AsaNoya|| Can't sleep

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(I got sick :( I feel like doing nothing but laying around and making whale noises. So no responses cause I don't want toooooo but y'all get a few scenarios instead gOD I WANNA CARVE MY INSIDES OUT)

Noya couldn't sleep. Not because he wasn't tired. Or a nightmare. Or because he was uncomfortable.

Nope. He couldn't sleep because he couldn't move. Or at least he couldn't get himself to do so. Why? Because currently, he had Asahi literally asleep on top of him.

The more he thought about it the more he could swear it was all planned out.

Suga had stated that it was way overdue that the team have a sleepover together. So that's what they did. Absolute chaos for sure. But by the end of the night Suga had turned on a movie and everyone had practically tired themselves out.

Noya was 60% sure everyone else in the room was asleep. At least he hoped so because he could f e e l his face going red every time he focused on Asahi curled against his side.

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