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"What the hell do you want?" you shouted, irritated.

Well, who wouldn't be irritated if you barely got time to sleep and someone is interrupting your most precious and valuable time at the moment?

You didn't care about being rude to the one you were talking to, the point is, no one should bother you at this time. You wouldn't know since you didn't even look at the caller ID.

"What time did you sleep?" said from the other side of the call.

"I forgot! I don't even know what time is it."

You buried you face in your pillow, still not concerned about that morning call. You had to stay awake 'til midnight again since you need to look after your mom. What you couldn't take is, after the nurses were done with your mother, she told you to go home.

Who would go home at midnight? You told her you wanted to stay but she said her highschool friend is coming over again. Damn that highschool friend, why don't you just meet them?

You collapsed at your bed, maybe 1 AM after doing all the busy stuff yesterday and currently it's 5 AM so who's crazy to wake someone up after four hours of sleep?

"Okay, I'll just go there. You're at home, right?"

"Mmm," without even understanding what is said, you replied.

The caller groaned. "We were planning to take you out for breakfast. I guess I have to make your breakfast now."

You didn't reply anymore. You dozed off and call was ended after a few seconds. You shifted your body into a more comfortable position.

After few minutes, Sugawara arrived at your house. He texted and informed your friend that the breakfast plan is cancelled. He decided that he'd cook later and let you sleep more.

He sat at the sofa, accepting a call from your friend. He asked for her number during their lunch together. And since then, they have been planning today through phone calls.

"Why is it cancelled?" your friend said without even greeting. A pinch of annoyance was found on her voice. Sugawara chuckled. "Quit your cute chuckle, and explain to me why is it cancelled."

"You said cute." Sugawara chuckled. "My princess, I mean our princess is too tired for a morning jog and a breakfast out."

Your friend groaned. "I had to wake up early for this. Bye, I'm going back to bed."

With that she hung up. Sugawara chuckled, shaking his head. He couldn't believe that you have a friend like her. He couldn't believe that you two were friends.

After the call, he went to your room, internally facepalmed himself. Your things are scattered on the floor and you're still wearing socks.

He cleaned your stuffs as usual and remove your socks. He lay beside you after that and cuddled you. Your body moved again, closing the gap between you two to find the most comfortable position.

Of course, I wouldn't write much about the cuddling. Sugawara left you after a couple of hours to start cooking your breakfast. He cooked a lot of food for you.

After that, he tried waking you up again, shaking your body and calling your name.

You moaned at the actions. "What?" then you groaned. "Stop!"

"It's 9 AM. Let's have breakfast together, (Y/N)," Sugawara said.

You opened your left eye and closed it again, turning your back at him.

𝙒𝘼𝙎𝙏𝙀𝘿 // Sugawara x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now