43. The Right Date cont.

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Anna's POV:

I get to my car seeing Quinn out of breath. "Took you long enough." Brandon whines, "Well someone here forgot their soccer bag." I had to him, "And someone else thought it was a good idea to run to a car when they don't have the keys." I tease Quinn shaking the keys in her face, "Okay okay I get it." She catches her breath. I unlock the car and I hear them both hop in. Wow they're excited. I hop in a few seconds later and I start to drive off, I heard that Jennifer took Quinn to Coldstone, pfft that's beginner shit, one thing that she doesn't know is that there's one Ice Cream parlor that we went to as kids which has the best chocolate ice cream in the world. I look to my side seeing Quinn turned around to Brandon, playing Rock, Paper, Scissors. "What are you guys doing?" I ask, "ROCK PAPER SCISSORS SHOOT, I WIN!" I hear Brandon shout, "We were trying to see who will get to sit in front on our way back and Brandon won." She turns back around. "I see, I mean you can drive back that way both of you will be at the front" I offer and she nods "Yesssss." She gets excited, I swear she's still the same fourth grader. I put on music and I hear Brandon and Quinn sing their hearts out and of course I did too. I see her take out of her phone and she starts recording us.

After 20 minutes of driving I pull into a empty parking lot of, "OH MY GOD TONY'S BEST ICE CREAM PARLOR!" She unbuckles and so does Brandon and they rush out of the car waiting for me. I hop out too locking my car and I watch them run inside.


"Hey mom can we go to Tony's today with Quinn?" I ask my mom before I hop into my car as she holds the door open. "If it's okay with her mom yes." she smiles and I run back to her seeing her mom, "Oh hello Anna how are you?" Quinn's mom asks, "Hi Ms. Madden I was wondering if Quinn can come with me to Tony's Best Ice Cream Parlor?" I ask her and she gets excited, "Can I mom please?!" She asks and she looks at the both of us, "I don't see why not come on I'll talk to your mom too Anna." She says and Quinn and I look at each other and we run back to my car, "My mom and her mom talk while we both hop inside. We were playing I Spy With My Little Eye and I see mom pull into Tony's "There it is!" I start shaking her, my mom parks and we hop out, "Hold on girls wait for me." I hear my mom, we wait for her to lock the car and we run inside. "Hello girls welcome back." A man behind the glass with Ice Cream inside. "HI TONY!" We shout at him.

Flashback Ends*

I follow them through the door and I see them stare into the glass looking at al the flavors, "Anna is that you?" I see Tony walk behind the counter, "Hey Tony, the white hair suits you." I laugh, "Ah still trying to keep young you know." He laughs as his accent comes through, "Have you guys chosen yet?" I ask them and they both shoot up, "Chocolate!" They burst out at the same time, "Three chocolates please Tony." I tell him and he nods, "You got it." We watch him scoop the ice cream throwing it in the air and catching it in the waffle cone. I look at Brandon and Quinn as they watch Tony and they look memorized. "Here you go, one for Anna, one for Quinn and one for Brandon, it's good seeing you guys again." he passes them to us and we take a seat in the corner of the shop. "Mmm still amazing as always." She practically moans at the taste of it. So does Brandon. "Do you guys come here often?" She asks and Brandon and I shake our heads, "Oh why not, this place is the best." She licks her ice cream, "We came here maybe once or twice but it just wasn't the same without you, so I stopped coming here, even Tony wondered where you went." I tell her and she nods her head lightly, "Well now we can come here all the time." She smiles. "Yay!" We hear Brandon cheer, "Here buddy wipe your mouth you have a chocolate goatee." She and I laugh.

We continue talking more until Brandon was done with his cone. "You done buddy?" She asks and he nods, we all get up throwing our napkins away, and we Tony waves at us, "Bye Tony we'll be coming again soon." I push the door open waving at him, "Bye girls and Brandon." He tells us and we walk out, I hand her my keys as Brandon runs to the passenger seat. "Does that mean I get the AUX?" she asks and I shake my head, "Nope that means you just get to drive and I still get the AUX?" I laugh, "Okay okay I guess." she laughs and unlocks the car. We all hop in and I put on music as she pulls out of the parking space. Brandon is going to have immaculate music taste that's all I have to say, he's gonna have music for every occasion, maybe 10 songs later I see Quinn pull into our driveway, parking the car. We all hop out and I watch Brandon hug her, "Thank you for coming." he says and he takes the keys out of her hand to unlock the front door. "Oh here you go." she looks at me taking off the jersey, "Um you're going to need to keep that" I tell her putting it back on, "Oh really?" She looks at me, "A few other saccer moms saw us together cheering on Brandon even you accidentally hitting the kid in the face and they want you back there again for the next game.",


"GUYS I HAVE THE KEYS, HEY! BRANDON! I HAVE THE- nevermind" I hear a few parents laugh, "They're excited I'd say." I turn seeing Mrs. Hernandez, "Oh yeah for sure always ready for food." I laugh, "Who's the girl? I haven't seen her before?" she asks, "Oh that's best friend, her name is Quinn." I walk closer to them, "Oh okay got it, why don't you tell her she should come back for another game, I love her energy and she made a few parents laugh which is always good." She smiles, "She would love that, I will definitely tell her thank you." I start to walk away but she calls me out again, "AND BY THE WAY ANNA, those matching jerseys very cute, makes you guys look like a couple." She lets out a laugh, she says goodbye to me and I start walking to my car.

Flashback Ends*

"I'd love to see another game, maybe he will shoot again and score." she says giving me a smile, "Good and we can just meet here at my house and go to his games." I tell and I feel her arms wrap around me, "Yeah it can be our thing, you know." and I wrap my arms around her nodding against her chest.

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