21 - Sublime

922 37 12

"Izumi, relax, she'll be just fine. Won't you, (Y/N)?"

Your aunts sky blue eyes met yours in the rear view mirror, small smile on her lips. Your mother sat in the passenger seat a nervous wreck over today. She was more paranoid than you were. In the morning she had stuffed your book bag with water and energizing fruits and snacks to take with you even though you weren't allowed to eat during the exam. 

"Yeah, don't worry mom, I'll be fine," you said.

You continued to stare out the window, trying to convince yourself of the very thing you just said. The ride to the examination center was going by quicker than expected. Good thing you ate a light breakfast or else it would be retched onto your lap by now.

While your mother was a nervous wreck on the outside, you were a nervous wreck on the inside. So much so that you barely got any sleep last night and you contemplated on faking sick so that you didn't have to show up. 

Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you peaked to see that it was Itsuka who had texted you.

Today 10:30 AM

Itsuka: You got this (Y/N)!!!! 

Itsuka: I'm waiting for you at the front entrance. Let me know when you get here! 

You typed out a fast reply and sank further down in your seat. No matter how much you tried to distract yourself by counting the trees and clouds that passed, your mind was still a jumbled mess. This day was either going to end on a high note, or on a low note. 

I need to fucking pass this exam. 

You thought back to what Shinso had said the day before. No matter what happened, the two of you would celebrate your success and all the work hard you had put in your trainings. That was probably the only thing that you were looking forward to. Getting to spend time with Shinso. Your mother would most likely go insane trying to find you afterwards but who gives a shit, you'll deal with the consequences later. 

"Well! We're here," Nemuri announced.

The car pulled into the parking lot and you quickly took off your seatbelt and stepped out.

The sporting arena was just as large as the USJ if not, even larger. When you first arrived at UA, one of the things Vlad King had instilled in you was to focus on where you wanted to go after college. While plenty of students went on to participate in hero internships, UA opened the doors to some elite colleges that would help you out in your hero career. 

Itsuka had long ago decided what she wanted to do with her life. She would continue on to another university that was tied with a hero agency that way she could have a more smooth transition into hero work. You were essentially doing the same except that this university lined up more with your ideas and morals. 

"(Y/N)!" Itsuka squealed. Luckily for her, she had completed the first trial of her entrance exam a month ago. Now she was just waiting for her letter to let her know she was able to compete in the second trial. Itsuka wrapped her arms tightly around your shaking frame and you returned the hug with just as much strength. She pulled back to get a good look at you. "You okay? You don't look like you got much sleep last night," she frowned. 

"Yeah I think I got about 4 hours."

"(Y/N)!" your mother sighed disapprovingly. "You should've drank the chamomile tea I made for you last night. Hi, Itsuka."

"Hi Mrs. (L/N)," Itsuka smiled. 

"Yeah I wasn't in a tea drinking mood last night," you muttered.

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