41. Difficult to Ignore

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Anna's POV:

"Ayo Anna you good?" I hear Arya say, "Oh yeah yeah I'm fine." I put my phone away closing my locker, "Are you sure? You kept staring or gazing at the picture of you and Quinn in what fifth grade was it?" She asks, "Fourth actually she left that summer and we took that picture before she left, we took too, I have one and she has the other." I catch myself smiling, "You're falling hard aren't you" she smirks, "No I'm not." I snap back at her and we walk into the classroom, "Yeah right, you staring at the polaroid for a good few minutes just blushing and not to mention that it's the same picture as your lock screen along with other photos and snaps, so yeah I'd say you're falling hard even if you're totally not over Ryan." She says and we take our seats, "Actually speaking of Ryan I know what I want to do with his stuff." Arya looks at me surprised, "Oh really, do tell." She gives me her full attention. "Well I know that there's two ways this can go with him, one we become friends again and forget what has happened, or two I can get rid of him completely and burn his shit, because I don't need him or any reminder of him, if I'm going to get over him fully, I need to get rid of any reminders of him fully." I explain to her, "Wow burning his stuff, I like it, is that the option you're going with?" She asks and I nod, "Yup, I know it will be difficult to ignore him, but it's better than letting him back into my life no matter how hard it is to get over him."

I see Ryan walk in as class starts but we both ignore each other, which isn't surprising I mean I just slapped his ex because she said she see's why he cheated on me, and that hurt, it hurt. I can't wait for the day I fully get over him. Class goes by like normal nothing really excited happened besides another reminder about the dance set up. I hear the bell ring and Arya and I start to pack up, "REMEMBER HOME THREE POINT TWO ON COMBINING ATOMS IS DUE TOMORROW BOTH SIDES!" Our teach shouts as we all leave the classroom waiting for Emmi and Daisy to meet us on the side of the hall. "What's up guys?" I ask them when they reached us, "Not much just a project to do." Emmi says, "Not much either just Ryan tried to make conversation with Quinn." Daisy adds on and we start walking to the cafeteria. "Oh did she talk to him?" I ask, "No, well she would respond to be nice but she shut the convo pretty quickly." Daisy responds. Hmm interesting, we walk inside the cafeteria seeing everyone else already at the table, "Sup y'all." Jade waves, I wave back but I don't see Soph, "Where's Soph?" Arya asks, "She went to go run over Jennifer." Emery points out the door, "WHAT?! SHE WENT WITHOUT ME?!" We see Arya run out.

"Wow I would not want to be Jennifer right now, it's like she has a bounty on her head." Emmi laughs, I look at Quinn and her head is on the table. "Are you okay Bubs?" I sit beside her, "Mhm" she nods. "Yeah right I know you're not." I tell her and I lay my head on the table with her, she turns her head making eye contact with me. "Yeah you're right, but it's okay I'll be okay later." She smiles, "I hope so, we still have Brandon's game and of course our ice cream." I smile back. "Hey lovebirds we're here too" Daisy laughs and we both lift our heads up. "We literally said two sentences to each other" I tell her and she rolls her eyes, "It takes you guys ten minutes to say two sentences." Jade smiles, "No." Quinn rebuttals and we both blush. A few minutes go by and we see Soph and Arya come running back to our table. "We did it." they huff out, "You didn't?" Emery stands up, "You what?!" Quinn jumps up, "If you two don't see her in P.E. just know she might be in the hospital." Soph gives us a thumbs up. They actually ran her over. We hear the bell ring and we all stand up to get to class and hopefully not get yelled at because we have a minute left. I feel Quinn hug me before she walks with Jade and Emery to class, "You're blushing again." Emmi nudges me, "Shut up I know." I snap at her.

Quinn's POV:

4th period went by fast as always. Although I am still pissed, but you can't blame me even Anna said she didn't like the fact she kissed me. The bell finally rings and I jump to get to P.E. I walk to the gym feeling someone jump on my back, "Hi Bubs." I hear Anna say, "Hi Boon." I continue to walk with her on my back, we walk inside and she jumps off. We see Daisy and Emmi all ready dressed. "Come guys, hurry up and I found out that Jennifer isn't coming to class today." Daisy says, "Good, not she should stay away longer." I hear Anna mumble, "Maybe she should." I nudge her making her smile.

Time Skip To The End Of The Day

Anna and I walk to our spot to meet up with the rest of our friends along with Emery and Soph following us behind. "AYO so my family is having bonfire next week do you guys want to come?" Jade asks when we got there, I look down at Anna and she looks excited, "Yes please, you're coming too." She looks up at me and I look back at Jade, "Well there's your answer." We all laugh, "Hey we have to go his game will start soon." Anna tells me, "Alright guys Brandon's game is going to start soon, we have to go." Anna says, "Bye you two, tell him I said good luck." Daisy says, waving to us, "Me to.", "Same.", "See you two tomorrow, have fun on your date." Jade teases, and I look at Anna blushing. "Date?" I ask her, "Date." she smiles.

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