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"Guys hold Camilia I'm calling the cops" Miley said.

"I already called them I'm gonna go wait down there and bring them up when they get here" Mom said walked towards us.

"Why" I croaked.

"Cause you were mine until she came along" she said trying to get away.

"No I wasn't I dated you for three days when Candice and I broke up but you were just a rebound" I said.

"Even if your plan did go as planned I still wouldn't date you cause I love Candice and I always will. So stop trying you have been breaking into our house and harassing us for the past year now so just stop I don't like you"  I said really quick.

"Police are here" my mom said walking up with two cops.

"That's her this heartless young lady inserted chlorine into my daughters iv almost killing her" Candies mom said crying.

"Umm young lady your gonna have to come with us we got it from here guys" The cops said taking Camilia out of the guys hands.

"Wait" I said.

They turned around.

"I'm suing you Camilia you are a heartless person and I hope you get time in jail" I said.

She just cried while still in the hands of the cops.

"Sir we will have another cop come here to questions you guys" The cop said.

I just nodded. As soon as they were out of sight I collapsed to the ground balling my eyes out. The guys helped me up and to the waiting room were we waited for 20 minutes for the cop to get here.

When they got here we went the asked many questions like...

-What happened

-Whats our relationship

-How I know her

-Pressing charges

When they left my mom went down and got us some food since we havent ate in hours.

After about another 2 hours the doctor came out.

"Austin can I talk to you" He said.

I nodded walking over to a corner with him.

"So she is fine she is alive we were able to get the chlorine out but she is very week and will be here for another week or so. She will be on lots of medication and with not be able to preform for 2 months" He said.

"Oh my goodness thank you so much doctor I can not thank you enough for what you have done for us" I said shaking his hand.

"No problem you may go see her now but stay queit shes in that same room" he said.

"Thanks doc" I said.

"No problem" he said as he walked away

I walked over to everyone with a smile on my face.

"Guys the doctor said she ok but she will be on alot of medication and that shes going to be here for another week" I reported.

"Can we go see her" Alex asked.

I nodded


I just woke up and I saw the doctor.

"Doc" I said barley in a whisper because of my throat being so dry.

"Hello Candice nice to see you awake" I said.

"Me too" I replied.

"Haha your so funny... now here eat this while I asked you some questions" He said setting food in front of  me.

"Thanks" I said.

15 minutes later

We were done with the questions and he explained so stuff. Now he is going to go get my family.

I looked at my self to make sure I looked ok. I brushed my hands down my body to straighten out the gown. Hold on a sec I looked in my shirt to see my boobs which here huge like no joke huge. It lookes like I went up three sizes.

I heard the door open so I looked over to see my family. Everyone came around the bed and looked at me with tears in there eyes.

"Your ok" Austin breathed out.

"Yea I am I only had surguery" I said.

"Thats not all" Miley said.

"What are you talking about" I said confused as ever.

"Babe Camila came in and injected clorine into your IV almost killing you so you're been in surgery twice today" Austin said.

Anger and frustration filled my body. The heart monitor started beaping quick and loudly.

"She's at the police station now just calm down" Zach said.

I just nodded and tried to calm down. Everyone took a turn huggeing my softly and kissing my head thanking the lord im ok.

"I wanna hold my babies" I said.

"Ok which one" My mom said.

"Carter" I said.

She nodded brang carter over to me. I carefully took him into my hands and held him close. Later I switched and held Allana.

Later everyone left. Michele took the twins this time. Now its just Austin and I. He was sitting in the chair next to my bed.

"Babe come lay next to me" I said scooting over.

"Are you sure babe I don't wanna hurt you" He said.

"ill be fine" I said.

Austin got in the bed and laid next to me.

"Austin can you sing to me" I asked.

"Of course what song" He asked.

"Human nature" I said.

" Ok...Looking out across the night time he city winks a sleepless eye hear her voice shake my window sweet seducing sighs..." He sang.

That was the last thing I heard before falling into a deep sleep.

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