20. No Common Ground cont.

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Quinn's POV:

Ryan and I see Jenny walk away and we turn to each other, "Let's not tell Anna about this." He says, "For the first time I agree with you." I say back, "So no telling Anna?" he puts out his hand, "No telling Anna." And we shake on it, we walk into the cafeteria and we see a few people look at us, I see my table with my friends and they all start waving but slowly stop, Anna turns around with a smile and runs over to us, "Where were you guys? Ryan why is there a bruise on your eye and why is your shirt all stretched out." She asks him and I start to walk away but she grabs my wrist, "And you Quinn why is your eye bruising up too and why is your lip busted?" She scans over my face, "Uh Ryan and I were doing work for the office and a stack of boxes fell on us a few hitting our faces." I lie to her, "Yeah they were boxes full of paper so they were pretty heavy" Ryan lies more, "Oh okay, is that really what happened?" She asks again, "Yes." We both say at the same time, "You guys promise that, that's the truth?" She asks again, "Yes we promise." Ryan and I say at the same time,

Anna's POV:

I look at them, and I don't think a bunch of boxes full of paper did that to them, but they promised it was the truth but Daisy said they got in trouble, "Hey Ryan why don't we get ice for our bruises." Quinn says, and I see him nod, "Oh yeah you guys get fixed." I tell them and they both walk away, I walk back to my table and everyone looks at me, "Well what happened?" Emery asks, and I look at Daisy, "You said they got in trouble right?" I ask her and she nods, "Yeah Ryan was telling Quinn to leave you alone, and she said she wouldn't then they started yelling." She says, "I think they lied to me then." I look down, "Wait lied about what?" Jade rubs my back, "They said they were doing work for the office and that a stack of boxes hit them giving them a black eye and got a busted lip." I tell them and they all look at each other, "Did they fight each other?" Soph asks and I shoot my attention to her, "Fight?" I question, "Well yeah I mean why else would they both get bruised by the eye." she mentions and I lightly nod my head, "Also Quinn would fight if he said that could potentially hurt you and that is the only time she ever fights, you know that, she won't fight someone unless they hurt one of us." Emmi adds on, "Daisy what did Ryan say to her that could possibly make her fight him?" Arya asks, "Um probably just that Ryan thinks he can control the people in Anna's life then he got Brandon's name wrong again." Daisy says and I dig my face into my hands, "I can't anymore I need them to me the truth, hopefully I can get it out of them tonight." I muffle, then we hear the bell ring.

Quinn's POV:

Ryan and I just waited on the staircase for the rest of lunch, we didn't want to see Anna since we lied to her last time I lied to her it didn't really go well, and she ignored me the entire day.


"Hey guys have you seen Anna?" I ask everyone at our lunch table, "Where were you Quinn?" Emmi asks me, "I was hanging out with Jenny and Bri." I tell them and I point to the both of them in the doorway, "Then why did you tell Anna you were going to get help with Mrs. Jones, but she went to bathroom." Daisy tells me, I didn't respond to them I ran out of the cafeteria to the girls bathroom, "ANNA! BOON!" I shout as I run inside, I hear sniffles come from the stall at the end, I walk up and I bend down seeing Anna's shoes, "Anna?" I knock on the door, "Go away Quinn" she takes a breath, "Anna." I say again, "I said go away Quinn you lied to me I don't want to talk to you right now." She cries more, "Please let me in Anna, I'm sorry." I tell her knocking again, "No you're just saying that because you want to come in." She tells me, I feel really bad, I hurt her, I know she hates it when people lie to her and I just lied to her. "I really am sorry, I'll make it up to you um I'll go now if you don't want me here." I say through the crack and she doesn't say anything back. I walk out of the bathroom and I sit down leaning on the wall waiting for her to come out. I'm an idiot, okay from now on no lying to Anna you can do better than this Quinn, don't hurt her.

Flashback Ends*

We hear the bell ring and we walk into the nurses office, "Hello, you two need Ice I'm guessing?" the nurse looks up from her computer and we nod at her, we walk over to the beds and we sit on the ends, opposite of each other.

Ryan's POV:

"Just letting you know if you actually did send them I would've broke you in a second, and the fact that we lied to her doesn't help she hates being lied too." She says holding the ice pack to her face, "I know, I know." I tell her making eye contact with her, "Then why? Like what the actual hell? She trusts you enough to even send them to you and you're willing to send them to people, just to what get rid of me, what the hell is wrong with you?" she asks me, "I don't want to lose her!" I snap at her,

"Well yeah I hope so you know how much you're going to lose, you will lose everything, Anna deserves so much and you're willing to lose her just like that, you literally lose everything, you no have no idea, you're going to lose the person who will support you the most, the person who will make you laugh the hardest, the person who will care about till the day she dies, the person who will love you for infinity, the person who will put your needs over hers, the person who will continue to put your happiness over hers, you are going to lose the smile that will make your melt, the laugh that will never fail to make your day, the hugs that make you feel loved, you are going to lose all of that and more. AND AND Anna deserves the literally the entire world and you're really just going to do this to her." She looks at me dead in the eye, I can't even say anything I'm speechless. "I know I know." I tell her, "No I don't think you know, you're willing to break one of the most beautiful people in this entire universe, you say you don't want to lose and yet you're not doing anything to keep her, if I were you I'd be doing everything I can to appreciate her and love her." She continues to look at me, "I am! okay I'M TRYING I literally got her the promise ring last night, it's in my pocket here see." I pull it out and I open it and I toss it to her, and she looks at it, "I'm planning on giving it to her tomorrow before the party and I'm planning on taking her to the dance plus her birthday is coming up and I want to do something special for I just don't know what." I say and she tosses it back, "So there does that prove that I'm willing to keep her?" I ask and she just drops her eyes to her feet,

Soph's POV:

"Hey Emery did you get all of that?" I ask as we crouch by the entrance of the nurses office, her door is always open so everyone can hear everything and now we just heard everything. "Yeah I got it all here look." She shows me her phone and it the entire recording of their conversation, "Good job now let's go back to math before they catch us and before Anna gets suspicious." I tell her and we walk out of the office without getting caught by them.

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