06 ♚ In love we trust

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March 7th

2:40 PM Sulifa, Qa'ihr

Leyla and Fatma sat around watching the older girls fuss about in the store. There was something about them that was so animated. It was in the way they spoke and moved it was certainly more girlish than they were used to. They were so reckless and loud with their words and jokes. It was refreshing but weird and it certainly seemed like Amila was the quieter of her friends.

Fatma couldn't help but notice that all Amila's friends were at most a size ten, except for Iris. Iris was chubbier the dark skin of her stomach exposed as she stood up revealing intricate stretch marks that made Fatma glance away, heat on her cheeks. Iris was still prettier than her, she bet that everyone was thinking it. She looked down at her thighs resting on the sofa and sat up sucking in her stomach. Leyla wasn't even speaking to her she was on her phone and Fatma liked Amila's friends, but there was no reason for her to be here.

"Leyla I'm going home."

Leyla looked up from her phone and nodded. She was angry at Fatma and so only shrugged her shoulders and let her walk off.

Iris grabbed two glasses of champagne chatting to Charlie, whilst Charlie flicked through the catalogue the woman had given her. They were at a dress boutique helping Amila decide on her final wedding dress and then sending pictures to Amila's mother and sister.

Nelly was in the changing rooms with Amila helping her try to get into them.

"Look at this, it cost two times what Oliver and I spent on our wedding," Charlie said pointing a dress out to Iris who had to move in closer because she hadn't brought her glasses.

"Not going to lie, real gold better be sown into that cause how-" Iris was interrupted by Amila exiting the dressing room with Nelly holding her train.

"I don't think I can try any more on after, this better be the one," Amila said hoping this was the dress. She had tried on about six now and she was exhausted.

Iris shook her head at Amila's dress turning to wait for Charlie's opinion. She didn't have to wait long before Charlie started shaking her head too.

"It makes you look like a fish. I still like the second one you had on," Charlie said pointing to the picture of Amila on her phone.

Amila let out a sigh sitting down on the various cushioned chairs. She wished she could've just used her original wedding dress, but it was too simple and she wanted to match up to Hakeem on the day. She wanted to be seen in the way people expected of her.

Leyla decided that she would help out, sensing the frustration from Amila. She stood up and went over to the clerk conversing in Arabic for a while before the clerk nodded and asked her to wait a moment. Leyla looked over her shoulder and watched as Fatma took her turn with the catalogue and she smiled. Maybe she would consider having more female friends but first, she had to make sure she was on the right track with Fatma.

"This is it, princess Leyla."

"Thank you," Leyla said taking the bagged dress back to the girls. The dress had only ever been worn by her mother. Leyla wanted it to be her dress so badly; it was a masterpiece a mixture of the modern and traditional - a bit like Qa'ihr itself, and Leyla thought that Amila would look perfect in its buttercream silk.

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