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"You're late," you crossed your arms and huffed your chest, pretending to be mad. "Suga-san."

"Sorry, the practice took longer than I thought," Sugawara said, his hands on his chest, panting. He was wearing a gray hoodie and his school pants.

"That's why we shouldn't hang out now," you scolded, turning your back on him and walking away slowly.

"It's not hang out, young lady. It's a date," he corrected.

Of course, you blushed. You were always with Sugawara but him correcting a 'hang out' to a 'date' feels different. But somehow, the 'young lady' disappointed you.

Maybe, I should pretend to be super sad. That way, he'll call me 'darling'! I'm so smart.

Oh, shoot. I mean, no. He shouldn't call me that. I should be moving on. Come on, (Y/N), get a grip!

"Wait for me," you didn't even realize that you were leaving him behind.

You stop on your tracks and sat at a bench which where he followed. He stood in front of you as you look into his face. You lean back so you can see well.

With a last deep breath, he said, "Okay, let's go."

He grabbed your wrist to drag you but you pulled him instead. He lost his balance and ended up sitting beside you. You look at him with sharp eyes before clicking your tongue.

"You're tired. You can't even get me up," you scolded once again.

"I hate you being me."


"Nevermind. I'll rest for a while so stop scolding me, okay?"

You look away from him but got startled with his sudden actions. Your body stiffened as you felt him drop his head on your shoulder, locking his hands on your arms.

"Have you eaten yet?" he asked. You noticed that his eyes were closed.

"Not y-yet," you replied, trying to keep your hardened body.

"Come on, relax. I can't be comfortable," he said, shifting his arms around your waist.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Let's eat dinner together later," he said, ignoring your question.

You let out a sigh before you loosen up. His body shifted once again, bringing your arm to his chest. You can feel his faint heartbeat.

What the f are you doing? Do you like me? What? What am I even thinking?! That's impossible. Argh, how to escape from here?

Time went fast as the two of you settled down on a fast food chain. He ordered your food while you wait for him on a seat. The area was quite packed so you had to sit in order to reserve him a spot.

Anyways, when he got back with your food, your eyes immediately glistened. To your surprise, he ordered some french fries and sundae. He doesn't let you eat these kind of foods when it's past 6 pm.

"Don't take the wrong idea, this is the only time I'll let you eat these," he warned.

"You're not even my mom," you pouted as you try to grab it from him.

"I don't want to be your mom," he shook his head, refusing your gesture. He placed a plate of meal in front you and gestured that you should eat that first. "You never obey your mom."

"Yeah right," you put your hands together. "Itadakimasu."

After eating, you both went for a walk. There is no conversation ongoing which is why it's very quiet but surprisingly covers a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere between the two of you.

He stares at you as you eat your fries. He bought you a lot. He smiled at your cute actions and adored you as much as he can.

"What?" you said, giving him the meanest look. "You want some?" you changed your expression into a soft one, making his heart skip a beat.

He smiled wider and shook his head. "You should enjoy that when you can."

"You're so strict. I hate you."

Chuckling, he said, "Come on let's sit by the lake."

He grabbed your wrist and walked towards the lake he was talking about. When you reached a perfect spot, he sat down on the grass. You followed him, crouching down on his side.

Placing both of his hand behind his head, he laid on his back. You we're about to lay down beside him but he stopped you.

"Finish that first," he said.

You did what you were told to. With your second attempt, he stopped your head from sticking to the ground using his arms. He pushed your head towards his shoulder.

"Comfortable?" you nodded.

"The stars look really fancy tonight," he complimented. "They made the moon a lot prettier."

"Yep, it doesn't feel dark and lonely anymore."

"But the view earlier was the best and the prettiest."

"What view?"

"With you on my sight, everything's more beautiful," he purposely murmured so you can't hear it. However, since your ear is near his throat, you heard quite a bit.


"I said what do you mean it's not 'dark' and 'lonely'? Young lady, what did I tell you about being lonely."

That's not it. I'm sure I heard the words 'beautiful' and 'you'. Nevermind, I might be imagining things.

"I was just kidding."

"I don't think you are. I'm going to let this slide but the next time you don't tell me you're lonely, I'm going smack your poor butt."

"What are you even gonna do if I tell you so?"

"Come and visit you. Keep you company until you realize that you're not alone and you always have me."

The 'sweetness' between best friends which I mean the two of you ended in a blink of an eye. You always think that time goes faster when you're with him.

Without you realizing, Sugawara brought you home.

"Off you go, I'll wait until you go inside," he said, placing his hand at the back of your head. He attempted a forehead kiss but caressed your hair instead. "Bye bye."

You waved your hand while going in. After bidding goodbye to each other, you saw your mom in the living room with a mess. You went to see what she's doing.

"Tadaima," you said, making her starled. "What's that, mom?"

"Some valuable but has to go to the trash can pictures."

"What?" you sat down on the floor and took a look on the photos. "Who's this?"

"My ex..."

"Ooh, so is this going to the trash can?" you teased.

"...Best friend"


"Just like you, I have a childhood best friend. We're always together. He always got my back until one day, we're over."

"Wait, what? Why? When? How?"

"There's another time for those questions, darling," she smiled at you bitterly.

"You should tell me because 'just like you', I might lose Suga-san," you accidentally spilled. You hoped your mother doesn't think of the romantic way. "You don't like that too, right?"

"...just don't fall in love with him."

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