17 ♚ When It's Over

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April 4th

10:30 PM Sulifa, Qa'ihr

It was dark and hot.

A line of sweat trickled down Ehsan's forehead and made him shiver. He had no clue where he was now but he was sure they hadn't taken him far. He was blindfolded and gagged unable to scream for help or know what the people who had him were doing but he could hear them and his eyes twitched every single time somebody spoke trying to get a sense of where they were.

"So what now?" a voice said darkly, "You take the boy and what? "

"They'll listen if they see we have him."

"They'll kill us all. You kidnapped the child and now they will kill us."

"They must listen, otherwise we'll kill him."

Silence rang out after the last man spoke and Ehsan couldn't hear anything anymore, but he was sure that the others seemed to agree.

Ehsan was familiar with who they were, or more correctly what they were fighting for. The group were a sector of religious terrorists who not only had issues with the Christians in the south, but also the way Islam was practised in Qa'ihr. They claimed to fight a holy war and had been killing people around the country.

Without the support of Dorija, the Qa'ihrans could not set their army on them, instead only local police and many of them were killed or forced to join the other side.

Ehsan felt his breath constricting as he panicked, he just wanted to be home. Never had he regretted anything as much as he did currently.

Queen Heer had it in mind to fire Mr Ibrahim.

After years of unquestioningly loyal service, he had betrayed her. Although he argued that the late King had told him that whenever the phone in the secret room rang he was to answer it and do whatever they requested, Heer still felt like she was unable to trust him.

But if she was to pardon Avi, then she could not fire Mr Ibrahim. 

The two sat in silence in Heer's office as the clock on the wall ticked by. Seconds went by before Heer finally spoke.

"Mr Ibrahim, I am not going to fire you." she started finally looking at the old man who had been a butler since the time she had first moved to the palace.  "I understand where your loyalties lie but I plead that you tell me everything first out of safety for my family."

"I understand that Queen Heer." he said bowing his head but Queen Heer shook her head at him and he corrected himself "Heer." Queen Heer never liked it when those elder than her referred to her by her title, she had always known it to be that those elder than you were to be respected. 

"Heer, I am sorry for making you feel like you could not trust me." Mr Ibrahim spoke calmly, "It was never my intention, I, unfortunately, can only do as I am told to."

"I understand that, which is why I'm changing the rules. From now on Mr Ibrahim, your loyalties lie with those I say it does until eventually, Hakeem takes over from me." she said before going on sincerely, "You have been with me from the very beginning and you must learn to treat us as if we were family."

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