch a glimpse of the Royal family after the events that had occurred just days earlier.

The crowds that surrounded the gates cheered every single time a car drove through the gates; the atmosphere was electric, they were prepared to see the crown on Prince Hakeem's head. A rumoured speech from Prince Amir and the Queen herself they would finally see Hakeem's fiancee and their country would have cause to celebrate.

The royal party would be arriving from the mosque on horseback and horse-drawn carriages and Crown Prince Hakeem would be led into the palace where he would make his allegiance to Qa'ihr till his death; where he would receive the crown of Qa'ihr in front of millions of people live and televised.

Prince Amir's abdication had brought along a conspiracy that he wasn't really entitled to the throne because he wasn't King Hakeem's biological son. The royals had squashed that rumour so quickly so that it barely even made it out of discussions and onto any news outlet. They used Jabirah Arslan the best gossip the country had.

Jabirah Arslan stood inside the reporter's balcony in Tel Kimia watching as guests made themselves comfortable. She held her microphone tightly not wanting to mess up her only opportunity to improve her social status. Jabirah was a popular journalist in Qa'ihr specialising in the scandalous lives of rich celebrities and today she had been given a pass and opportunity to change the way she was seen, an opportunity to be taken seriously and earn lots of money. Her job was to make sure that the event was reported in favour of the royals regardless of any events that might have occurred; after all, it was a celebration.

She was nervous and her eyes kept on darting around the guests and the grand palace itself. Her mother would be so happy to see her on television and would not believe that she would interact with the royals themselves.

"I think they are coming." Her cameraman said. He was facing the entrance and Jabirah snapped out of her daydream to see the horses line up at the palace gates. Then a trumpet sounded and everyone rose. The other reporters around her scrambled around to get the best position and started filming.

"Ready?" Jabirah nodded and waited for her countdown.

"Sabah Alkhyr Qa'ihr and everyone watching abroad. I'm Jabirah Arslan with QBC3 and I'm reporting live from the coronation of Prince Hakeem Al Jaber Saleh the third..."

Amila had never seen a coronation before and she wasn't exactly sure what to expect but as she sat near the front table with her friends she felt for the first time the excitement she was missing. The Royal family was going to be her family - she belonged here.

Just as she felt everybody stand up, she caught a man walking towards her row. Amila was sandwiched between Khalil Patel who was at the left of her and Iris her best friend to her right.

Khalil ushered the man in and gave him a quick hug before he shuffled past and allowed him to take his seat moving towards the empty seat next to him, the man stood next to Amila. Amila noticed his rich attire and he was definitely handsome and obviously important to the family if he was sat near the royal table.

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