64. Dance cont. pt.3

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*DON'T play song yet*

Emmi's POV:

"THIS IS PRETTY LIT!"  Emery yells drinking more punch, we all stand around a bar table off by the DJ, Jade insisted that we should be here so here I am getting my ears blasted by the music as every light possible is being shined in my eye, I'm definitely going to lose my hearing and maybe my sight too. "AYO QUINN! ANNA OVER HERE!!!" I see them walking through the crowd of people, "HEY GUYS WE MADE IT!!" Quinn yells, "WHERE WERE YOU ANNA?!" Daisy asks, "I WAS AT OUT OLD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BEING SAD!" She responds, "HEY I THOUGHT WE TALKED ABOUT NOT BEING SAD!" I point at her, "YEAH I KNOW BUT IT'S OKAY I WON'T BE ANYMORE NOT UNTIL THE DAY COMES!" She yells back at me, we look over to Emery and Soph drinking more punch, "AYO TOMMY SAID THAT THE PUNCH IS NASTY!" Quinn takes the cup away from Emery and she smells it, "HEY HOW MANY HAVE THEY HAD?!" She asks, "A LOT!" Arya tells her, "GUYS THIS IS SPIKED!" Anna smells the drink too, we all look at each other and we put the drinks in the center of the table. "Should we tell someone?" Arya asks and we look at each other, "Nahhh no one's going to listen." Quinn laughs, but she does make a good point. "QUINN!" I get her attention and she walks over to me leaving Anna to talk to Daisy and Arya. 

"What's up?" She asks, "Okay so everything is set, Tommy and Brandon will be getting the flowers you wanted so they'll be there before we do, plus the entire thing looks amazing and  I also did the little photo thing and with the pictures you sent me." I whisper in her ear, "Thank you so much Emmi, you're the best" She says back and we hug each other, it's nice seeing her put so much effort with Anna, I didn't even see Ryan try the way Quinn tries, it's cute. "I don't know about you guys but we should dance with Emery and Soph." We look over at them and we join in the big crowd. 

*Play song* 

Quinn's POV:

Anna takes my hand and pulls me into the crowd and I start dancing with her. This feels right, this a whole new feeling than what happened at the party when I danced with Jennifer. This is new and I love it. Jade comes join us as we're jumping up and down with the music, swaying side to side busting our amazing dance moves, Daisyshows off her robot, "GO ROBO! GO ROBO! GO ROBO!" We yell. Arya pulls out her shimmy and we do the same. "Okay okay we're going to need space." We all take a step a step back bumping into the people behind us, we watch her lay down on the ground and she starts doing the worm. "OHHHHHHHHH!" "GO EMMI! GO EMMI!" "WHOOOO!" "AHHHHHHH!" We all cheer as she gets back up, "How did you do that?" Jade gets on the floor trying to do it making us all laugh, "GUYS GUYS LOOK LOOK!" We look at a drunk Emery and Soph dancing like the blow up men at car dealerships and tire shops. "COME ON QUINN! YOU HAVE THE HEIGHT!" Soph's right I do have the height, I pick up Jade from the ground and we start bending our bodies like those blow up men and we hear the girls laugh. "HELLO GOOD EVENING BROOKLYN HIGH!!!" We here the DJ call over the music and everyone cheers, "WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL!! LETS HAVE SOME FUN TONIGHT I KNOW THE GROUP OF LADIES HERE ARE HAVING A BLAST! JUST LETTING THE MUSIC TAKE OVER THEIR BODIES, LETS KEEP THAT ENERGY UP TONIGHT!!" Jade, Emery and I stop dancing as he points at us. "WOW YOU GUYS GOT NOTICED!" Anna laughs, "DUH OF COURSE WE'RE JUST THAT AMAZING!" Emery pretends to flip her shoulder, "DRUNK EMERY SURE IS SOMETHING ELSE!" Arya mentions. 

"OOOH LETS GET MORE PUNCH!" She starts walking away and Emmi and I pull her back, "I think you've had enough punch for one night." I tell her, "There's water bottles in the vending machine, we can go get some." Daisy points at the gym doors, "Let's get some." Anna says, I wrap my arm around her and we walk out of the gym, hearing the music get blocked out by the walls, "LOOK OVER THERE!" We see Emery and Soph run over to the vending machine. "Okay hold on guys." Emmi tells them and she starts paying for the water. 

Emmi's POV:

"Okay here you go." I pass the bottles on to Emery and Soph, "HEY GUYS LOOK IT'S RAINING AGAIN!" We hear Arya yell, I look over at Quinn and her face looks confused, we walk over to Arya and we look out of the door seeing it rain, not heavily but it still counts. I hear my phone ring and I see Tommy's name pop up, *Hey is everything good?* I walk away from the group, *Everything is fine but I checked the whether and you know that Anna like the rain but it's going to be raining all night so honestly the earlier Quinn asks the better because the rain is going to get harder.* oh boy, *Okay I'll let her know.* *Alright bet I'll see you guys later.* *Bye Tommy.*, I put my phone away and we all walk back inside and I pull her to the side, "It's going to rain harder so we might have to leave early so we can still pull off your plan." I tell her and she scratches the back of her head, "Hmmm okay uhh we'll probably leave early." She says back and walks over to Anna, damn mother nature you helped us once you can help us again right. 

Anna's POV:

"Hey boon, you know how it's raining?" Quinn asks me and I nod, "Yeah, can we dance in the rain again?" I ask her cutting her off as she takes my hand and spins me around, "Yes of course we can." She pulls me back to her body, "So like can we do it now?" I ask her again and she looks over at our friends by the table, "Yes." She smiles, and we walk over to them. "Hey guys Anna wants to go dance in the rain so we're going to leave." Quinn says, "WE'RE GOING TOO!" They all yell, "I guess we're all dancing in the rain." I look up at her and she kisses the top of my head. We walk out of the gym out to the parking lot, "Hey Anna you're riding with us." I look up to Emmi and she motions me to go to her, "But I'm riding with Quinn!" I yell back, "Not this time we're getting food." Daisy adds on, ooooh ride with my girlfriend or get food I mean we're all gonna be at my house anyway so I think it will be fine. "Is it okay if I ride with them?" I ask Quinn, "Yeah go ahead I'm gonna take care of drunk Emery." She laughs, I walk over to her side giving her a kiss and I walk to Emmi's car getting stopped by Emery, "WHATEVER YOU SAY. SAY YES BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T. LOVE DOESN'T EXIST AND IT WILL NEVER EXIST AND IT'S ALL FAKE SO SAY YES!!" She shakes me, "EMERY NO GO TO QUINN!" Emmi yells at her. "What am I supposed to say yes to?" 

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