04 ♚ Echoes in the night

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March 6th

6:30 PM Sulifa, Qa'ihr

It was often a weird thought that Naisha used to be obsessed with Hakeem. She remembered what it felt like to wait for him during those four years and now it seemed like it wouldn't even matter. Yet she wasn't sure she had ever even been in love with anyone but him, or she could ever love anyone but him. She liked the idea of the power it was evident in her last of men. Why else would she be entertaining a man eight years older than her? 

Naisha Awad was brushing through her long dusty brown hair thinking whilst Abbas Morcos was sat on her bed discussing with some members of the Qa'ihran council and army on planning the coup. Naisha had invited him to stay with her in her apartment instead of the hotels.

She was annoyed her plan to ruin Amila hadn't gone down as well in the newspapers. The girl only had a small box on the second page, because of the massacres of the Christians in south Qa'ihr. Of course, she knew she was being selfish people were dying, besides she had a backup plan.

Her backup plan was now done on the phone, staring at her as she began pulling her hair into a braid. Her father could never know of their plan as he was a trusted member of the couch and a lover of the royals. Naisha was his favourite and the only child. He had the highest opinions of her and she would like to keep it that way.

"I've accumulated a small group of people, who are sympathetic. It seems this scandal he's helped our case."

"But not the military."

"Unfortunately the members don't think I should include them and I'm starting to think it wouldn't be wise."

"Yes of course." Naisha stood up walking towards her bed and stood in-between Abbas' legs. She looked down at him fascinated with how easy it was to get him wrapped around her finger. Abbas was just happy to find a beautiful girl that was interested in him. She would help him become the greatest leader because they shared the same interests. Power.

"I don't want Cyra harmed, or little Ehsan either. They have always been my favourites."

"Isn't the point to get rid of them all?" Naisha smiled pressing a kiss into Abbas's cheek.

"Like I said I don't want Cyra or Ehsan harmed. Do you not think yourself capable to pull off a plan like that?"

"I do."

"Then don't worry about them, the ones to worry about will be killed and then the Kingdom will be ours."

Nimah Kahn had retired to her bedroom after her visit from the Queen. She knew that if she stayed in the living room her family would notice her change in demeanour and she couldn't do that to them again. 

She knew what it was like for them to have a wife and mother be branded mentally ill. It was her fault and she knew it. King Hakeem had used her and fed her ideas of a future that anyone would've wanted.

He found ways to steal away from his duties to visit her whenever her husband was away. She thought he loved her as he'd complain about his wife to her and the duties of the crown. He'd always said that Heer had a few screws loose and that whenever he got the chance he would leave her - of course, he never did.

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