xxix. their summer (2)

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Harry was kinda sad to leave Draco alone even though he would've been free.That was until he received a letter saying Voldemort was living in his house.Then he got pissed. Then he got a letter about the Dark Mark and now he wasroyally pissed. He and Draco kept writing eachother. When he reached back hedid his usual of making them dinner and getting their scraps. Although, when hewas back, Dudley always gave him extra food. Late in the night, Dudley knockedon his door. Harry opened it and got tackled in a hug by Dudley. He hugged backand said "jeez, at least someone missed me here," "shut up,Harry," they sat on Harry's bed and Dudley started talking about how hisbest mate Piers was caught shagging another guy and got grounded till thissummer. "So what happened with you and Draco? Do I have to kick him up theass?" Harry laughed and said "no, but he did let slip that he wantsto marry me, you're invited if we survive this war" they spoke for longeruntil two owls came rushing inside his window scaring the shit out of Dudley.The first one was from Dumbledore and the second one from Draco. He readDumbledore's letter and told Dudley that he'd be leaving on Friday, while hetranslated Draco's letter while listening to Dudley's rants about being bi.Then came a third owl, Sirius'. He took the letter, and found that there wassomething attached to it. He read the letter, which said:


Dumbledore told me you'd be going to the Burrow for the rest of the summer, but since you're a part of my bridal entourage, you're going to be coming to Grimmauld Place on Sunday. Give the other piece of paper to Petunia, not Vernon. She'll know what it is. Make sure no ones giving you shit.

Lots of love,


"Dad?" Dudley asked him, "Sirius, last year I accidentallycalled him dad and now it's stuck, I like it, he likes it, Remus likes it, sowhy not?" Dudley smiled and said "good for you, Harry," theyspoke for some more time and then Dudley went back. Next day being Thursday,one day before he left, he gave Sirius' letter to Aunt Petunia. She read it andsmiled, something Harry never thought he would see. Vernon snarled and said"what's that rubbish?" she scowled at him and said "it's aninvitation to a wedding," Harry's eyes widened, surely Sirius must be saneright now. "You said wedding invitation? But no one we know isgetting married." Petunia laughed and said "no one you knowis getting married," he took the card from her hand and said "isn'tSirius Black that murderer? We can't go to his wedding!" "You betterwatch your tongue Uncle Vernon, that's my Dad you're talking about!"Vernon glared at him and Harry glared back, but then focused on Aunt Petuniaand asked "I take it you know Dad and other Dad then?" she nodded andasked "since when do you call them, Dad and other Dad?" "Sincelast year actually, I was kinda freaking out and I accidentally called him dad,and since their getting married I started calling Remus dad too," 

Harry had never seen Aunt Petunia so calm and not-angry. She said to Harry"tell them we're coming, I can't wait to meet them again," Harry gaveher a smile and a 'please elaborate look' and she said "we met and Jamesand Lily's wedding and they were really nice," Harry snorted. The next dayAunt Petunia asked him, "Harry what are you doing in the wedding? I meanyou obviously have a role there," Harry turned red and mumbled "I'mthe flower girl," and she smirked and said "I'm sorry I didn't catchthat," "I'm the bloody flower girl," Dudley broke, so did AuntPetunia. Harry rolled his eyes and saw that Uncle Vernon had turned a lightshade of purple. The next evening, when Professor Dumbledore came to collecthim, and offered them mead, Petunia immediately took some, because she saidthat she remembered what it tasted like when James brought some over. 

Dudley alsotook some and so did Harry. Just before Harry was leaving, Dudley called him tohis room and gave Harry his entire months allowance and said "for yourbirthday," Harry smiled at Dudley and hugged him and left after saying,"see you on Monday," when Harry left with Dumbledore he asked him"professor, do you mind if we stop somewhere? There's something I need toget," "of course Harry," Harry walked them to the nearest pizzaplace and bought ten only cheese pizzas. He asked Dumbledore to put a permanentHeating Charm on it. They went and hired Slughorn, after they finished thatHarry was Apparated to the Burrow. Professor Dumbledore spoke to him aboutlessons and said "well we won't be doing any Occlumency, so you'll beokay," 

Harry huffed and said "good, 'cause they were a bitch" Harry realised what he said and slapped a hand over his mouth, Dumbledore chuckled and said "I was going to say fiasco but, as you say, bitch is a better description," Harry laughed and said "thanks for bringing me here, and putting a Heating Charm on the pizza," and then Dumbledore Dissaparated.

When Harry reached there, he said a quick hi to those in the living room and walked past like nothing had happened. "hARRY?!" He laughed and then went and hugged every one. Sirius and Remus were there too since Mrs. Weasley was helping them with the wedding. He hugged them a little longer and said "hi Dad" to Sirius and said "hello, Father," to Remus who broke right there, "have I upset you?" said Harry quickly and Sirius cut in with a "no Harry, he was kinda waiting for that to come" Harry breathed a sigh of relief and then said "I brought pizza!" and no one but Hermione and Remus cheered. He opened the box and passed a slice to everyone who relished it and Ron whispered to him "fucking hell, where did you get this?" "It's actually pretty close to Privet Drive," Ron smiled at him and everyone else finished and Mrs. Weasley sent them off to bed. Harry took the remaining seven boxes to his room and kept them in his trunk for school. He couldn't wait for Monday to come, when he met Draco and Dudley again. Since his birthday was tomorrow, a gift came in by owl, which he recognised as Draco's. He opened the letter which read:

Dear HJP,

I wish I could be with you when you open this Howler, but since you're not at Privet, I kinda feel bad. This is a never ending Howler. Something I've charmed to keep playing over and over again when you open it.

All the moons and stars and my love,


Harry opened the Howler and it played a melodious tune, the same one whichDraco played for him on Christmas Day in fourth year. Harry teared up, butquickly wiped his tears, when Remus came in and asked "what the fuck areyou listening to? Sounds bloody amazing!" Harry dodged the question andsaid "you're bloody lucky Mrs. Weasley isn't here right now," Remuswalked forward and took the letter from Harry's hand and said "what's thisrubbish?" He took out his wand and said "translatio" and Harry'sjaw dropped "of course, there was a fucking spell," heheard Hermione say. Remus read the letter and then yelled "SIRIUS! GETYOUR ASS HERE NOW!" and heard a "Remus! Language!" from Mrs.Weasley.Harry chuckled and saw Sirius run in with his wand at the ready, and said"what happened?!" Remus gave him the letter and then the Howler andsaid "this boy is bloody beautiful," he faced Harry and said "ifyou don't marry him, I will!" 

Sirius and Harry looked offended and Sirius said "we're getting married two days from now, you can't get married to him!" Remus raised an eyebrow, and said "watch me," before leaving the room dramatically. Sirius left behind him after muttering "I thought drama was my thing" Harry, Ron and Hermione chuckled and opened the rest of Harry's gifts.

a/n: the next chapter will be wolfstar's wedding. good luck to y'all. im watching the crown rn and oml, that show's a fricking masterpiece.


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