Behind The Smiles

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Heya guys! Core here, and welcome to my new Fanfic Story that involves Depressed Dream.

So basically this started out as a small story that I wasn't going to publish, but then it got out of hand and I accidentally made it. So uhh... Enjoy!

(Also prepare yourself for Depression Warnings!)



A state of well-being and contentment.

Everyone has Happiness inside of them. Even the people who never experienced it before, has Happiness just waiting to spark inside of them.

Happiness can be found anywhere. Whether you're alone or with a friend. As long as you found pleasure, joy and contentment, you are confirmed to be Happy, even if it's just once..."

"What happens when you no longer feel Happy?"

"What happens when you can no longer be content?"


"All it takes is for someone to help you bring it back..."


Dream smiled as he walked by the villager in the AU. Looking happy as more villagers talk to him. The little monster kids would always ask him to play with them for enjoyment.
Dream would happily agree with them, just to help them feel happy.

He stood up and the kids lead him to a game of tag. Dream was it. He counted backwards from three before running to catch some kids.

The kids all laughed in joy as they continued playing the game for an hour. Dream was slowly getting tired, but he pushed through and kept playing the game, so the kids could be content with playing with him.

Unfortunately for Dream, the kids were hyper and really active. They enjoyed playing with Dream so much that they kept making him play again and again. Enjoying every second of happiness. The kids wished this could last forever.

Until "I'm sorry guys, but playtime's over." Dream apologized as he pants softly from playing too much. "Aww... Really? Can't you stay a little longer?" A small kid said with puppy eyes, the other kids followed what the kid did as well. Dream smiled sympathetically at them. "Sorry guys, I can't stay here for too long." Dream waved goodbye, not even bothering to hear their complains and pleads for him to stay.

Dream walked into a portal the he summoned out of thin air and went through it. As soon as he got out of the portal, he was confronted by his house that was located in the middle of Dreamtale. Sometimes his friends, Ink and Blue, come around here and turned it into their secret base.

He opened the door and went to the kitchen. Only to find Ink and Blue were eating dinner without him, and most of the food were already gone. Both of them looked at Dream and smiled awkwardly, Dream did the same as well.
"O-Oh Hi Dream!" Ink forced a smile. "Hey... What's up?" Blue awkwardly said.

Dream already knew how they felt about him and they still act all innocent around him. Some friends they are...

Dream scratched the back of his neck. "Is there any left?" He asked, not trying to sound hurt. "O-oh! I didn't realize you were hungry. Sorry, but we ate all the food." Blue answered, trying to sound apologetic. "Y-Yeah! I gotta go now, bye!" "M-Me too!" Both hesitated and went through a portal, as expected of them.

Dream sighed. He still doesn't know why he didn't kick them out when they clearly dislike him. And look! They even left their dirty dishes in the dining room, rude.
He took the dirty dishes to the dishwasher and began cleaning them.

He began thinking of something, earning a small tear going down his left eye socket.
Whatever he was thinking of made him instantly sad, but it couldn't be that bad, right?

Dream unloaded the dishwasher and put the dishes away before going to his room.


I think this is already too predictable for you ;3

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