12. not going anywhere

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shoutout to those who leave prompts in my comments... i see you, and i love them

this was a fun idea by @EILISHDIOR in my comments, so cudos to her for planting it in my mind:)

hope you enjoy lovelies!

tw! aggressive dialogue, fighting, etc. if you're sensitive to this topic, please do not hurt yourself and read this.

relationship: married to vinnie, w/ little girl lily <3

 "okay, munchkin, you ready?" vinnie asked his daughter, leaning down to press a sloppy kiss to her cheek, earning a squeal in return. you were currently waiting in line for a Tarzan themed ride, lily having fallen in love with the film, taking you and your husband by surprise.

taking a family trip to disney world had always been in the plan, and things had finally worked in your favor in your work schedule, as well as vinnie's, and you'd managed to surprise your daughter, simply bringing her along the plane ride and to the hotel before telling you where you guys were. as a five year old, she was easy to pack for, and you and vinnie had taken careful consideration in making sure she had her favorite outfits down in florida.

"i'm ready, daddy! i am!" she exclaimed, continuing to hold onto his hand, quite oversized compared to hers, but comforting nonetheless. "i'm gonna swing on the vine, just like tarzan did!" her gap-tooth smile was the size of the moon, and you'd kill to see it anytime you could get it out of her.

once it was her turn in line, vinnie made sure she was settled on the ride before stepping back next to you, watching her face light up as it began to move, going up off the ground and back down again in gentle motions. she let out loud sounds of excitement, making it easy to spot which cart held her, and you snorted at the fact that she resembled vinnie to a match in that very moment. you were simply glad that she was happy to be here, and excited that she wanted to experience these things just like you had at a young age so long ago.

you reached your hand down past your backpack strap to tangle your hands with vinnie's, receiving a quick but meaningful kiss on the lips and a smile to follow. god, you could never get over how perfect your family was, and how grateful you were to have them to call your own.


the sun had finished setting about an hour ago, leaving the firework display behind the castle a spectacular sight for your daughter, who was absolutely enraptured by the dainty explosions of light in the sky. she didn't let the sound bother her, letting your embrace keep her feeling safe throughout the whole show, and you were proud to say the least.

Now, making the short trek back to your home you'd rented right outside the magic kingdom, with your daughter latched to vinnie's hip, his arms keeping her upright with almost no effort, you knew that she, and you both, were going to sleep plenty good. it had been a long day, and tomorrow didn't give much slack either. you'd known these days would be busy, alongside all the fun you were having, and you wouldn't change it for the world.

entering the home, you made sure to lock the door behind you, and you silently watched as vinnie crept up the stairs with his daughter in his hands, his shoes kicked off by the welcome mat. you made your way to the couch, letting your feet curl under you and your head lay back, welcoming the blanket of tired to wash over you. you gently pulled your phone out of your back pocket, opening it up to check your texts, a few from your parents and vinnie's asking how things were going, and then you knew you should refrain from doing so, but checking your social media seemed so tempting.

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