24 - Jezabelle Pays A Visit

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I was in my room pacing no longer then ten minutes before someone began banging on my door. I stared at it my heart racing. Did he follow me?

"Mya open this goddamn door right now!!"

I sighed in relief. It was only Jezabelle. But what was she doing here?

I opened the door and Jezabelle stormed in angrily. I closed the door and walked to the couch beside her watching her angry glare awaiting her wrath.

"What the fu€k did we just talk about, you are supposed to be moving on not thinking on your past!"

"What are you talking..."

"I was upstairs and might I say I almost creamed my pants watching. I haven't seen your eyes so glazed over and you dying to have a di¢k in your mouth like that since David."

"Please don't say his name."

"David, David, David, David,David! You need to stop dwelling on him, Do you really want to be alone for the rest of your life?"

"No, I don't."

"Then stop playing around, I think you really fu¢ked up, Jarod looked pissed. You better hope he hasn't given up on you!"

And with that she stood and left slamming the door behind her. I sighed anger spurring through myself for putting me through more anguish and unhappiness then nessesary. It was time.

I showered and left my hair to dry in waves. Then put a pair of lacy pink and black panties and bra set. Placing black heels on my feet and a robe to cover myself I made my way back upstairs.


When I entered upstairs Jarod was leaning on the wall smirking as a women talked to him and rubbed on his arm.

I glaring at her and he smirked probably knowing I was jealous.

I still couldn't believe he was fighting for me after all this time. But I could tell by the way he looked at me just now he was tired of waiting for me to fold.

He moved from the woman and began to walk towards the exit my eyes immediately followed his movements then when he was near me I stood in front of him blocking his path.


"What, now you realize you want me. I'll pass I'll give my attentions to someone who appriciates it."

"No, you will give me your attentions."

"Excuse me, when did you begin making my decision's?"

"Meet me in my room."

"And if I don't."

I smirked and turned walking away. I knew there was no way he could give up on me that easy. He would come. Hopefully.


I waited all night but he never came.

A month of no sightings of him and I realized maybe I did push his patience to far. What was I supposed to do now? I felt as if I was going insane.

Now that he no longer wanted me I could think of nothing but him. I also felt as if i was going crazy. I had been having dreams of David and they seemed so real. I sighed maybe i was going crazy.

It was going on midnight and it was a Friday evening. Feeling a bit lonely I decided to dress and go upstairs and check out who was there.

It was full tonight. I walked around greeting regulars and watching scenes then after a hour of walking around I went to the corner of the room. I was just looking around and something strange happened. I smelt him.

I don't know how or why out of all the smells surrounding me that I smelled him. It was as if I was alone in a room and he entered only his smell surrounding me. I looked towards the elevator and there he was. Tight black tshirt and jeans, he looked so delicious.

As if he noticed me, he looked right in my direction and walked briskly over. As soon as he was standing in front of me he stood closely and all I smelt was him, I inhaled deeply.

"Jarod, I've missed you." I whispered.

He stared at me then smirked then placed his fingers on my lips shh-hing me.

"Shhh, you don't want to wake him do you?"


"David of course."

My eyes widened and my breathing picked up. What did he mean wake him, he was dead!

He grazed his fingers along my face and neck I leaned into it missing the contact. He felt warmer then he ever felt before.

"You know sometimes I feel as if your awake and you can hear me. I wish I had met you first but you are my brothers and when you wake there's no way he'd let me have you. But a guy will hope."

I moaned I couldn't seem to talk then he leaned away from me and it's like I couldn't move or speak. Then I flinched I felt as if someone pricked my arm.

"Did you see that she moved?"

I looked at Jarod confused why is he talking as if he isn't talking to me, then I gasped there it was David's scent stronger then I ever remembered. Tears feel from my eyes. I saw his face hovering in front of mine so real, so very real concern etched in his face.

"It's okay my Mya, you'll be with me soon."

He leaned forward his lips pressed against mine and I stopped breathing it felt as real as if it was happening then there was darkness. My heart racing and David's frantic voice in my head. The sound of a beeping machine. Whats going on? Then nothing.


Can anybody guess where im going with this lol? I know you guys will love it O.o

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