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"Is she still upset?" Asahi asked as he change his drenched uniform.

"What's making her upset though?" Daichi joined the conversation.

It was dark, they were done with their practice without you coming. It's not like you're the coach or the manager. It's just that the third years were used to your presence. Even Kiyoko misses you too.

"I don't really know. She's hiding something from me and I feel like she's mad at me. But she says otherwise," Sugawara explained.

"You're hiding something from her too," Daichi pointed out. "Why don't you just tell her?"

"You should fix your relationship with her as soon as possible. You know, we're graduating soon," Asahi advised.

Sugawara sighed. He's having a hard time thinking what's making you upset. His mind has been occupied with the thoughts of you. He wanted to reach you as soon as possible but he's worried that he might push you too far.

After their conversation, they exited the locker room. Hinata and Kageyama were still practicing.

"Wrap that up and go home," Daichi told them.

"Hai, hai. Daichi-san," Hinata stood up straight and did a salute pose. "Just a little more and-"


"Aww, but we're not done yet."

"We will lock the gym if you want to," Kageyama was drenched in his sweat but still determined to practice their quick with his Hinata.

"You're exhausted, you need to go home. It's late."

"(Y/N)-san will give massages at weekends, right?" Hinata.

"Don't worry, Hinata. Yes. I'll make her. But still, you need to listen to our captain," Sugawara smiled at his juniors. He's happy at how much determined the two are. He wanted to practice as much as them but he couldn't even focus on a thing without you coming to his mind.

"Aww, fine," Hinata pouted. "I'll gather more balls than you."

"No, you won't, boke!"

And with that, the competition has began. Two of them started running and collecting the balls. The three third years chuckled at them.

"I'll, excuse myself first, is that fine?" Asahi said.

"Yeah. I'll look after them. You can leave too, Suga," Daichi replied.

Sugawara nodded at him and waved his hand when he walked with Asahi. He's aware that he's worrying a bit too much but he couldn't help it. It's you who has been bothering him and never in his life he would neglect you or leave you broken.

Speaking of you, you were lying on your bed while scrolling on your phone. Since you didn't attend the practice again, you were able to go home early.

You received a message from Sugawara. You brought your phone to your chest, having thoughts if you should be happy, sad, excited, or irritated. You sighed before reading it.

Are you still having a hard time?

You decided to lie so you immediately typed

No, I'm fine now.

And obviously, he saw through it. You never replied coldly. It means you don't wanna talk to him.

𝙒𝘼𝙎𝙏𝙀𝘿 // Sugawara x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now