19 ♚To begin again

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April 8th

3:00 PM Sulifa, Qa'ihr

There had to be a time when somebody had enough. When the perks no longer meant anything and the good no longer outweighed the bad. Duke Hassan was sure his moment this moment was one, his service to his family had come to an end. 

It had taken a toll on his wife, it was changing his relationship with his daughter and worst of all he actually found that they wouldn't be needing him anymore. If Qa'ihr was to continue on the trajectory of becoming an independent country it meant the royals would be less important and finally he could rest.

He had always wanted to be beside his older brother. He had become his advisor solely for the reason but it was now his time to step back and give control to Cyra and leave the new generation to guide his nephew's reign.

The former Council had consisted of twenty members, several of which were appointed members from the different regions of Qa'ihr. They had kept it that way because they didn't want too much influence from the royals.

Now the new council members were all nobility members and they were considerably younger, ranging from the ages of twenty-four to thirty-nine. The council would be responsible for setting into motion the move for independence, they would assemble the Qa'ihran politicians most of which lived in Dorija and work on creating a unified Qa'ihr.

"- My decision has been discussed with the Queen who unfortunately will not be with us today. My last task is the control of the extradition of Avi Patel." Duke Hassan said before the new council.

"Thank you Uncle, we wish you and Nadia many successes in your future endeavours," Hakeem said beginning the applause. Duke Hassan sat back down next to his daughter who hugged him and he nodded at Hakeem to continue. Hakeem cleared his throat before he began.

"Since my address yesterday, polls are saying the public blame Dorija for the attack on my brother." Hakeem read of the iPad in his hand, "If we are to execute the move for independence we cannot incite any violence towards Dorijan nationals living in Qa'ihr. We must have peace talks. I'm thinking Amir, you're standing with Qa'ihr is pretty favourable as of late, if you go with Aya and are seen visiting some Dorijans the tension will settle."

"I think so too, but it is vital that we get a few council members to attend the funeral of Abbas Morcos. The investigation ended and it was ruled a suicide. It would look good on our end." Amal  Jawahir, a noble and distant royal said.

"That sounds good six of us can show with a gift from the royals and Amir can make a speech, if we build the independence route around Amir with Hakeem's backing we are sure to gain support," Cyra confirmed.

"Raise of hands in agreement," Hakeem said his eyes trailing over the hands in the air, "Motion passed."

"Finally the erm." Hakeem paused reading the iPad, he blinked down at it and hesitantly read out the last point for the council meeting. "It says we have to discuss my engagement announcement and event with Naisha Awad." Hakeem looked up his eyebrows furrowed. He seemed agitated and reluctant, who could blame him? The words sounded bitter in his mouth and he wanted to make sure it wasn't a reality.

"With everything that's happening, I'm not sure if this is the right move."

"Hakeem, your mother and grandmother were adamant about this announcement happening this week and the event to be hosted at Tel Kimia next week." Nasir Kadeer spoke. "We can invite foreign royals and ministers, it's a good look for Qai'ihr."

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