The hint

543 42 1

"STEPHAN!!" I called him as he rushed in

"What did something happen!?" He said as I held up the locket I gave Rose

"Omg ... " He mumbled something else but I couldn't hear

"What did you say?"

"Nothing.."he said
"Where did you find it?"

"Romeo gave it to me"

"What!?" He said, with a shocked expression.

"How did Romeo have it and didn't Rose take it with her?"

"Yes she did ... That means she was here ?.." I looked at the locket.

"Alex ..." Stephan frowned

"Guys it's that cute girl again looking for something" Mathew said butting in our conversation

" Rose!?!?" I said rushing into the living room to see Rosetta

"Umm.. I forgot my uhhh jacket..." She said walking to Stephan and whispered something as he whispered back. Her reaction was worried.

"Is there something wrong and sorry about before " I gave her an apologetic smile

"Yeah okay.." She nodded grabbing her jacket.

"Ro..-" he got cut off by Stephan's hand over his Mathews mouth

"Ima go bye "she said
Closing the door.

"What were you saying ?" I said raising my eye brow

"I was about to say Romeo " he said as I nodded walking back into my room.

I walk in my room but then notice that my necklace is gone , "crap I left it in my jacket at his house" I sigh
quickly knocking on the front door to see Mathew.

"Hi Mathew" I said quickly walking in as he went up stairs

"ROSE!!" I heard as I saw Alex run down the stairs as I saw my jacket on the sofa. Freck he knows it's me ?

"Umm I forgot my jacket" I picked it up feeling the necklace wasn't in there.

"Stephan have you seen my necklace..." I whispered

"He has it , I will get it back okay " he said as I smiled worriedly

"Ro-" Mathew nearly said my name but luckily Stephan covered his mouth. I knew he realized who I was I could tell by the way I knew his name when I saw him. I mouthed out a thanks to Stef as he nodded.

"Ima go bye" I half smile and walk to the door but turn to see Alex frowning and holding my necklace, I smile but frown closing the door.
I went to my room and had a quick shower changing into a pink oversized sweater and white high-knee socks.
I take out my earrings but they drop on the ground.

"Ughh" I bend down to pick them up to see a guitar case.

"His guitar?." I pull it out underneath the bed as I opened it and smiled.

I strummed some cords as I sang random lyrics
"I know you miss me..I know your hurt .. You know who I am but you don't recognize me at all... , how can you not know that I'm standing here right before your eyes.. , can you please tell me what am I to you ... Can you please tell me what am I to you.. Can't you realize who I am..." I finish my short song as the sound of the cords fade, tears wet the strings of the guitar.

I text Stephan if he got it back or not.

"Yes I have it " some one said as I flinched to see Stephan in my room holding my locket.

"OMG thank you" I hugged him

"No worries , but you should thank Romeo" he said as the cute pup walks through the door and jumps on me.

"Awww hehe thank you cutie" I stroked him

"But how did Alex get it ?" I said as he pointed at Romeo

"Romeo" I glared as he made a whimpering noise
"aww it's okay at least I have it back" I smiled as he barks wagging his tail.

"You have to tell him tomorrow Rose he's like literally depressed and he knows that you've come back but didn't realize it was you " he sighs as I do too .

"Can I tell him at the Performance at the hall after school tomorrow" I smiled

"Yeah wait why the performance"

"You'll see " I smiled as he nodded also Romeo did too

"Ahaha he's so cute and a smart pup when did you get him?"

"I bought him at this pet shop" he smiled

"Well I got to go cya Rose and be carful next Time " he said as I nodded and smiled

"Stephan have you seen the locket I lost it!? "I yelled looking for it

"No you have it I never went in your room" he said as I run my hand through my hair

*phone rings*

"Hey it's Leslie I can make it tomorrow for the performance " I smiled as she said that

"Okay so your all better yeah"

"Yes I'm okay now" she giggled

"Okay well get some sleep we have a big day tomorrow and I need to tell you something but tomorrow at the performance"

"Okay goodnight then"

"Sweet dreams" I smiled and hung up

"Who's that?" Mathew said making me flinch

"A knock would of been nice" I rolled my eyes as he knocked the door

"It's Leslie" I said as he nodded

"Still not over Rose are you?" He said

"Yeah I know I won't ever see her again"

"You sure about that?" He smirked

"What are you trying to say" I crossed my arms

"Think about it how did that necklace be here it should be in America with Rose right?"

"Yeah that's weird on how's it's here"

"So just think of the possibility she might be here" he shrugged laughing as he closed my door

"Wait what!? Impossible !???" My jaw dropped as I thought about it , what if Rose did come back but how would the locket get here ? And it's lost Now?.. Hmmm

Is he going to find out or still be clueless ??? Keep voting and reading my chapters and thanks for getting me 2.02k reads thank u!!! Your all amazing people 😍😍😍😍 thannnnnnnnnnkkkkk uuuu

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