IwaOi|| just a doodle

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(I gotta clear out some chapters smh. A l s o I promise I'm answering after I post this I just wanted to write it out.)

Oooooh soulmate au go brrrr you know the one where whatever you write on your skin or any kind of bruise also appears on your soulmate? (If it's a bruise they don't feel the pain obviously) yeah. This is that.

It wasn't that Iwaizumi didn't believe in soulmates. After all his own parents were the definition of a happy and healthy relationship. Maybe it was just because he didn't care. He would notice a few markings or bruising that he knew weren't caused by his own doing but he always brushed it off. Iwaizumi found no need to investigate or figure out who they were. At least not for the time being.

And Oikawa knew this. He had known his best friend wasn't all about soulmates and it wasn't that big of a deal. The topic was always shrugged off anyways. That is until Oikawa had realized- hey, Hajime's your soulmate. Have fun. He had honestly figured out by mistaken, leaning over to Iwaizumi in the middle of class just to doodle on his arm. Imagine his surprise when later he had pulled his sleeve up just to find the same markings on his skin. Safe to say he wore long sleeves for the rest of the week.

Oikawa couldn't get himself to tell him. A coward move really. And he almost felt guilty about it. It wasn't as if he had done anything wrong, right? Iwaizumi didn't even want to find his soulmate. Why would that suddenly change just because Oikawa was his soulmate?

All things considered Oikawa thought he could handle it. Till Makki decided that he wanted to prank him. It wasn't a big deal, Oikawa had just dozed off at the wrong time and Makki took the opportunity to draw on him. He decided to be 'merciful' and only drew a few dots-like freckles- and a small heart on his cheek.

By the time Oikawa had actually woken up their was that and a penis drawing in his arm. Along with a few random notes.

He had every right to strangle Makki right than there but this idiot just went off about how he was lucky there wasn't a huge dick drawing on his forehead.

This was fine. Oikawa just needed to scrub it all off before seeing Iwaizumi. Not a hard task.

After giving a glare and small shove to Makki-who only laughed in response- he slipped out of the gym and made is way to the nearest bathroom. There wasn't any practice today but that didn't stop most of the team members from using the gym to mess around or practice. It was normally fine if things didn't get too out of hand. He was just glad Iwaizumi had left them to study in the library.

The relieve was replaced when dread when he literally walked into the one person he was trying to avoid. It was a small collision but with the way Oikawa wasn't even focused he didn't have enough time to catch himself and he was in the floor.
Iwiazumi on the other hand managed to keep himself up, merely taking a few steps back.

"You're here!" Was the first thing Oikawa shouted out in a panic.

But Iwaizumi only raised a brow at that. "Yeah, I wanted to ask for your notes..." he trailed off before he had offered a hand to Oikawa and chuckled. "What the hell happened to your face?"

Oh, so he didn't realize his face had the same pen marks. That's fine. Just don't freak out. Maybe he won't even notice! "Makki happened."

That sounded calm enough at least.

Second scenario just because I love to make Iwaizumi suffer- tw implied abuse and bruising

The bruises visible on Iwaizumi's skin was always quick to dismiss using the excuse of volleyball or even saying the bruises weren't his but just his soulmates.

And Oikawa with his small brain was beginning to think that all the bruises he had weren't his own. Again small brain. Oikawa had assumed the bruises were his own that he caused while playing volleyball. Maybe he just didn't remember getting them. But Oikawa was sure that they weren't just his own and in fact also his soulmates when he saw the bruise on his back. Nope. There was no way he had gotten that from volleyball.

What the heck was up with his soulmate?

He'd have the answer soon enough. Next practice comes around and maybe-just maybe- Oikawa had taken it too far. Simply put- he face planted. Not even on court, he tripped over the bench this absolute fool. It ended in a bloody noise and bruised cheek but otherwise injury free.

But that wasn't the point.

Oikawa was much too focused on staring Iwaizumi down, who now had a bruising cheek than focus on the blood dripping from his nose.

Y'all could switch the roles. I know how much you like seeing Oikawa in pain 💀

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