BokuAkaKuroKen|| calm down

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(Should I make a few just BokuAka scenarios? Probably. But I love this four and it's double the angst~ I saw a tiktok on this and I wanted to do ittt)

A silly Halloween/costume party isn't what Kenma wanted to do on a Friday night. It was loud and too crowded. Plus it smelled funny and he was almost sure someone poured alcohol into the punch. It hadn't even been thirty minutes and he already wanted to get out.

And it seemed Akaashi felt the same. He would rather be studying then trying to find Bokuto in such a pushy crowd. He even ended up spilling his drink onto himself. Even if it wasn't his first party and he was normally okay with joining Bokuto and this time he even had Kenma and Kuroo- he just didn't like it. It made him feel queasy and he was practically searching all the corners in hopes to at least find Kenma.

But when he couldn't find any of the three he had entered the party with he had decided to just go outside. It was stuffy inside anyways and he couldn't even hear himself think.

Though the outside wasn't as bad, there was still loud music heard and a few people scattered apart. Looking over the surroundings he felt a wave of relief when he spotted Kenma. Akaashi was quick to walk over, glad to see a familiar face.

And Kenma had felt the same. Practically latching on the other setter when they spotted each other. He hated strangers. And crowds. And people. He was practically dragged into the car.

The two established that neither of them knew where their boyfriends might be, with Kenma's phone dead and Akaashi's left in the car which he didn't have the keys for.

So, they were stuck, deciding to spend a bit outside before going back to the chaos of the party and trying to find Bokuto and Kuroo.

Which would have been fine if it weren't for the jerks who approached them. A small group of guys who seemed to have nothing better to do than pick on the already in distress setters. Akaashi was sure they were intoxicated with the strong smell of alcohol.

Kenma had attempted to shrug it off at first, not giving a reaction as Akaashi told them to back off. They didn't need to be pushed into another corner. But both their attempts were futile when certain words were said.

(Not gonna write that out so use your imagination)

Immediately Akaashi had shoved one back telling them to step back before Kenma had muttered about feeling sick and ran back into the party. Akaashi had glared at the group before pushing past, ignoring any of the comments they called out, and when he was pushed he only stumbled slightly before continuing. He wouldn't give them the satisfaction of letting them know they got to him.

Instead, he was struggling to get through to the bathroom where he was sure Kenma was hiding in.

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