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I walk out side to go to the bathroom, when I closed the door I saw Elena kissing Alex.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!!" I yelled as I  ran over to that bitch and punched her face making her fall to the ground crying.

"what did I say bitch ! Get off of my man he's mine you got that ! You little bastard " I couldn't control my anger I went to try and punch her again but Alex stopped me.

"let go Alex" I glared at him.

" Stop your going to get in trouble we are right near the office " he said as I stopped . I kept my eyes on her as her lips grew an evil bitches grin.

" don't make me take that dirty smirk off your face!"

" Shut up he kissed me first !" Arrows and knifes were thrown through my heart.

I turned to Alex for his response " is it true? " I said with tears.

"yes b-" I cutt him off, as I threaten him.

" Get away from me " I stepped back then tears fell down. I started running to who knows where, my heart felt broken.

"Rose wait come back!" I ignored his voice and kept running . Until I bumped into some wall well I thought it was because my blurred vision of tears.

"Rose?" I recognised his voice.

"Raphael?.." I say trembling in tears.

"Come here it's alright" he pulled me into a hug and sobbed on his shoulder, mumbling out what happened.

" He .. Kissed that bitch " it was hard for me to say words because of my constant crying .

" I saw what happened, he's a dick for doing that " I hugged him closer then calmed down looking at him.

" Can we go somewhere quiet and away from them" I said softly .

" Yeah, of course " we started walking to this place I've never really seen before.

" Where are we? " I question.

" We are at my thinking place ya like it " he smiled at me , it was a quiet area behind the hallways with flowers covering the fences and a bench with a big oak tree next to it.

" Wow I didn't know we had this place before " I gave him a small smile.

"Well because were not supposed to be here I only have the keys to this door that leads here " he chuckles.

" Bad boy as always" I giggled . I sighed while sitting down next to him.

"Karma is a bitch" she sighs looking to the ground .

"Yeah I know " I sighed leaning back to the tree, she looked at me with her eyes as I look at her red puffy face from her crying.

"Why would you comfort me you never did that before and now you care?" she raised her eye brow.

"It's because I noticed something so beautiful slipped out of my hands and knowing it won't come back " I sighed then a tear slipped out I wiped it away.

"Why are you crying? " She said cupping my face , her touch made me feel something inside of me.

"It's because I can't have you" I half smiled , crap I'm leaking all my secrets out now , I sighed looking away .

"I know you a still like me " she said leaning her head on my shoulder.

"No" yes I said nervously.

"Yea You do , you get adorably nervous around me and you wouldn't ever cry or ever say something more mature ever to anyone before and I know when your lying" she whispered the last part making me shiver.

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