Milliot (no title because I couldn't think of one)

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Milly walked into the Music Room and saw Jake sitting on the table.

"Jake?! How are you so early? Practice doesn't start for another 5 minutes!" she was really surprised. He was always late.

"I had an interesting run-in with a certain garden boy just now," Jake completely ignored her question and smiled slyly as her cheeks turned red. He knew she had a crush on Elliot, the flower-loving boy in her grade.

"W-what did he say?" she asked, sitting on the floor.

"Well, he seemed really flustered, and he gave me a note to give to you," Milly popped up and snatched the piece of paper out of Jake's hand. She had a bad habit of snatching papers out of people's hands. She read the neat handwriting quickly;

Hey, Milly! I was wondering if you could come to the garden today. I want to tell you something really important.


"Oooh, looks like someone's got a date- OW!"

"I can tease you about your crush, but if you tease me, I will destroy you," Milly said. She really needed to stop punching people, even though it was funny. Just then Hailey and Zander walked in, and they took in the scene. Zander smiled at Jake clutching his stomach, and Hailey shook her head. Milly quickly stuffed the paper into her pocket.

After school, Milly walked over to the garden. She was really nervous, and she was self consciously picking at the bandaid on her cheek. She turned the corner and almost smacked straight into Elliot! She jumped backwards and tripped over her untied shoelace, falling to the ground.

"Milly! Here, let me help you," Elliot immediately offered her his hand. She was blushing madly. She stared at his hand, and eventually took it. He helped her to her feet, and they looked down at her shoe.

"I'll tie it for you," Elliot said, kneeling down to tie her shoe. She took the chance to take some deep breaths and calm herself down. When Elliot stood back up, she thanked him.

"You're welcome!" he said cheerily. They were quiet for a while. Then Milly spoke up.

"You... said you wanted to tell me something?" Milly asked.

"Oh! Yes, but first come over here," Elliot led her to a bench in front of a little patch of bright pink flowers. He sat down and patted the space next to him. She felt really awkward and out of place here. But Elliot's kind gestures made her feel nice. She sat next to him and they admired the flowers. (Milly admired Elliot, hehe)

"You know, I really love these flowers," Elliot suddenly said, leaning down to pick one. "They're strong and beautiful," He brushed Milly's hair aside and put the flower behind her ear. His hand lingered for a moment. "Just like you," he finished. Milly blushed and looked away. She lifted her hand to tuck her hair behind her ear, but brushed Elliot's hand instead. She froze, and Elliot took her hand in his and they sat there holding hands, neither of them knowing what to do next. They sat there for a while, and then Milly yawned. She was feeling sleepy. And before she knew what she was doing, she leaned into Elliot and closed her eyes. Elliot looked at her in surprise, and then his gaze softened. He stroked her short pink hair until she fell asleep. He thought she looked so cute when she was sleeping. He smiled and laid her gently down onto his lap so she would be more comfortable. He slowly moved his thumb back and forth across her sleeping face. They stayed like that for a while. Then the bell that meant the school was closing in 5 minutes went off. Milly jerked awake and slowly registered her situation. She immediately sat up and rubbed her cheek.

"How long was I out for?" she asked.

"Apparently a couple hours. It's already 6," Elliot responded, feeling a little cold now that Milly was sitting up.

"Oh no, my parents are going to be so mad at me," Milly said, quickly standing up. "Come on, let's go. We don't want to be locked here at school the whole night," she said. Elliot stood up and they hurried to the school exit. They got there just in time. They walked out of the school, and they were about to go their separate ways when Milly built up the courage to ask Elliot if he would like to go with her to the beach the next day. He was surprised for a second, but then he said he'd love to.

"O-okay, thanks! I'll see you tomorrow, then!" She ran off in the direction of her house, and when she was far away enough that Elliot couldn't see or hear her, she pumped her fist into the air. "Yes! Score one for Milly, zero for Jake!" Of course, that wasn't the only reason she was excited. But as soon as she got to her house, her enthusiasm disappeared. "Crap. Now I have to deal with them," she sighed, and walked into her house.

"Milly! Where have you been?!" her mom shouted. "Did you get detention again?!"

"No, she didn't get detention. If she did, then her teacher would have notified us," her dad explained. Now she had to think of another excuse.

"I, um, had to stay behind because of... music practice! Yeah, music practice. We're working on a new song, and I really wanted to finish my part, and-"

"Enough excuses, Milly. We can all tell that's a lie. What were you really doing?" Her mom could read her like she was a book. Milly sighed.

"Wait a second," Milly's big sister had been watching silently by the side of the room. "What's that in her hair?" she walked over and plucked the flower out of Milly's hair.

"Hey, give it back!" Milly yelled, jumping up to grab the flower back. "It's mine!"

Her sister held it out of her reach. Milly wished she wasn't so short. Her sister's eyes widened. "Oh. My. Goodness."

"What?" Milly was so irritated. Why did her sister have to put her nose into places it didn't belong? She was almost as bad as Zoey.

Her sister smiled slyly and sang, "You were out with flower boy~" Milly blushed, "N-no I wasn't! I have no clue what you're talking about!" But it was no use. Her sister snickered. "Then where did you get this flower? They don't just pop up anywhere, and you're not the type of girl who regularly puts flowers in her hair!" Milly looked down in mock defeat. "Fine. Me and Elliot stayed behind in the garden this afternoon. Happy?" Her sister leaned down and looked her in the eye. "Not quite," But Milly took the opportunity to punch her sister in the stomach and grab the flower. "You're never happy!" Milly ran up into her room and locked the door. She flopped on her bed and laughed. She calmed down and got back up, changing into her pajamas. She laid down in bed and curled up under her blanket. She held the flower close to her face and smiled. She carefully put it next to her bed and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

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