60. Skip School Date

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*Play song*

Anna's POV:

I gave in to Quinn and we hop into her car. "This is a weird feeling ditching school and can you please tell me where we're going?" I tell her and she glances at me as she drives out of the parking lot, "You'll get used to that feeling and it's only three periods so you'll be fine and good question to which I don't know I just didn't want to be in class today." She laughs and I shoot my head to her, "Wait are you serious you just wanted to leave school?" I ask again. "Yup so we're going to play a little game that I saw last night." she smiles at me, "What's the game?" I look back to the front seeing the road and a few seconds of fidgeting she hands me a quarter, "The game is that you flip the coin at a four way stop light or at an exit and if it lands on tails we make a left but if it lands on heads we make a right and the game ends when we hit a dead end or if we make it to some place like a restaurant or a mall where there's nowhere else to go." She explains. "Okay this sounds kind of fun, but this can take up the entire day." I tell her, "That will be even better then." She smirks and I just shake my head. I connect my phone to her radio and I start playing music. "Okay we're coming up to a stop." She says, I take the coin and I flip it in the air, "Heads." I look at her, "Right it is." the light turns green and she makes the turn.

We were on the road for about an hour and we made 2 left turn and 4 right turns and honestly I have no idea where we are and even she looks a little confused on where we are it's almost like the country side just grasslands for miles it's actually really beautiful, "Oooh here comes two exits " Quinn points up ahead, I flip the coin again "Uh left exit" I tell her and she takes, "Talk about a change of scenery." As she drives down the road we get met with trees on both sides and the road starts to turn into brown dirt. "Why'd you stop the car?" I ask her as she just legit stopped right bang in the center of the road, "We're going to walk the rest of the way." She smiles at me and unbuckles herself hopping out of the car. "Wait Quinn, wait!" I hop out after her, "If I knew this would happen I wouldn't have worn white shoes" I complain as we walk through the trees, "We're going to be fine." Quinn laughs, "What even is this place? It's beautiful though." I take out my phone taking a picture of the trees, "Bubs smiles." I point the camera at the both of us and I take a picture, "Aww you look cute bubs." I tell her, "Oh really now?" She laughs, "Oh yes and I'm posting it on my story." I show her and she grabs my phone out of my hand, "You didn't." she gasps, "I did." I say proudly taking my phone back.

We continue walking being mesmerized by everything, Quinn wonders off a few feet away from me while I look at 2 butterflies one just a little bigger than the other with blue wings flying around each other, "HEY BOON COME HERE YOU GOTTA LOOK AT THE VIEW!!" I hear her shout, I turn around seeing stand on top of a huge rock, I run over to her and she crouches down holding her hands out. I hold onto them and she pulls me up with her I wrap my arms around her waist kissing her cheek as she wraps her arm around me. I look out seeing other mountains smaller than the one we're one filled with tall trees full of green it's absolutely incredible. I look down seeing a small canyon with a small creek running through. I look back at her who's already smiling at me, "It's amazing up here." I tell her taking in a deep breath in. "THIS IS MY WORLD!" She shouts that's followed by a laugh. I look seeing a few birds fly away from the trees from echo. "Look at that you scared some birds." I tease her, "I'll do it again." She takes a deep breath in, "No no no no." I cover her mouth, I hear a phone ring and I see her take it out of her pocket, "It's Jade.".

Quinn's POV:

*AYO so when are you coming back?*, *I don't know why?* I see Anna walk a few feet away to a couple of butterflies, *Because I heard the cafeteria is giving free donuts like the good ones*, *Oh wait for real?*, *Mhm, so hurry up with your date, oh and also about the asking out Anna thing I know Emmi is hella good with plans so you should ask her for idea's or something.*, *Bet bet, and I will definitely talk to Emmi, and I will also take my sweet time on my date thank you.*, *Okay if you say so, just saying I will eat both yours and Anna's soooo.*, *Byeeee Billy Ray Cyrus*, *Bye Quinnyyyy*. I hang up the phone and I walk over to Anna, I creep up behind her to scare, "What are you looking at?" She jumps a bit, "Oh my god Quinn don't do that." She holds her chest while I laugh a little, "Anyways I was looking at these two butterflies I saw earlier and what did Jade say?" She points at a small bush with two blue butterflies, "Those are Blue Morphos and she said that the school is giving the good donuts again." She shoots up and starts pulling my hand, "Woah woah slow down why are we rushing?" I ask her pulling her back, "I want the donuts." She stops and looks at me.

"Mhm sure you do, you just want to go back to school." I laugh, "Uh nooo." She lowers her voice, "Okay if you yell with me then we'll head back", "Uhh what exactly are we yelling?" She asks and we go back to the rock, "What I yelled before but replace the 'my' with 'our'" We both take a deep breath in. "THIS IS OUR WORLD!!" We yell at the top of our lungs, "Okay that was cute." I smile at her, "It was." she smiles back, "Good think I got it on video." I show her my phone hearing our voices playback. "Oh my god." she covers her mouth, I take her hand we walk back to my car. After 30 minutes of wandering around we find just the way we left it. "Hey bubs can this place be our place?" Anna asks letting go of my hand walking to the passenger side. "Of course boon, our place." I smile at her unlocking my car.

Emmi's POV:

"Jade don't eat it." Soph says trying grab the donuts we saved for Quinn and Anna, "Hey I called Quinn saying I would eat it if they don't come back." She tries to take it back. "HEY GUYS!" I hear Anna's voice, "Hey was your guys skip school date?" Daisy asks, "It was amazing." She smiles, "Where did you guys go?" Arya asks and Quinn and Anna look at each other, "That is actually a secret." They laughs, "Yo Quinn you might want to get these donuts before Jade shoves them down her throat." Emery points to Jade and Soph fighting, "Haha but I actually need to talk to Emmi for a bit" I hear her say, she needs me?, "Uh yeah sure what's up?" I ask as we walk a few feet away, "Um so I actually have a plan to ask Anna out and I need help planning it out?" She whispers, I look back at Anna and she waves at the both of us, "About time if you ask me." I tease Quinn.

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