| 1 | This Is Nice

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This video was made by Potato Sad on YouTube! It's not really related to the book, it's just really cute.


  Huh? Is that Nasu? But she said she'll be back in an hour...oh Glob was that really an hour!?

  "Nasu?" I asked, my voice was still a bit horse but I think she was able to hear me.

  "Wha-oh um, y-yes it's me Nasu your uh- nurse~," the voice behind the door answered. "I'm uh coming in~." ...That's not Nasu.

  The door slowly opened...



  "YEAH ITS ME THE AMAZING AND SMART INVENTOR! AND I AM HERE FOR REVENGE NOW GET YOUR GRAPE ASS UP AND FIGHT ME!" She yelled. She ran over to the bed I was laying in and put her fists up. "Fight me," she spoke under her breath.

  "M-miu!? H-how are you in here!" I whisper-yelled.

  "Who cares how I'm here, get up so I can get my revenge on your Stewie Griffen looken ass!"

  "Miu...I would allow you to beat me up any day from what I've done to you...but...I can't...my legs can't move..." I spoke, removing the blanket and revealing my lifeless legs.

  Well that's nice Huh, I woke up from being in a simulation with my legs not working...amazing. And now I am forced to see someone who I wasn't ready to see or talk to. I. Love. Life. Well let me rethink about what happened since I woke up.............okay done.

  I first woke up, and I was greeted by a nice nurse, she introduced herself as Nasu. She had answered all of my questions truthfully, and sadly it wasn't the truth I wanted...I learned that all of my past and actions were fictional...that's nice to hear, my whole sacrifice was for nothing I guess, because everyone has a big chance of surviving, that is so damn nice and sweet. All it needs now is a big red bow tying it all together. Anyway, I have talked to many of the 'operators', yeah that's what they call themselves, what a bunch of dicks...the operators apparently watch over the simulation and make sure that the 'sets' and 'cast' are always ready...I hated how they said crap like that. And that's basically all that had happened, in the three days. You know what's weird, the time in the simulation is like so much slower than real time. Through this three days all the events that had transpired in the game was the investigation of my body, my trial, and now Kiiboy just started blowing up the school. It's odd...but I'm kinda glad that I get to watch what is happening, I know Shuichi, Himiko, and the others will kill the mastermind.

  But now back to Miu...

"Ah balls!" She sighed. She slowly sat down on the chair next to my bed. "So your paralyzed?"

  "No, I'm not paralyzed...I honestly don't know, because Nasu, my nurse, won't tell me what's actually wrong with them." I answered. I didn't want to look her in the eye, so I kept looking down at my legs.

  "Well it serves you right, you were an ass," she laughed.

  "Yep, I was," I giggled. She leaned over and hugged me, I don't really like hugs, like at all, but this one felt right, and it made me happy.

  "Hug back, dick," she muttered. I listened and hugged back. "Your so dumb..."

  "I know..."

  "And you did a horrible job killing me..."

  "I sure did.." I laughed. She lightly hit my back.

  "I have a lot to say to you," she said, pulling away.

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