Ch. 11 - Payback time

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Life has been great after getting the house. I could now finally get an entire night's sleep completely uninterrupted. My wardrobe had gotten bigger and he had even started to learn me more complex techniques in sewing. Looking at the mirror each day made me feel happier for each day that went. If you saw me from a short distance you would just assume I was a normal-looking girl. 
Today was the day. Weeks of gathering information, testing, and preparation have led me to... the perfect prank. I was ready. He must have been naive if he thought I was gonna let that stunt he pulled on me slide. Now it was time he was gonna get a taste of his own medicine. The plan was set. 
Whenever Peter would leave me home alone I would use that time to explore the more hidden parts in his house. I learned early on that he really didn't like me being on the ground. That meant that when he wasn't present, it was exploration time. Walking against many of the walls were few small holes. Pushing myself inside them led to me discovering an entire new corridor properly carved out from the forest animals many years ago. That led me to discover new and easier ways of moving around. Most of the tunnels led to different places outdoors, even few to abandoned animal nests. The more interesting ones were when they led to the top of different furniture placed around his house. One led to the kitchen counter though when I first discovered it the entrance was blocked off by a wooden block. Wonder how long it took him to realise the hole. It seemed as he has been quite aware from time to time since many led to deadends because he had permanently barricaded them. Luckily he had not found all of them which still gave me more options for my mobility. 

I had also learned from my time here that I was not allowed outside without him watching over me. I could understand him to a certain extent but it was quite ridiculous at times. I felt like a child forced by my parents to walk around with a babysitter. I'm 12 years old, I can manage myself for a couple minutes without needing constant surveillance. He was even like that to me inside, always insisting on him carrying me around. Now it's payback time.

Peter had left me inside his room on top of the window sill while he was gonna get more firewood. The room was perfect since it's the room farthest away from the front door. There was a narrow passage not visible behind the wood of the closet. From there was another passage leading right to the window sill outside. Once I got there it was all a matter of time before he would come back. And indeed he walked in the room and was in shock when he saw me standing out there. He immediately ran out of the room leaving me seconds to get back inside. I luckily made it inside just in time to see his panting body searching for me. From the other side, I waved at him innocently as if nothing had happened. He looked at me relieved after which he started to pace back inside. I quickly went into a different tunnel leading to the top of the closet. When he got back he looked at the window to find me vanished again. His eyes wandered the entire room until I yelled out "Hey Peter, payback time!"
He had found my voice just in time to me jumping of the closet going straight for his face. He grabbed me with one hand, stumbling back which led him to fall directly down on back. He groaned for a moment before he pulled himself back up while holding me in a grip in his hand. 

"Do you know how dangerous that was!" he yelled in a semi angry tone. 
"Relax I had complete control during that jump. Besides if you weren't gonna catch me there was a pillow I could land on just in case." I said pointing towards it. 
"Now that I think about it you were outside! Outside! I have told you how dangerous it can be. You don't know what could happen to you."
"Peter I can protect myself when the time comes. Besides, I know there are more giants than you. Now that I think about it I have been here for 2 months now and you have never mentioned any giants for that matter, how can that be?"
He sighed for a moment seemingly thinking through what he was gonna say. "Firstly I'm not too acquainted with most of them."
"So you don't get along with them?" I pointed out before he could continue. He looked at me a bit annoyed before that faded.
"If you wanna say it in that way, then yeah." he sighed. "Secondly we disagree on many moral points." He said, stumbling at the end with his words. For a short moment, he looked into my deep sunken eyes scared that I knew what he would continue with. "Emma there is a reason why your people is afraid of our kind, aside from the size difference of course."
He looked down at my face that was beginning to slowly form tears. "It's not fair!" I yelled frustratedly. He held me to his chest while rubbing his fingers on my back. A pause of silence went by before he said "Look, I don't like you being outside but your payback made it clear. It's not gonna be easy for me but I will think of something. You just gotta give me some time to figure it out okay?"
"Thank you big guy." I responded leaning back to his chest.
"As much as I hate to admit it, your revenge was well thought out," he said smiling with me grinning back. 

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