17 - Some Alone Time

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        ^^^JEZABELLE ABOVE^^^

Mya's P.O.V

I was dressed in a red binkini top and shorts with flip-flops. David doned a pair of shorts, white t-shirt and flip-flops. We were in a gazebo sitting side by side looking out into the ocean. I was laying my head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around my waist.

It was mid afternoon we had just finshed eating and were relaxing. He seemed tense all day so I just decided to stay quiet letting him lead the day. Whenever I moved to far from him he would seem to get angry so I just did what would calm him. We were watching people longue on the beach when a couple sat across from us. We all looked out at the ocean in silence.

Then a few moments later I heard a quiet moan. I peeked over and saw the man across from us was kissing the women he was with and his hand was under her skirt. I looked away trying to ignore them but her whimpers kept causing me to look.

Her creamy skin and pink lips made my nipp!es harden. Her golden hair falling over her shoulders. Her creamy thighs parted as he fingered her and I whimpered quietly. Her eyes flew open and she looked at me then giggled. Her boyfriend stopped and looked over at us then grinned at me too.

" Would you like to kiss me?" She asked.

I shrunk back embaressed and David chuckled. Then he looked over at me lifting my chin with his finger.

"Don't you want her?" I nodded before I could think logically.

"Then go."

"I never been with a women before."

Before David could respond the red head stood and walked over to me. Then reached her hand out to me. My trembling fingers reached out and grasped hers. She pulled me to my feet pulling me close till her large breast smashed against mine. She caressed my cheeks and smiled, then leaned forward and placed her lips on mine. Her lips were so soft and demanding on my shy and tentative ones. She took over the kiss pushing her tongue pass my lips. I eagerly let her and kissed her back with a little more confidence. She reached between us and squeezed my nipp!es. I groaned pushing toward her fingers wanting more which she gladly gave.

"Hey!" We broke apart to see a woman sheilding her childs eyes on the beach.

"There are kids around here get a room jeez." then walked off.

"She's right." The red head said. She walked over to the guy dug in her purse and grabbed a paper and pen then jutted something on it and handed it to me then kissed my lips firmly then walked away. I looked down and it was a phone number with the name Jezabelle. I looked to David and noticed his prominant junk straining against his pants.

He stood and walked over looking at the paper.

"We can go but, you have to take care of me first." I nodded happy to comply as he led me back to the hotel. My shorts were wet with my fluids and I was eager to see Jezabelle. So I began briskly walking.

"Mya!" I stopped and turned David looked angrily at me crooking his finger in a come here motion. I dropped my head walking over. He undid his belt and I panicked, was he going to beat me. He took the belt and wrapped it around my neck using the buckle to secure it, then grabbed the end. Then turned and walked leaving me to follow closely or choke.

"David what did I do?" He turned looking behind me over my shoulder scrutching his eyebrows.

"I will not tell you again to stay close. This will insure it." And we walked again with me at his side this time. I should've been embarresed since we were in broad daylight,and everyone who saw stared but i took my punishment without complaint. Especially since I was getting pleasure from the humilation from it. I don't even think the washer could take all the juices from my shorts.

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