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Jake's POV

Bright sunlight filtered through the window, waking me up. I moaned, squeezing my eyes open and being momentarily blinded. I lifted my hand to shield my eyes and turned on my side, facing away from the window. But in doing so, I caught sight of the other side of the bed. I froze for a moment before reaching out and placing a hand on the cool mattress.

Hailey's supposed to be here.

I laid there for about a minute, letting reality sink in once again. This happened every morning, you'd think I'd have gotten used to it by now. Turns out, no matter how often the same thing happened, the pain always stayed, repeating itself relentlessly.

I eventually got up and made the bed. She hated it when I left the sheets all crumpled. Once I was satisfied, I went to the kitchen and made breakfast. Fried eggs with a yolky middle that exploded when you poked it, and a side of bacon, perfectly crisp with just a bit of fat. I turned off the stove and set the table for two. I pulled some orange juice out of the fridge, pouring the cold liquid into two glasses. I sat down at the table and began to dig into my food.


I washed the dishes, placing them on the drying rack. She didn't like leaving dirty dishes out. I left the kitchen, walking towards the bathroom. I washed my face, glancing up at the mirror. No trace of sadness could be seen. I gave a small smile, knowing she wouldn't like seeing me frown.

I closed the bathroom door behind me and went back to the bedroom. I opened the closet and pulled out my usual jeans, shirt, and jacket. I changed quickly, taking one last look into the closet to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything. Actually, it was mostly just to see her clothes taking up the other side. I gently closed the door and turned away. But before leaving the room, I grabbed a small object off her nightstand, closing my fingers around it. I enjoyed bringing this little item with me everywhere I went. I left the room and walked down the hallway. It was so quiet without her here. But I kept her presence with me all the time.

I slipped my shoes on and walked out the door, locking it behind me. It was a warm day out, with children playing and teens laughing and couples enjoying the other's company. I turned left and started going towards my destination. I had gone this way countless times before, but it never got old.

A young teen, about 12 years old, ran up to me, shoving me out of the way. A couple others followed, snickering at me. "Hey, look, it's Jake, the no-good creepy guy with his head in the clouds!"

I ignored them and continued down the sidewalk. The tossed rude comments at my face. I didn't mind them, this happened all the time.

But today they went too far.

"Yo Jake, how does it feel to have the love of your life dead?" one of the boys snickered, clearly not knowing the effect that sentence had on me. They laughed, and added onto his remark, "Yeah, bet he's goin' to her grave right now!"

I took in a deep breath, trying not to break apart. I saved that for the cemetery. I couldn't do it in public. They kept the teases up, and it took everything I had to keep the tears in. Suddenly they stopped. I looked at the terror in their faces. "Guys, let's go! She's back!" one of them said as they turned and ran. I glanced behind me to see what they were running from. I saw a figure standing there with one fist in her hand. She grinned madly, then she saw me and her expression softened. She walked up to me and slapped her hand on my shoulder, making my flinch a little.

"You visiting Hailey again?" she asked, though her tone suggested she already knew the answer. I smiled softly, but it didn't reach my eyes. "Yeah. You going too, Milly?" I questioned.

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